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Black Mayfly

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About Black Mayfly

  • Birthday 02/12/1978

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  • Location
    Kansas City Metro

Black Mayfly's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Where can I get ice off?
  2. I definitely want a hat. My wife's parents are a stone's throw from Lilley's. I think we are coming down the end of the month or first of Feb. I stop in and say hello. Brian Yokley
  3. How would a guy go about acquiring one of those Ozark Anglers hats?
  4. Where is this located? Brian
  5. Jeff - I would call Kevin at K&K Flyfishers or Matt at Rainbow Fly Shop. I think either one would give you some great pointers. Kevin probably has the rod you're looking for. I tested a variety of rods there before my final purchase. I thought I was looking for a fast rod, but turns out I am more of a Medium action caster. Brian
  6. Yeah. I check that link everyday. The problem is that it really only shows about a day and a half ahead of schedule. Rarely can you look a week ahead of time. We have officially decided to come down next week (my wife made the decision without me). I really hope I am able to fish, because the other alternative is to Christmas shop.
  7. Has anyone talked to the Corps or the SWPA lately? Is there any plan to stop running water in the near future? We are trying to make Thanksgiving plans and it comes down to hosting Thanksgiving here in KC or heading to the in-laws in Branson. If there is any chance of being able to wade, I am all for in-laws.
  8. I posted my reply to Murdoc's poll last week. Reading this thread and Kevin's concerns about forgein poachers ruining fishing here in Kansas - Yes, I too am living in KS. I agree with some of his statements; however, I have seen a number of locals in boats both here in KS and in the Ozarks harvest fish illegally. Bottom line, poaching is poaching regardless where you are from. Personally, I would like to see more frequent creel checks in all of our tributaries including trout parks. I am what a would describe as a frequent angler and I cannot recall the last true creel check I was subjected to.
  9. Count me in too! Ironically, I was thinking about writing the MDC and a State Representative which happens to be a close family friend in regards to increasing the slot limit for rainbows to 22". I was going to suggest the brown limit moving to 22" so I would only need one mark on my fly rod and net. 24" isn't a bad thought.
  10. We have been to Candlestick a number of times over the years. In fact, it was nine years ago last week that I proposed to my wife there. That being said, sometime between last November and this June, they changed ownership and my wife and I were both really disappointed in both food and service. Don't get me wrong, it is still a nice place, but they lost a star in my book. Personally, steak is one of those things that I think you are better off cooking for yourself if you want something really good.
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