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OAF Fly Tying Contributor
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Everything posted by DaddyO

  1. Guys, I need some advice. Saturday, I was finishing up an enjoyable outing on one of the town public ponds. I had caught several Bass and Bluegill and had decided that the next fish would be the last. I felt a bump, attempted to set the hook and my reel fell off my fly rod. At first I thought that maybe the setting nut had worked loose. I bent down to pickup my reel and sat down to put it back on. While attempting to put it back on, the whole reel seat fell off. Now, I only spent about $100 for the rod. It is a TFO 5 wt and I have another one that is it's twin. I purchased two of them so that I could have a rod to share with friends wanting to learn the sport. It appears that the reel seat was adhered to the cork. My question is, what should I use to reapply the seat? Epoxy or some other type of glue? Thanks!!
  2. SteveO, The best explanation that I've seen was offered by Bill Butts in the "Water Clarity" topic http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29145
  3. I'm ready for the water to clear up. Maybe once the water clears, the river will show us it's new character.
  4. You mentioned the BobWhite hybrid fly. What's it look like? How do you tie it? How is it different from the BobWhite? Can you tell that you peaked my curiosity?
  5. And in light of all of this conversation, it's interesting that the new wading boots from Orvis for this season are Felt Soled. Did anybody catch that?
  6. The last time that I went, I tied up some #14 BeadHead Pheasant Tail Nymphs with a Fire Orange Thorax instead of the Peacock Herl. The fly was a good producer. As cloudy as the water is, I'd think any pattern that was bright would work well. Hence, the eggs and worms. Good luck with your trip this weekend and post a report when you get back.
  7. I've only fished this area one time and I wasn't too impressed. However, after reading your report and watching that video, I'm thinking about giving it another chance. Nice report and thanks for all the info.
  8. If I remember correctly, a lot of those patterns were posted by Jeremy Hunt. Here is a link to his website with How To Steps: HowToSteps
  9. Keep the inspiration coming! Nice fish Leonard!
  10. This is an interesting article. Here is a link to it in case you missed it in the paper. Low Oxygen Levels
  11. Yes, but, where is the FUN in that?
  12. Tim, What size/type hook do you use for your deer pellet fly?
  13. I don't think that report ever changes.
  14. No. That is Watts, OK. It is between Siloam Springs, AR and Westville, OK. My cousin live in that area. He said that he saw three of them sunning themselves on the bank in the area mentioned in the article.
  15. Chance, It was hot on Sunday, when I was fishing, but even then, the water was too cool for me to wet wade. My "manhood" is sensitive to cold water. So, I wore the waders. I'm betting that the gauge is accurately reporting the temp of the water in that one spot, but, I don't think that is reflective of the river as a whole. I've got a bad itch that needs scratching with a 7 wt and a Hibernator at night on TaneyCoMo. It'll probably be about a month before I can scratch that one.
  16. I haven't been up to the lake. Is it muddy also?
  17. Yep. That was me above the kiddie pool with the flyrod. I was throwing the wooly bugger at about 7pm catching a variety of fish. Stop and say "Hi" next time.
  18. I only waded half way down and caught fish all the way. It got dark and I had to leave.
  19. No pics of the CO fish. They were all small stockers. I caught a small Cutthroat stripping a Hares Ear at Crystal lake. The wind was blowing and it was brutally cold so I left after catching that fish. I wasn't dressed for that type of weather. (Wind, snow and rain) A few days later, I went to Hayden Meadows and slayed them on a black zebra midge under an indicator retreived real slow. Rainbow, Brown, Cutthroat and Cutbow. All I needed was a Brook for the Slam.
  20. Do you guys have any ideas of what is causing the cloudy / coffee water color on this river? The last time that I saw this happen was when the Arkansas was higher than the Illinois causing it to wash up into this river. I don't think that is the case this time. Another time that I saw this happen was when the Corps was installing and testing a new turbine at the Dam. Aside from the obvious answers of Dirt and sediment, does anyone have any info on what is causing the coloration?
  21. After waiting all spring for some wade-able water, it became available the week I left for Leadville, CO. I got back Friday night, but my fly supply was low after my trip to Leadville. I spent the day Saturday replenishing my supply and Sunday afternoon, I decided to drive to the river, after checking the gauges. Got on the water about 6pm. As mentioned in other posts, the water looks like coffee after adding cream to it. Since the water temps were up, I decided to head to the island below the dam, thinking the water might be cooler. Started out in the big water above the island. Tried nymphing but didn't get any takes. Switched to an olive wooly with a green bead, got a good hit but broke it off. I don't know what it was. Tied on a black wooly with a red bead and picked up several Drum, small striper, crappie, perch and a really nice rainbow (2 to 2.5 lbs). Moved to the kiddie pool. Got nothing. Moved to the trees below the kiddie pool and picked up a small rainbow and 3 really nice rainbows. That was the strange thing, there was nothing in between. With the exception of the small rainbow, all of the rest of the rainbows that I caught were like footballs. Not necessarily long, but wide and strong. Maybe caused by all of the high water. Anyway, I moved to the backside of the island and switched to a Hot Spot BHPTN and caught fish almost every drift. All in all, it was a good time fishing. No pics for this one. Sorry.
  22. Can't see the pics. It's asking for a password.
  23. Rick, It looks like you and Brian got into them again. I've got to get out with you guys sometime. Nice fish!!
  24. Corky, Thanks for the report. I was wondering if anyone on the forum got out and fished when the water came down. It's good to see that the trout are alive and doing well. I'm headed to Colorado Saturday but hope to get down to the Lower Illinois when I get back in town in a week or two. Until then, I'm still getting my fix with the Panfish on my flip flop poppers. What a blast!
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