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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by snakem

  1. The way this crazy weather has been ,keep watching this post as one day this weather and spring will get here and yes May is a good time.But with this water being so cold I would say maybe the middle of may. Good luck and good fishing for this is one fine like Snakem Out
  2. snakem


    Bill thanks for the info. That makes me feel better.I went out to Baxter know wounder no bites,nothing but dead shad all over every where i went. I .think the fish are to full to bite my new norman flake,which with my suspended dots,they do get down deepr and like the action.Not giving up yet. Thanks for all the replies. Snakem Out P S Water temp 39 to 41 when i left at noon
  3. snakem


    Is the norman flake mcstick color best for sun shine or cloud cover thanks. Snakem out.
  4. white rattle trap with black back 3/8 oz works wounderful on the big ones. Snakem Out
  5. put in at swan creek about 8:30 am fished all the way to beaver creek not one stinking bite water temp.up to 43 from power site down. I give up! Snakem Out.
  6. 10 4 on that Bill may have to get the miss and head down that way. Snakem Out.
  7. Put in at mill creek yesterday 9am. fished the big cow creek and a few other spots not one bite. talked to another guy when i was loading up at 2 pm same for him. should have went with babler down to B S at least i could have seen what a fish looks like ps water temp 39 to almost41
  8. Will be out tomorrow Snakem Out
  9. Thanks Bill and Lilley,What a great seminar. Snakem Out.
  10. The miss and I cant wait,will be their for sure. Snakem out.
  11. March is hard to beat with the jerk bait,lots of good biggen's Snakem Out.
  12. The transducer can be bad also,as it happend to me bought a new 1 for my 125 and works great now. Snakem out.
  13. I heard 1998
  14. thanks redbud makes me feel better Snakem Out
  15. still have 2yrs left
  16. sunday the 3 of 2010 my 2006 champion 200 opt max stil under warrenty the lower unit was busted wide open.will the warrenty stil cover it.Bill Babler, anybody PLease Help. Snakem Out.
  17. Put in at Joe Bald this am at 4:50. Started throwing top water with the good old slim DOG @ the red fin caught 2 or 3 . left there and headed towards bakter stopped along the way at one of my honey holes about 6:45 and Man were the Kentuckies blowing up had a ball with the dog and the red fin. then it got slow . Started hitting in the back coves with brush and had a ball on the slim dog.all in all the top water lasted till 11:30 am in the bright sun shine. Its getting better Snakem Out.
  18. HEY B Babler those spookes are bad 2 the bone as the red fin which u know. but as far as all thoughs missed bites I love that little thing called the slim dog, like a sammy in black top and sliver bottom. It seams to me I get more hook ups with it than I do the spook. And they just slam them Just my 2 cents but been doing real well on them Snakem Out.
  19. amen !!!! Snakem Out
  20. My old lady finally learned how to load the champion but now she has decided she will learn how to launch the boat as she hates wet feet now I am in trouble Snakem out
  21. Hope I can get some help here, if u can help me. I want to try these new swim baits 4 one. I saw the Shadalicious by Striking King. they are awsome looking. The other part of my ? is I have a little Tourny. coming up 5/30. would like to know what would be my best bet on baits the way this weather has been. this is a good benefit tourny, for the Eagles lodge state wide at Cape Fair. I fished it last year and got 4 place. Would like 2 do better this year. PM me if u can. Snakem Out.
  22. Just bought the lucky craft by Rick Clunn wake bait, sexy chartreuse shad at B P $15.99. It looks awsome, If it doesn't work like it should. I will take it back can't wait to try it. Snakem Out .
  23. mrcold its a big stick bait the best way i can describe it , top water swim it real slow making a wake on top of the water if it goes under you wont get bit. Snakem Out.
  24. motoman the fluke is starting to work as well as they have said that good old top water bite Snakem Out.
  25. Great day it sounds like Bill good report. Danny a jaw is a small mouth. Snakem Out.
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