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Everything posted by snakem

  1. Focused,thanks for the reply. I'm kind of lost on the wire and ground situation,but I'm going to try the trick that mosouthpaw talked about at radio shack. Whats so weird my graph has been working fine for two years.thanks alot. Will get out and try this when the floods STOP? Snakem Out. Good Luck
  2. I will give that a try. Thanks for the info. Snakem Out.
  3. No my graph power is hooked to my cranking battery. And my Transducer is mounted on the bottom of my trolling motor.
  4. Tuesday i was out fishing, and my graph every time I would hit my trolling motor foot switch I noticed, my graph would start getting a lot of black lines and interference on my screen, I Know it's picking up the motor off of my trolling motor. Don't know what to do or what could be the problem? It's a Lowrance X135. Please any help would be appreciated. Snakem Out.
  5. Ouch,sounds like u did not let the fish load up on the bite and jerked it back in your hello. . Feel the fish and then sock it to him. Good luck Snakem Out
  7. Thanks Bill, One L of a report. Will be there in the early am. Snakem Out. And good luck.
  8. Guys I have to say get rid of the grub. The large M. I have found.There real close to the banks in brush around all kinds of trees. The wind was a little stroung for my spots,so I went in to the calm areas of cloves. Wow did I find them With a slim dog,kind of like a sammy top water. They would just come up and kill it.Lost a good 5# broke my line off and took my bait. OUCH. Lost alot of real good fish today, thats fishing. By the way all in the Baxter area. Water temp. 70.2 in my areas. hOPE THIS HELPS. tOP WATER IS ON FOR ME sNAKEM oUT
  9. Guys, would like a little info as to what kind of baits to use besides the good old red fin. I hear the water is clear which is good. what outher baites might work well down there. will be there Fri. through Tue. at Buck Creek State Park Any Info would be nice. Snakem Out.
  10. Fished a tourn. Eagles buddy tourn. Had 4 keepers and one missed out of cape fair. Fished all the way to indain point and back. Caught about 25 shorts, could not get on the big ones like i did tue. and thr.got 5th. place out of 20 boats. Oh well had a good time. Going to B.S. Fri. morning at Lakewoods Resort for a week. Hope the red fin is on,it was last year at this time. Any advice would be helpful, thanks and good fishing. Snakem Out.
  11. Good to see you out their Don. Hope U got that hook out, and the hand will feel better tomarrow Snakem Out.
  12. Well Trav, sounds like a dear ol bad day. Do not give up on the rock . IF U want to go hit the rock some more I will be glad to hook U up with me, as 4 here i am layed off from work right now and be glad to fish with a new partner during the week,hard 2 find fishing buds during the week ha ha. ok enough of that , down there today had a prosperious day. Like u said Trav. they are out in a little deeper water. swam the grub till about 2:00 pm. But I was throwing with the banks . Had fun. On that note, run in to CAP. Don. Hope that hook works out of your hand OUCH! Good to see you though Don. Holler at me Trav. Snakem Out
  13. Seemed to me about 14 to 20 feet parallel to windy points, not much wind this morning though,little ripples
  14. The bite was good today. Caught 7 sm. with the biggest one 4.5 swiming a grub. Lost three more nice ones ,one as big as the one i caught. All around the Kimberling area. And 2 huge pearch also. Left by 11:00 am. Snakem Out.
  15. OH ooooooooooo Cap. Don. lose lips sinke slipes. Oh did I say slipes? LOL. Bye the way Cap. Don. My 767 is showing better ,but It still will not show my drop shoting. Guys I hope Yall have fun this spring, for Ihave to head out to K. C. Back to work building a power plant. Welding my eyes out. Wish I could be here for the spring BITE. Let the Bite begin ! Snakem Out
  16. Put in about 8:45 am at Baxter this morning,boat dock still tore up,but they were working on it.Ha! Went down to Big creek and tried the point by the bluff wall with a swimming grub,first cast caught a3or 3 and a half K. Nice fish. Went on back in the creek, nothing. So I went on down to Lost Hill Island, mud mud mud and more mud. Went back up to Baxter with no more bites dang! 2:30 pm. Water still 42 to 46.5 good luck to all Snakem out
  17. Sorry.if I landed one that big BPS dosent have to know everything,or get the fish. Take the pictures and lenght and let that sweetheart stay free. Snakem out
  18. Anyone hear anything at powersite dam yet. any info helpfull. Thanks.
  19. Talk to Capt. Don. He can help you out. He is a guide at T. R. One nice guy. Good Luck, Snakem out
  20. Hi Don, It sure was nice to meet you last night. Made me feel at home talking with you guys. I do thank you for helping me with my 767. Dang after watching that seminar I want a $2000.00 Toy, That was awesome. Now that I am not working right now lets go have some fun looking 4 a good bite. Holler back at me Cap. Don Snakem
  21. Put in at Baxter at 6:45am The dock by the ramp was tore up.My girlfriend sliped and busted her butt,that was for starters.Tried Eakins jig around docks then worked my way down to Kings river throwing stick baits and grubs with only a couple of pecks,that was it. Water temp starting out was around 42 and by the afternoon 46. Come on spring
  22. Dutch, where were your friends catching those crappie at.
  23. Thanks alot guys snakem out.
  24. HI Don,Question what is this gell cell? Its new to me,never heard of it. Have u tried them. Also Trav are u running a 12v or a 24v system. Boy if its a 24v U are verry lucky,lets go fishing lol. O heck I got lost, and I was going to ask about the Optimix 6 pack. I know they are very high,but are they worth the money. And are they good.
  25. Thanks for the reply Don and Trav,will check in to it Lots of luck this year.
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