After waiting all spring for some wade-able water, it became available the week I left for Leadville, CO. I got back Friday night, but my fly supply was low after my trip to Leadville. I spent the day Saturday replenishing my supply and Sunday afternoon, I decided to drive to the river, after checking the gauges. Got on the water about 6pm.
As mentioned in other posts, the water looks like coffee after adding cream to it. Since the water temps were up, I decided to head to the island below the dam, thinking the water might be cooler. Started out in the big water above the island. Tried nymphing but didn't get any takes. Switched to an olive wooly with a green bead, got a good hit but broke it off. I don't know what it was. Tied on a black wooly with a red bead and picked up several Drum, small striper, crappie, perch and a really nice rainbow (2 to 2.5 lbs).
Moved to the kiddie pool. Got nothing. Moved to the trees below the kiddie pool and picked up a small rainbow and 3 really nice rainbows. That was the strange thing, there was nothing in between. With the exception of the small rainbow, all of the rest of the rainbows that I caught were like footballs. Not necessarily long, but wide and strong. Maybe caused by all of the high water.
Anyway, I moved to the backside of the island and switched to a Hot Spot BHPTN and caught fish almost every drift.
All in all, it was a good time fishing. No pics for this one. Sorry.