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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. Yeah, like you dont carry that fish tank with you every where you go just to have a place to fish incase the urges pop up with no water around duckydoty
  2. I think I heard you say there might be fishing afterwards---OK, I'll bring my fishing gear too Duckdoty
  3. That sure was a Pretty Brown! Are there any cutthroats in Taney? Duckydoty
  4. I've had a few people ask me about lighted indicators for night fishing, so I figured there were a few others out there that might be interested. I use the glow sticks that come in a 4 pack from Wally World. I like to drill out medium size slotted indicators so the glow stick will slide in and act as the toothe pick to peg the line. These are not real good during high running water. Not enough bouancy to them. When the water is up and running I like to use a larger slotted float. Any one else have any good tips on making these, or know where to buy them premade? Duckydoty
  5. Is there a tying class at Lilley's Landing tonight??? If so what time does it start and what do I need to bring? Does anyone fish after? Duckydoty
  6. riverdoc Welcome to the forum. I'm pretty new to the area and have not fished the Finley yet. I keep getting drawn to Taney. The Finley seems to be a lot like the upper Big River from the looks of it. I might be able to get out and give it a try this summer. Too many places to fish around here. I've never had this problem before duckydoty
  7. I'll be fishing at Bennet this weekend to scout out some spots for them. I'll let you know after Sat. where they will be fishing. Duckydoty
  8. If you park infront of the pavilion you will be at outlet 2 duckydoty
  9. They were running 4 while I was fishing last night. Every now and then they have been shutting it down to 2 Duckydoty
  10. Its still by the Shepard of the Hills Hatchery. They have a temporay entrance right now. You have to drive past the Hatchery and go around it, then take the dirt road down to the parking lot. Dont rule out night fishing. It can be very productive and a lot less crowded with the limited spots to fish Duckydoty
  11. Michael put this up a while ago so I copied it for you duckydoty When they have have no generation the the level is 701.3 and it should read between 20 and 150 cfs because there seems to always be water coming through the dam. For every 3000 cfs there is one unit on up to the max of 12000 cfs which is four units. I kinda of think of it like this for every unit that they run it is about 3 feet so when they have 12000 cfs on you are looking at a depth of about 11 feet high and they reason that I say 11 feet high you take the elvation with no units on minus the max elevation and you get around 11 feet.(701.3-712.00) With all four on depending on the flow rate you are looking at the 2 step to the bottom of the stairs at outlet two. With three could be from the bottom of the stairs to where the rock is and the island showing. with two on two feet from the rock to about three feet from the water edges and a lot of the island showing nothing at rebar is showing. Then with one on is probally 7-10 feet from the stairs and and a lot of the island showing and some of the gravel showing down at the rebar. With one unit on you can pretty much wade anywhere you want as long that you are cognitive about the flow I would stick pretty close to the bank. I do like to fish the rebar and the point with one unit on. I hope that this is helpfull Michael
  12. I was digging through some fly fishing stuff they other day and found a whole box full of the bugger spinners. I quit using them in the mid 80's at Montauk. I must have liked them at one time Might have to try them again Duckydoty
  13. Welcome to the forum! Looking forward to reading some of your reports. Walleye will be my next task to conquer also. Would love to see some pictures of your taxidermy, especially the reproduction work, posted Duckydoty
  14. There were a couple of fellas at chute 1 while there was still light. Once the sun went down I had the whole place to myself. Yes, the primrose and pearl are the same that I tied for the swap. Duckdoty
  15. I was able to get down to Taney before the Super Bowl started and do a little fishing. Started at chute 2 around 5:30 P.M. and 4 generators were running. Tied on a weighted size 14 grey sow bug with a size 18 tan sow bug dropper. 1 fish right away. After that I couldnt buy a bite. Changed to size 10 midge with an egg dropper and nothing. Used a san juan worm dropper and nothing. Sow bug and san juan worm combo with nothing. Not a thing, not a thing, not a thing!!!!! Went to chute 1 with the same results so back down to chute 2 to try some more. The moon started to peak over the horizon around 8:45 P.M. and thats what the fish were waiting for!!! Fished till 9:30 P.M. and caught 11 more after the moon came up. 3 of them were brownies. Caught them on the size 10 primrose and pearl with a size 10 primrose and pearl dropper. Who won the Super Bowl?? Duckydoty
  16. Dan, Welcome to the site. I use to live in Caledonia and fished the Big River quite often. Bootleg Access during the summer was Awesome for small mouth. Wade from pothole to pothole working your way down stream. Caught many in the 15" to 18" range. Many strip mine pits up along Highway C west of Caledonia good for fishing too. Bismark lake was a fun place to go and fish the St. Francis below down to the railroad bridge. There is an old civil war post up on the south side of the hill over looking the railroad bridge. Put there to guard against Bridge Burners. Dont have a link to the article your looking for, but I beleive Al frequents this forum and someone will come up with it for you duckydoty
  17. I think I had ahold of that fish for a few seconds last week at cute 1 duckydoty
  18. Ah! You are getting board Did you release the beast? Duckydoty
  19. I'm still trying to plan the great escape this afternoon. I dont drink--my employees want me to drink, the owner of the company wants to get me drunk. They've all been talking about this for a week now, and all I can think about is FISHIN FISHIN FISHIN Gotta put new leader and tippet on the rods, straighten out all my fly boxes, reoganize the cold weather gear, and figure out what the heck I did with them fleece gloves. Post were a little slow last night and this morning---Is everyone else planning the great escape also. I'm hoping most of you fellas like football more than fishin---I'd wouldn't mind havin chute 2 to myself tonight Duckydoty
  20. I've heard rumors of fish whistles??? Lets hear about the fishin today Duckydoty
  21. You may have to work today, but can you come out and play tonight??? Duckydoty
  22. High water, no shad kill, cold weather, giant man-eating squid, and Leonard in a skunk costume cant stop me from fishin tonight Duckydoty
  23. The egg I gave Leonard 2 nights ago really got abused I saw him one time trying to put the bend back in the hook because too many fish had straightened it out. He must have caught 10 more fish on it just that night alone. He then used it again the next night, like that wasn't enough for one fly, and complained that it's now trashed Thats really funny (I think) You guys will spend all this time tying up these new combos and watch, tomorrow night everything will change. The fish wont even look at it. Just get out there and try something new every now and then. Its fishin!! Duckydoty
  24. I'll have to try the gell spun. I'd like to be able to tighten that yarn down a little more. My weak link in the fly is the whip finish without any head cement. I use a double and sometimes triple whip finish that after 20-30 fish will come un-tied But then again how many fish can you expect to catch on one fly before it shreads Peach has been the color to use the last couple of times I've been down there. The size 10 primrose and pearl with the 1/8" tungsten bead has been getting just as much attention as the egg. The two together have been a killer combo. I've been using a yellow/orange D-rib instead of copper wire on the primrose and pearl that, I think, is working out real well. Duckydoty
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