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Everything posted by petpipuppy

  1. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Beaver+Lake/@36.3515937,-93.8963991,194a,35y,90h,39.36t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x87c93adc174a7ad9:0x4b32477ce057f7da!8m2!3d36.3478621!4d-93.9241021?hl=en
  2. IMHO...much of the lake is full of submerged timber if you are not out in the main channel parts. At speeds...try to stay toward the middle of the channels...check your map...there are channels into those coves and arms too. If you are going to get out of those channels, I'd do so at a speed that won't throw you out of the boat if you find some of that timber! I often shudder to think of the water skiers in the summer skiing over all of those stumps that I saw there last fall...just below the surface. You are probably aware of that sandbar just north of the Hwy 12 bridge, right? Good fishing to you...You are a persistent one...given the current rain showers!!
  3. Nice catch of crappies! Not sure I 'get it' about plowing corn rows though? Shallow is my guess. (and probably my mind condition)!
  4. I think J-Doc is right on track there. I didn't take Physics in college, but some research on the internet shows lots of discussion about ions, and magnetic fields, and concentrated directly/most powerfully under power lines. Some discussion about health hazards there too....so may not want to 'camp out' under them too long....just long enough to fill your stringer needs! Thanks for bringing this up. I'd never heard of the fish concentration there before...so would not have researched the rest on my own either. Gotta love this site! Thanks for the posts!
  5. Great reports, both! I haven't been out with a light yet, and think I may have waited to long to try it...water is so hot.
  6. All conifer trees on the shoreline was my give-away on it. Nice fish!
  7. A friend and I were out fairly early last Friday (trying to beat the heat) and had no luck at all ....until we finally hid from the sun and dangled some worms below the Hwy 12 bridge around noonish. Still spotty action...but we brought a few decent sized panfish home from about the 20-25' depth, and he nabbed one Kentucky as well. Has been brutal the last several trips out.
  8. Thanks! Great info!
  9. Hope you don't mind if I toss out my $.02 worth here... I'd like to see a 'north shore' public access boat ramp in the Avoca-Coose Hollow area. This productive arm of the lake is served by Prairie Creek Marina (normally overcrowded, and 'south shore'...so if you live north of the lake it's a trip thru Rogers to get there), Hwy 12 bridge access (similar cons to PCM, though not as crowded), or Ventris Access...(remote, poor road, and a substantial drive east ...but the ONLY access 'till Lost Bridge South Park for those on the north side of the lake, ...am I'm correct? I think that evenly/conveniently-distributed/easier public access points on the lake could help to reduce some of the single dock issue (re: F&F's #2) concerns. I certainly agree with F&F's point number 1!!! When the water level is down and ya motor over water that ya 'thought' ya knew, and see all those stumps/pole timber...and then think about those things just under the surface when the water is higher for all of the skiers and jet skiers...it's amazing that more folks aren't seriously injured. Monte Ne seems that it could become an area that could feed on some of it's old history, and build some new. The area 'lays' nicely, and could be a great family use area, though I've not fished it much...yet. .Where DO ya bank fish on Beaver Lake?? And where do panfish go during the winter? Thank you all for the bunches of information,... and humor, that you share on this site!!
  10. That looks like about as much good information as a person could pack in that much space!! NIce work!
  11. Buddies and I were up the White on 3/30 nearly to Twin Bridges. Saw some on the flasher midway up from 412, but couldn't snag a bite. Still pretty murky, and smaller debris floating. Did get a nice Hog out of Brush Creek shallows on the way back down though. Water temp up to ~55° by mid-late afternoon.
  12. I see Just Fishin' Guides response, and there's a fine website available there with lots of information by knowledgeable folks. I'll also suggest that you google flyflinger, and read thru his (Scott Branyan's) river report for Beaver Tailwaters. Also a knowledgeable guide, he puts a lot of effort into maintaining a very up-to-date page. I know that I very much appreciate the efforts of both of these outfits! Sorry that my post is probably too late to help ya any for this trip though. Hope ya had a fine fishing trip!
  13. Nice report! Thanks. Very interesting to learn about the whites up Piney... Other's have posted wondering where they might be.... I was wondering too, but haven't had the chance to get out and look for them.
  14. For those interested in the rhino's in NE, here's a link to the website. It's an interesting visit. http://www.ashfall.unl.edu/index.html
  15. I can't speak to MO regulations, but here's a link to Beaver Lake/COE policy regarding corp lands. I would generally suppose that the COE would have similar provision for COE lakes in other states...... ("Your mileage may vary>>>....") In reading some of the way older posts in this thread though, (ordered out of the cove???) I believe that a visit with the local COE commander could possibly result in a 'visit' from that entity to the marina owner...with potential for review of the marina's license to operate on the lake....??? http://www.swl.usace.army.mil/parks/beaver...ntguide2008.pdf A partial excerpt: "Land which is owned in fee by the government consists of land that surrounds the lake. The limits of fee land are defined by the Government Fee Take Line (GFTL). The GFTL consists of a straight line from monument to monument. The boundary markers, or monuments, are topped with a brass cap, which indicates the tract of land which was purchased from the land owner. Ownership of private land does not convey any exclusive rights to the use of adjoining public lands, or the lake. The general public can use public lands."
  16. S's D- I'm trying to learn about the crappie & spawn here.... Do they not spawn in muddy/murky water? or do you feel that the water temp. warm up will be affected? With Beaver lake so high there should be lots of flooded timber to draw them up back into those coves. I couldn't get within 300-400' of the actual lake on the road that I normally take as the lake water was backed up in the timber and over a low area of the road back there. Water temp...off the road, in the trees...was ~53° http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/WCDS/plots/WEB/bea.htm Apparently they are generating 'full steam' 'round the clock at beaver, but I've read that they've closed the flood gates...for now at least. Lake level shows at ~ 1129.5 on the site listed. Flood pool there shows at 1130, so it'd sure be close yet.
  17. Thanks, cpriest! That'll go in my fishing info favorites folder.
  18. Anybody know of a website that might post water temps for Beaver Lake? (I appreciate the input on that here too)
  19. You guys are amazing! This looks Great! ....and also looks like it took a lot of work... Thanks for that.
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