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About materman

  • Birthday 05/30/1943

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Anderson Mo
  • Interests
    Fishing, Gardening Just being outdoors enjoying life

materman's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. mr. lilly I take my hat off to u , If more people would do what you had the nerve to do maybe these abusers would get the idea I used abusers but morons , idiots,clowns better describe them.
  2. I agree I cant figure out people that abuse regs Its like they have never tasted fish in thier lives .years ago on War Eagle in ark WE watched a guy netting white bass with a dip net, we had caught and released I dont know how many that day on rod and reel and here is this clown not even getting the joy of the fight , dip netting white bass. There is a happy ending he was caught by Game and fish, given a ticket. He said some thing to me about what a bum deal and I told him if I had my say about it they should have confiscated his car and all he had at the time of infraction .but that may stop the poaching and then the game and fish people would be out of jobs.
  3. heck the depression has'nt even hit yet, I think i'll hold off on the mussels till I get really starved
  4. welcome dont get that far north but if you ever get to south west mo or plan to come this way drop me a e mail and be glad to put you on some good water/or onto some fish
  5. heres is the real deal, nite time lows added to day time high divided by two equals mid 50"s start looking forget about the size of oak leaves as big as a squirrels ear and all that other stuff when nite time lows and day time highs average mid 50's morels start coming up Where did this person find his morels ? I hear they are finding them in Flordia. a good web site is http://www.mdc.mo.gov/nathis/mushrooms/morels/ another is http://thegreatmorel.com my mission is to stamp out mis-information and false rumors regarding the wonderful MOREL materman
  6. friday lake level on Grand 753.20 thats a rise of about 10 feet but today dropped it with all flood gates open to 751 and dropping best bet is river arms way up river. main lake muddy and in my opion not worth fighting it till it starts to clear up a tad. catfish are going good I hear also e mail me at materman@olemac.net and I will fill u in
  7. quillback just got back from 43 bridge on Elk river be perfect in about 3 more days put in at iron horse # 10 bridge just south of casino will check it out and post up date sunday problem is which launch is open will find out sunday whites and crappie ought to be happening I have caught them on Easter inn previous years
  8. thanks tight line have boat but wanted to just check it out before i pull it 97 miles gas you know aint cheap
  9. any one out there thta would take time to fill me in on powersite dam fishing 1. can you change sides easily? Just need some general data on the area also not really intrested in trout but walleye crappie and white bass are what intrest and in thta order also does any one use live minnows 'CREEK CHUBS' for walleye? please fill me in thanks George {materman}
  10. Fished spring river friday caught 13 real nice white bass also saw some guys with 3 spoons biggest about 30 lbs
  11. I am planning to try bank fishing at power site dam . what type of equipment will I need? Planning to use 7ft rod with shimano reel open faced . what size line is best gonna be throwing some kind of rogue also have some nice horny heads what is the trick for live bait? have boat but would like a look see before I pull 97 miles any help and advice would be appreciated materman
  12. Been reading all the fishing report archives and this site is GREAT.It tells when where and how all the info a person would need to plan a trip and find the fish. of course getting them to bite is another story. anyway I appreciate all the good info and will be putting it to the test here shortly> I really like the being able to go back 3 yrs and comparing various reports. It is a very helpful site thanks George
  13. Hey everyone. My name is george eldred I live in Anderson Mo.fish ed all my life and now due to price of gas I fish mostly Grand lake and it is not my favorite Stockton walleye attract me more but like I said gas is the problem. now if I were to have a volenteer to share expenses I could go twice as much for the same money if any one is intrested please call me 417 845 6712 home every evening also have recording during day leave message I will return call. or email materman@olemac.net thanks George
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