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Fishing Buddy
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About Luke

  • Birthday 04/27/1977

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Black Crappie

Black Crappie (8/89)



  1. Here's another link for the KlinkhÄmer. This one has a little of the history of the fly with tying instructions at the bottom.
  2. Mission of Hope Haiti -- I go to church with the people that run this, they are very good people. Here's a blog about their relief efforts.
  3. The first one I put up is from somewhere up by the dam. This one is from the College of the Ozarks.
  4. I'm hoping the O2 doesn't drop too much. This is the time of year that I watch this graph a lot anyway, but in circumstances like these it becomes even more interesting.
  5. Well I'm gonna go then. And I don't need any of this. I don't need this stuff, and I don't need you. I don't need anything - except this. [picks up a vise] And that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this vise. And this bobbin, the vise and the bobbin and that's all I need. And this hackle pliers. The vise, the bobbin, and the hackle pliers, and that's all I need. And these scissors. The vise, and these scissors, and the hackle pliers and the paddle ball. And this lamp. The vise, this bobbin and the hackle pliers and the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one - I need this. [grabs chair] The bobbin, and the chair, and the hackle pliers, and the scissors, for sure. Well, what are you looking at? What, do you think that I am some kind of a fly tyer or something? And this. [picks up magnifier] And that's all I need. The vise, the hackle pliers, the bobbin, this magnifier and the chair. [walking outside] And I don't need one other thing, except my dog. [dog growls] I don't need my dog.
  6. Where's the "All of the Above" option? They each have unique characteristics that are useful for different applications.
  7. Here's a How-To from Microsoft. I hope it helps.
  8. Yeah, it would have been nice if the FDA had compared them with cigarettes so we could see how much "healthier" these things are. As far as I'm concerned, I would rather have smokers "smoking" these instead of real cigarettes, it cuts out second hand smoke.
  9. Before you buy, you might want to check out cnn.com. The FDA doesn't think the Electronic Cigarettes are as "healthy" as the manufacturers claim.
  10. Any idea why it broke?
  11. What about carp? They may not be pretty, but they sure know how to fight!
  12. Here's the ESPN Story.
  13. Here's a couple of links for you: http://www.mlsff.org/cgi-bin/Patterns/Reci...ong_Special.pdf http://prairiegoat.com/Fishing/FlyPatterns/YongSpecial.htm
  14. Take a look at Audacity. It's free, it's a pretty decent audio editor and can convert the audio to mp3 for you.
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