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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. Got to Tanney about 3:45 and planned on fishing till 10:00 p.m Started just above outlet 2 with the red egg under a big eyed epoxy scud I got a Back Country Outfitters today. Nothing. fished there about 20 minutes and changed the dropper to a size 18 tan scud I picked up on the way in from River Run. Moved further up stream about 20 yards and saw a nice brown laying in the channel. Started casting above him and drifted down to him. Saw him open his mouth and my indicator went under. I set the hook and nothing. Ten more casts and strictly watching the indicator and not the fish-I saw the indicator go under again. With and instant set I had him. Leonard told me to chase down the big ones so thats what I started doing. Had to cut infront of a few people and was very appaulagetic to them for intruding on them. They were all very gracious and allowed me to chase the fish down. Finally got him in close enough to net but had one heck of a time getting him to fit in the net. Measured 25 inches. My largest ever! A kind gentleman took a few pictures with my camera and I cut the line because he was hooked hard in the tongue and I wanted to try and get him back in the water as quick as possable. Tried reviving him for over an hour and he just kept turning belly up. I could use some tips on how to revive the fish so they can be released I ended up leaving before dark with cathing only one Duckydoty
  2. I'm trying to get ahold of Leonard to see if his services might be available tonight. Either way, I'll be down there tonight Red ford f250 with OCW on it Duckydoty
  3. I sent the blood midges on the 18th of october all of them attached to buiseness cards Sorry they didn't make it---I guess the mailman likes to fly fish at Taney too At this point in time, I'll have to bow out of sending another 25 due to hectic work schedule. Sorry Guys Duckydoty
  4. 2/22/07 Duckydoty
  5. I like the forum Phil and think its a great place to check out. On a bad day at work, its a little pleasure and motivation to make it through the day. I dont post any pictures of big fish--because I dont catch big ones. I would love to someday say "I caught a monster last night!" and be able to post a picture of it. I also enjoy seeing all the pictures of the big and little fish that are caught. With my schedule I'm lucky to make it down to Taney once a week on Wed. nights. Checking the reports from the weekends are great to see whats happening when I cant be there. I'm always telling my wife "Come see what (insert name) caught down at Taney" It's the next closest thing to being there. Great job on the forum and I have no complaints! Duckydoty
  6. Hows the fishing for browns at Powersite? Can you wade fish there with any luck. Will it be as crowded as Taney? I've only been over there once during the summer and guess I should give it a try and find out for myself. Duckydoty
  7. Any more details on this class yet? Dates, cost, with it be a demonstration or hands on? Duckydoty
  8. I should be there around 7P.M. In the red f-250 (That free fishing night was refering to free from the kids and wife I'm not a guide or nothing but I'd be happy to help you with what I can and do a little fishing with ya) Duckydoty
  9. I only have on complaint about my 4wt tfo. If night fishing with it and throwing a heavier fly, it will evetually come apart while casting and I'll have to reel in the tip section. Now the only reason this happens is because I like to use the 4wt before it gets dark to drift midges then once it gets dark I dont want to go back to the truck and get the 6 wt. I cant see how good the rods look in the dark but I would like to have one that doesnt come apart while casting. Duckydoty
  10. I'm heading out in aobut 30 minutes. Will be there by 7:00P.M. My favorite saying is--A little rain wont hurt them fish---They're already wet. Duckydoty
  11. Leonard, It would be great to finally get to fish with you. Everything still looking good for going so far. I'll probably fish till midnight. Duckdoty My number is 417-353-2259. It only works below the rebar hole to the end of the point Duckydoty
  12. Wednesdays are my free fishing nights during the week. So, I'll be down there around 7 P.M. if anyone else can make it. I'll be in the red F250 with OCW on it Duckydoty
  13. So thats what it looks like during the day Duckydoty
  14. Wish I could have stayed a little longer but the kids butts needed some attention Went back down last night and fished 7:30 till 10:30. A little slower fishing last night--only 4 browns, the largest being 18 inches and 2 rainbows on the pearl conehead Duckydoty
  15. found a few more skeens at the Ozark walmart on clearance. They had some red, pink and green. Duckydoty
  16. Speaking of bat flies--- while at the rebar hole, I caught the glimpse of a bat flying over the water and it swooped down real close the the surface. I was sure I saw a huge swirl like a fish chasing it Duckydoty
  17. I did make it down there last night. Got there about 6:40 due to traffic by Silver Dollar City. Caught a 17 inch brown off the bat while there was still some light on a size 18 bead head sow bug at outlet # 2 stayed there for a while and picked up a small bow. Went up to outlet 1 with a lighted indicator and nothing on the sow bug. Went to the truck around 10:00 P.M. for a potty break then down to the rebar hole. Started using size 6 cone head made from the real fine flashaboo stuff in a pearl color and started getting some hits. Picked up a couple of rainbows at the rebar hole then moved down to the bar going to the point started getting lots of action there on almost every cast. Caught 9 browns in a row and pick up 2 more rainbows. Then the phone call came that the kids were acting up had to leave at midnight right in the middle of the feeding frenzy. Ran into a couple of fellas at the parking lot while leaving-I forgot their names but tried to point them in the right direction and gave them the conehead I was using. Good night for fishing it was Duckydoty
  18. Terry, I got the OK from the real boss! I meet you down there around 6 p.m. I'll be drivin a red ford 250 with Ozark Cabinet Works (OCW) all over it. Woo!HOOOOO! I gets to go fishin on a friday night. Man o Man, I aint gonna sleep tonight Duckydoty
  19. Hey Terry! Been real busy at work and hiding out around the rebar hole. Did make it up by outlet one today with the wife. She caught her first trout at Taney Caught a 19 inch bow above outlet 2 and saw a huge dead brown up by outlet one. My guess would be 8-10 pounder Duckydoty
  20. Mine are in the mail today. Sorry for the delay Duckydoty
  21. I wont be able to make it this time. Just cant get away from work on Monday I should be there on Sunday with the wife though Duckydoty
  22. I'm in with a blood midge that works pretty good at Bennet for me. Duckydoty
  23. Hey Terry Your supposed to sell it before you move it Duckydoty
  24. Sounds like a good night and from the photo--Looks like a good night. I was out Sunday night and it was pretty slow. Picked up a 16-17 inch brown by the rocking chair on a "willy wonka special" not saying what that is either I can say i got most of it from the sewing department a Wally World. Duckydoty w
  25. I'm gonna try and jump in on this one. 10:30 swimming pool parking lot sounds good. Should we bring something to cook like a pot luck kind of thing? Brats, burgers, dogs, pork steaks, ribs? Duckydoty
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