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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. I dont think I'll make the baby list---Been too busy fishing Started calculating the hours I've spent on Taney since Jan 1st and I'm pushing 600 hrs so far. duckydoty
  2. So you wanna learn how to slow strip with some mink ehhh? Just give me a holler duckydoty MrDucky didn't go, he just asked if I was going.
  3. Got to the parking lot around 5:00 p.m. and one generator was running. Not very many people were there and I headed down to the big hole. I was spearmintin with some new flies and fishing accross from a nice fella that was from St. Louis named Dave. Dave kept pulling them in one after an other and telling me to put on a grey scud. I kept explaining to him I was spearimentin with some new flies for night fishing. I was getting a few hits here and there. Watching the action of the new flies was entertaining enough. Did get to see some nice sized browns come in to take a second look at the fly a few times. The water shut off and started dropping then the fish started biting for me. Caught 7 bows at the big hole then worked my way up the gauntlet. Caught a few more in the gauntlet, one about 17". Started to leave at dark (imagine that, me LEAVING at dark) and no one was at chute 2. Just couldn't resist flinging the new fly in the chute and it paid off. A 19" bow on the first swing. Threw a couple of more times and nothing so I had to try my luck at chute 1. Spent about 5 minutes up there and nothing so a pack up and left. Cant wait to come up with some more color combo's on this new fly. Not bad for fishing in the daylight using 8 lb. tippet and throwing a 6" fly duckydoty
  4. MrDucky twisted my arm and it hurt really bad, so I'm going fishing for a little while this early evening. How did he twist my arm you ask? He asked if I was gonna fish today Ouch! OK, OK I'm going! I've heard rumors of a 28" brown swimmin around. Had chilli dogs for lunch. Here fishy, fishy, fishy. I promise to let you go Lucy. duckydoty
  5. Like to kill ducks and last name is Doty
  6. Go below Alton lock and Dam. Use to catch the big heads on crappie jigs with ultra lights all the time. They are usually stacked in there and right up on the bank. You'll have a blast duckydoty
  7. Welcome to the site. Hope you find a little time to have some fun on here and looking forward to hearing your fishing adventures duckydoty
  8. Hey Leonard, I watched the video, tied a few weapons of mass destruction and now need some advice on fine tuning that whistle (although it sounds a little more like a trombone to me) Chilli dogs or burritos??? duckydoty
  9. We can tell Dwayne since he came out and played the other night. duckydoty
  10. Stockton is cool with me duckydoty
  11. I had the pleasure of doing the hook removal 2x's this weekend. 1st time was a small size 12 scud hook burried past the barb in the left index finger. I couldn't get a good grip on it to yank it out, so I had Leonard give it a good yank with some hemos. That really wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Immediate relief. The second was a size 4 burried past the barb in my right thumb. No one to help this time. Got ahold of the bend of the hook with the hemos and gave it a solid yank with the left hand. That one hurt! Probably should have pushed that one through. I'm seriously considering going barbless from now on after this weekend. duckydoty
  12. Terry, If'n I'da known y'uns was up yonder, I'da visited fer a spell. Sure would like to see what the place looks like during the day time duckydoty
  13. The one brown I measured was just over 20". It was a fat pig!!! The other brown was just as long but on the skinny side, and Leonard also caught one rainbow pushing 20". I was getting real tired of using my net on his fish duckydoty
  14. Yep, Leonard is getting that whistle tuned in real good. I put one of those mink hooks through my thumb after you left. Got to yank that one out all by my self Went back down to the gauntlet till the sun came up and the fish never slowed down. Didn't even get a chance to make it back to the big hole New fly is a nice one!!!! duckdoty
  15. I knew that whack was gonna leave a mark No pain, no gain thanks again for yanking that hook out of my finger---It feels much better today a black ugly S.O.B. --- I see how you are--- duckydoty
  16. Dwayne, I had so much fun last night that I changed my plans this morning and was back down at the lake at 7:00 A.M. with another guy from Springfield. The strip-ing continued all day long with out slowing down. The only thing that changed was the color of the mink. Fished till 4:00 P.M. The fish never stopped biting at the big hole duckydoty
  17. I've heard there is some real good trophy gill fishing in the Columbia area (Auseville or something like that) I'd be game for something like that. duckydoty
  18. anyone pickup a BPS rod and browning reel Tue. nite?
  19. Huh?? Cheap gas??? Looks like I'm tentatively heading up to Anchorage around August 27th. Post some good patterns for us duckydoty
  20. Lucy! That's where you've been. I told you to leave them trout fishers alone! duckydoty
  21. liver flavored cheese
  22. Terry, I thought your work was letting you fish every Friday for a while Now you know how we felt last Friday Anyways---I did not catch one fish Saturday night There, hope that makes you feel better duckydoty
  23. Deepdiver, I'm bringing a fella with me that is not on a team yet if you're still looking for a fourth. I don't know how to get down there, so I'm leaving Springfield at noon on Friday. ROAD TRIP!!!! Hope to get there by 7:30 the next morning duckydoty
  24. Had to sit in meetings all day down in Branson today and all I could think about was how perfect the weather was for fishin. I've also been workin on tying up some secret weapons that are just beggin to be tried out. Talked with Leonard on the phone--seems me and him had the same ideas on these secret weapons, so were meetin at outlet one after midnight. Three flashes and two howls is an all clear signal. Anyone else up for some night fishing in this awesome weather. I should be hitting the LZ and securing the perimiter at 2100 hrs. Should be a good 3hrs of observing the enemies normal behavior and pattern before the weapons testing begins. Remember FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! duckydoty
  25. I'm fishing with Mr. Ducky in the benefit tourney. You can call us the ducks Then fishing Taney all night after the tourney, and might fish some Sunday morn. duckydoty
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