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Trout Stalker

Fishing Buddy
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Bigmouth Quillback

Bigmouth Quillback (6/89)



  1. Oh My! I'll be checking in July 6th for 3 nights/4 days and hope to catch some nice fish like this. I might just rent a boat.
  2. Northern Ray County is rocky, wooded, and hills. Along the Missouri River bottoms (southern) is crop land. In the middle can either be crop or livestock. It is about 30 minutes east of North Kansas City. Ray County is full of turkey & deer. Plenty of ducks & geeses during season. Quail population is about gone. Get into the northern part and you might find a rattle snake.
  3. At the end of the day when the Reel is made, an American gets a pay check for building it.
  4. A-MEN, I also try to buy American when I can.
  5. Is this for groups of 2-3 people only or can it be just for one? I need a "Trout Fix" ASAP and it has to be in the next day or 2.
  6. As I said once earlier, I am sorry that I posted under the wrong thread. No I am not shooting carp. Also I am not stocking up on ammo. It started when I wanted to go to the shooting range and heard this from a couple of gun shops and retail store about the ammo sales. I just wanted some thoughts. BTW, it is not the gun that kills people, but the person behind the gun. If guns where outlawed then it the crooks would still have theirs and you couldn't defend yourself or hunt game. Criminals would just walk in you house (knowing that your gun was taken away) and take what they want and you could do nothing about it. Maybe even get shoot. Why don't we say knifes kill people too, then we can outlaw them also. Now try and fillet a fish. Once again, I am sorry for the 3rd and last time for posting this in the wrong topic. I am not perfect and I am not a trouble maker. Just wanted some thoughts. FYI, I'll never post on this forum again. I thought everybody is welcome here even if your not perfect. It looks too me this forum is a click.
  7. Thanks Chief for the support. Sometimes I'll reply to a post and can't remember where it was the next day.
  8. I just have to add this. My son and I will take the 22 rifles to the range just to see who will mow the yard next. Best shot sets in the lawn chair watching other mow. Sounds crazy doesn't it.
  9. Such a very true statement.
  10. Now I see why I pick General Angling Discussion placing this topic. I can't find just a General Dicussion.
  11. My mistake for putting this subject under the wrong location. Forgive me if you can. I am far from perfect. I can relocate it or just drop the subject.
  12. IMO, I think we are safe with our gun rights, but I am concerned.
  13. On the Missouri side, I know of 2 shops. T.Hargroves Fly Fishing Inc. and Feather Craft. Both are on Manchester about a mile apart. IMO. T. Hargroves is the best out of the 2 and there are a few Trout Bums that hang out there all the time. Just take I64 west to Brentwood Blvd. Go south on Brentwood to Manchester. Turn right for T. Hargroves and he will be on your left about a 1/4 of a mile. He usaully has a pontoon boat hanging outside. If you turn left on Manchester and go about 3/4 of a mile on your irght is Feather Craft. Both have websites.
  14. I use the buzzer for my alarm to get up.
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