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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by watermen

  1. Do you mean prince of Wales island below the ABC islands, other than that I'm confused. Thought PEI was in the other country.
  2. Kayser there's some carp on the nade, you'll have to drive by the house down to Nagagomi. I've never seen any numbers except May when they are spawning. Other than that never seen any close, and you'll probably be gone for summer before it warms up enough.
  3. Very good summation and information Duane. I can't find faulty logic or disinformation or even disagreement in any of what you said. Not bad for a Newbie
  4. I agree good looking dog.
  5. Good loooking roost, If you only hunt the field in the morning they should keep returning. Depends on how cold it stays and if they are feeding once or twice a day. The best situation is the field being downwind on the day you hunt. Shots don't carry far to the roost in a stiff breeze. They will feed more staggered on a warm morning as welll and leave the roost earlier. Good shooting
  6. Phil you are a fisher of men Fair winds and calm seas Sean
  7. Local coop has rocksalt for 7.00$ a hundred weight. Way cheaper and more effective than oildry or kitty litter. The next guy will have a dry ramp. Just sayin. Plus works on your driveway just avoid it if you want green grass come spring.
  8. Good shooting D. Arrgh I wonder some times how I ended up so far from any big water. It's 2 plus hours to any birds from the middle of nowhere and days like today I get to set and read about other guys having a blast. I love shooting Gaddys only duck that can peel off and move backwords. Keep hammering.
  9. Nephews been hammering the Whitefish through the ice. They are worth the effort. Haven't had any since Canada, There is some good eats. Would like to smoke them myself. Better eating than the bay walleye's in my opinion. Perch are gone but the whitefish are back. Times change.
  10. The Brule is in the far norhtern Wisconsin almost to Daloot, The Muskegon in MI is 10 hours from my house here in central MO. The Brule is 41/2 from my folks so probably 15 hours from here. The fastest way would be to go up 35 but o straight shot. It's classic shield trout water less gravel and faster than lower rivers. The fish are smaller coming out of a colder lake but it's a pretty river and used to have a good run of coasters in the fall. It fishes well in the summer on dries as well. Lot's of people there on the opener if the regs are still the same, WI is more fond of regulations, but theyve lost alot of trout water in recent years. I fished last summer at home and there are no wild trout left in creeks I grew up riding my bike to in NE WI. I've got a 2lb brookie mounted I caught in my front yard and nobody's caught a trout out of the little peshtigo in years.
  11. The grand is urban fishing below the dam, the rogue has park access in town the others run heavily through national forest like much of the ozarks. Access is seldom a problem if you stay away from the PM and the club and flys only water. The big (Manistee) is hard to wade much below the dam but is full of chromers below the salmon beds. I'm telling you it's on this year. The only problem with the big is crowds nad the canucks with their spey rods and palm reels. The best fishing happens now till the first hard snow, takes the water awhile to cool off.
  12. Some good fisherman up north have described this year as the perfect storm of chromer fishing. A couple reliable buddies are having 100 hookup days on several michigan streams for fall Steelies. Perfect turnover winds, lots of rain (not enough to blow the rivers) and less salmon competition has led to serious numbers of big fish in the rogue, grand, little, muskegon and more. If you have the time go. Fall fish are 3 times the fight of spring fish and they are the 5 yr olds that will spawn in March before the main run. There are lots of 13-15 lb. fish being caught. For all you fly guys a single egg pattern behind the salmon is killer as well as a bead. I wish I could go this is the best it gets in the midwest. If you have the ability go before the water cools and hang on with 12 lb. tippet and watch chromers flip against a cold blue sky. Good luck if you get the chance.
  13. Anglo American announced their pullout from a partnership with Northern Dynasty in the development of the Pebble Mine. Northern Dynasty stock has tumbled and there are doubts they have the money to move forward without the backing of a partner such as Anglo. Good news for those concerned and connected on here to the Bristol Bay watershed. This is a big hit to those that would like to see the mine developed at the detriment to this great river system.
  14. Put in on Private above Riddle, Nobody hardly at all on the water. River has changed since the flood lots of new sycamores in the water. Fishing was good after the rain. Crazy how few people were out for this weekend.
  15. You must stay in the water still. I made some calls for you this morning (going to school in Ann Arbor) leaves me area contacts. There is no real reason to leave the water it's a fairly large river (Think lower Current) in the flies only and deep below the flies with boat only access. Some of the others I mentioned are worth the adventure from a fishing standpoint. One other thing of note if you take the train tracks out of town in Baldwin (Hard to Miss) There is a Bronze monument where the claim is the first rainbows were stocked east of the rockies by train back in the day. Interesting piece of history if your a trout buff. It's very sparse grey hackle and shwiebertesque. Used to be a seperate secies of grayling in that country before the logging. Visit the fred bear museum and spend some time in grayling and fishing some of the other rivers as well. Other than skeeters it's cool classic trout water. If you've got time hit the pidgeon or Maple at night and skitter mice or other hair bugs in front of the log jams. You won't land many, but the strikes will fill your shorts. Gotta fly to King Salmon on Monday and am hoping the King run rivals last year. Never seen so many 40 plus fish in the Naknek as last year. But that is different fishing. Have a fun summer.
