After 2 days of freezing rain the clouds finally started to part and I was in desperate need for a fix. Just like a junky starting to get the DT's, I was not going to let anything get in the way of getting some time on the water. I could feel the cravings coming on early at work. There was no way I was going to make it through the whole day sitting in the office. At 10:30 I decided that I better make the move, or risk the well being of inoccent by standers watch as full blown withdrawals turn me into an uncontrollably irritable man.
It was a 30 minute drive to the isolated little creek that holds the pure strain of McCloud rainbow trout.
The lower access was the destination. New and uncharted waters for me. I could here it calling my name.
The ice on the trees made time feel frozen. Very little wind made everything silent except the slight gurgling of the water. There was not a sole around. I had the whole place to myself. I geared up in the parking lot and headed straight for the sound of moving water.
Oh, was I suprised by the serenity and beauty of the place. Where should I start. Ah, there was a small riffle just ahead. I made a careful cast, mended the line and shortly there after felt a slight tug. Bam! I set the hook and had my 1st McCloud of the day!
I then walked down stream a couple dozen yards and saw a nice sized rock forming a little eddy in the water.
One very well placed cast and it was on again.
A few more cast produced nothing so I moved further down stream. No takers. I came to a small bend in the creek.
Ah, my next target zone. On my first drift the line went taught. I set the hook and it felt just a little heavy.
I started fighting the fish in and to my suprise, I had a double!
Wow, how often does that happen with the McClouds?
Two beautiful specimens.
This is exactly what the Junkie in me needed! Ah, yes, I'm getting my fix. Its starting to feel soooo goood!
I made a few more casts and nothing. Hard to believe I pulled two fish out of that hole at the same time and could not get one more out of it. I continued moving down stream till I came accross a tree that had fallen pushing its root wad out into the water.
Another nice looking hole.
A couple of cast produced a couple more McClouds
Started to move down stream and noticed somethin moving in the water. Cool! Crawdads scrapping!
The dominant victor stands his ground
Moved down to the next good looking piece of water
And continue working on soothing that unberable itch.
After 10 fish and finally some relief the sun started to hang low and I figured it was time to head home
The shortness of breath, tightness of chest, and slight trembling in my hands is now gone! I should be good for another 24 hours or so before the cravings begin again.