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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. I like much better duckydoty
  2. I can bring a little propane grill also Duckydoty
  3. I'll bring a couple dozen doughnuts for the coffee in the morning Terry---thats not pronounced dog-nuts Duckydoty
  4. Wed. nights are my from from honey do's and I usually get to fish. More than likely, I'll be down there in the red f250 with OCW on the sides Duckydoty
  5. I'm in!! Duckydoty Are we polar bear clubbing that day too?
  6. Aw! You guys are killin me--Where's the pictures I haven't been able to get down there for over 6 days now Duckydoty
  7. Its a brown an $800 brown thats priceless
  8. Lazy---Ouch --that hurt I kinda thought of it as not loosing the spot I was fishing in and not missing any fish catching opportunities. When I use the 8 wt while midge fishing, I have just as many problems when setting the hook--I snap the tippet Maybe I should start carrying 4 or 5 rods with me for the right situation just in case it happens. At least that way I wont appear lazy carrying all that extra gear just to fish for an hour or two. Duckydoty
  9. Is the class today and fly tying tonight? Duckydoty
  10. I might try and get down there tonight. If not tomorrow night for sure. Its been a little slower down there the last couple of nights Duckydoty
  11. LMW I'd like to hire a guide for the same reason. Just to watch and learn. I've tried to hook up with Leonard but our schedules just seem to be out of wack all the time. I've been fishing Taney at least once a week, sometimes 3-4 times a week for the last 7 months and still feel I could use some lessons on fishing it. Duckydoty
  12. Found this site when inquiring about Alaska flyfishalaska.net They have a forum with questions and answers about coming to Alaska Duckydoty
  13. Nice site Terry! You getting a little extra time on your hands with that knee? Duckydoty
  14. Dano I think you got it. My wife and I were just laughing how those will problably never work like that again. Need to change it up again with a green or blue stipe next time Duckydoty
  15. CP I tied them
  16. Here's a couple of pics of the fly. I used "wings n flash" in pearl and shell pink (looks orange to me) from BPS on size 6 streamer hook with small brass flavored cone head Duckydoty
  17. I'll get a photo of the fly up tomorrow. Need batteries for the camera Duckdoty
  18. I've dreamed of living down here for 20 years now. Daggum! I really did make it to heaven! Duckydoty
  19. I keep telling her its only going to last one more week Maybe I should make those reservations down at Hot Springs soon. I also did some checking on Bill Babler's set up. Does he have a special spa day for wives of addicted trout junkies? Duckydoty
  20. I'm still new to the area but I've read here and there about male rainbows starting to move in. Is there a rainbow run getting ready to happen after the browns are done? If there is--I think my wife might be thinking about a divorce Duckydoty
  21. Started fishing at 4:00 A.M. and fished till 7:00 A.M. Fished the riffles above rebar and down to the rebar hole. Caught 4 browns over 24 inches and 2 in the 20-22 inch range. Also caught one rainbow over 20 inches. 3-4 fish under 20 and all of them on a flashaboo white conehead size 8 with a little orange flash in it. Best trip yet at Taney for me. Took a few pics and then the battery went dead. All fish survived and released this time. Also saw a bald eagle hanging around this morning. Duckydoty
  22. Leonard your phone just rings and rings. Work schedule got overloaded today. Not going to be able to go tomorrow night. Cant take off weds morning. I might be able to get down there for an hour or 2 before dark but not much after. Do the rainbows run at all and is there a special time for them? How much longer you think we got on the browns? I'm pretty booked for the next 2 weeks for sure Duckydoty
  23. Its now in the freezer. And yes I can smoke some fish Duckydoty
  24. DT Thanks for the tips. Some kind of guide on handling would be a great idea. also some information on gear. What is the minimum tippet size you can get away with during the day? At night, I use straight 10 lb. test with and 8 wt. rod. During the day I usually use a 4 or 5 wt. with 6x tippet, but I've never had ahold of a big one during the day. I was really looking forward to using a new 8wt combo that my wife bought for me after the sun went down. Also, thanks for taking the pictures for me Duckydoty
  25. John, I left at dark due to having to keep one Duckydoty
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