  16. Pic
  17. Just got back from family vacation to the Lake, first time ever on the main lake. We stayed in the Buck Creek area and the fishing was spectacular everytime we went. Very fun for the kids. Early mornings the Bass of all persuasions entertained them. There were lots of whites and spots and largemouths to keep them interested. Dad likes to Walleye fish and everytime I went they were relatively easy to catch on crawlers. The oldest caught her first and many subsequent fish. The biggest at 24 in the pick was hers and if not for crossed lines and her dads poor netting at the boat she'd of had a 26-28 incher to add to her bag. Shorts were 3 times as common as keepers and a bottom bouncer produced most fish around 20 feet. Easy fishing really at times, just what she needed. Very nice experience with little boat traffic and most other anglers very curteous when encountered.
  18. If you decide to fish the PM there is no permit that i'm aware of. The flies only section starts right at baldwin and remember that club water starts not too far down from the access. Fishing will be tough that time of year but, there is some Hopper fishing due to grass along banks of pM. Unusual in that neck of the woods because of the big trees that line all the rivers. It is a fairly big river and easily floatable but, lots of activity due to the aforementioned outfitters on this river. Close to the area are the Boardman and Jordan that offer more fishing for native brookies (The Jordan Especiallly) is a classic cedar swamp northwwods river that meanders gets Deep in places and has alot! less pressure. The broookies are easier to catch as well, you are fishing for wild trout and there is a difference from what your used to locally. Think stalking more than fishing. It is very fun fishing and a pretty area in it's own right Spent alot of time there when I was your age and was back last summer. Don't forget MI version of the Au Sable north of Grayling as well. Have fun and good luck!
  19. You sir, are a credit to the race. Go Blue!
  20. You right greasy, it has been a weird year in aot of ways, the fishinng has not been up to par all spring for a number of reasons I have seen. First of all I was in a jet boat today, I fish wading, a canoe, a float jon and jet deending on water and who I'm with. I'm fortunate to live less than 20 miles from some of the best smallmouth water and have a work schedule that puts me in the enviable position of being able to fish at will with the experience to know when it's best. i saw more natural bait in the river today than I can remember. You could look in shallow water and see scads of minnows and yellowjackets everywhere and all the fish we caught were puking yellowjackets ( mostly claws). The moss is unusual I saw the slimier softer version in the black 2 weeks ago, the ridiculous amount today, and alot upstream in the meramec last weekend and it's bad inn one stream I won't mention. The oldtimers say it is because it never got cold for long enough this winter to freeze it off the shoals. The fish never did go into their spawn normally this year and nobody really got them as they staged the weather was too weird. Nobody I know has caught the big fish they usually do either this year. Nobody knows for sure why? they are still there and they've been running jet boats for 30 + years, sometimes in nature you can't see what is really going on, it's to foreign to us so we blame what we can see and what is tangible to us. The fish are still there, everything is relative. Three experienced anglers fishing in a jet hitting the best water and fishing for 5 hours 40 bass is a slow day. All were released and only one had signs of being caught recently. The fish are still there boy's relax there are things going on some you can point to and some you'll never know. My point regarding the low water was if you read into It I was trying to tell you paddle fishers of which I am one that some fairly pristine water awaits you because of the conditions. Like Greasy said if you time it or know enough how to you will catch unbelievable numbers on the gasconade when they are on. Usually the big ones don't bite on those days. Have a fun summer it's supposed to be fun. I have to go to work now, no more bass till sept.
  21. weed beds are on side greasy, but moss is floating in current and covering bottom, Made fishing difficult at times, atleast hard to fish effectively and stay close to bottom.
  22. Specifically house on the rock to about 2 miles below 17. The river is cut off from there up to a jet and plenty of shoals are real skinny. Water was about perfect color not too clear. Fish were in summer pattern below shoals or in rocks in faster water or close to lumber. brown chomper outfished pumpkin today, and fish stayed on buzzbait till we quit at 1, it was cloudy over here though. and windy as well. Very pleasant day after the chill went off at 8 with these temps.
  23. Fished above trophy area today with small fish the norm and not very fast action. Water is getting low even after rain it had dropped. On the plus side jet boat traffic is down as there are sections cut off from even the most daring of guys in a light tunneled boat. Nothing over 14 inches today and lots of largemouth on the buzzbait. Moss is bad as well and kept a crank from being fishable. Tubes and stickbaits worked the best simply because you could fish them.
  24. Glad to see your catching the best fish phil. You'll be crazed pretty soon.
  25. Took the kids camping and fishing at clearwater fri,sat, and sunday. Below the dam I couldn't keep up with 3 of them fishing minnows fri and sat sunday was slow. they caught crappie some nice ones, catfish, bass, and drum. Saw a couple nice walleye caught. I snuck up the rive twice to wade and caught some smaller 10-15 inch smallmouth. The water is really low already, but a fun trip with lots of action and smore's for everyone.
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