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Everything posted by LarryC

  1. AG&F has been busy stocking Beaver Lake with walleye...we now have a catch-able population over 18". At least that’s what I have been told by fisherman who know how to catch them. I would like to learn how to catch them...I already know how to eat em. I want to give Black Salty’s a try for striper fishing. Started downrigging for stripers more last year. It seems like a quite viable technique so I added a older 9.9 Johnson Sailmaster to the boat for a kicker couple of months ago. Latest tackle addition came just yesterday...two Daiwa SG17 Sealines equipped with Depthmaster rods. Gota stimulate this economy somehow. Not quite sure how I’m going to use them yet.
  2. LarryC

    Show Time

    There up to twin bridges on the White. There was a welcome committee of about 10 fishing from the banks. Most everybody was catching fish but it was slow. The big old sows are lagging behind as normal. I started trolling Rapala's couple of miles downstream from the bridge. When I got one I would stop and sometimes pick up another with a Rooster Tail. Water temperature 49 degrees and the river clears up pretty good above Blue Springs. I saw stripers ripping shad from the 412 bridge this morning on the way to town...shuda been fishing. Pardon me I must go clean fish.
  3. LarryC

    Ice Storm

    Our power company, Ozarks Electric held a news conference today. All power might be restored in two or three weeks. I thought we had an ice storm...not a hurricane. Lotsa folks are going for "flushin water"...fortunatly we are on rural water and they got a generator to handle the pump. Gotta go...the generator is needing more go juice.
  4. LarryC

    Ice Storm

    All the towers lost AC. They have battery back up but once that is exhausted there dead in the water unless they have a generator. Yesterday the news media got realistic and said some areas may not have power back for a couple of weeks. Gotta go...time to put more gas in my generator.
  5. LarryC

    Ice Storm

    I would suspect the only way a dock would have damage is if a tree fell on it. I haven't heard one report of any dock damage. Doubt many places will have power around the lake this weekend...maybe week after. We are running on generator right now. Tree limbs were really falling this afternoon when the sun came out.
  6. Wildeye, you may want to check with the park before you come in March. They are burying new electric lines, along with a bunch of other excavation work...maybe a new dump station. When I was pulling the boat out Thursday a herd of contractors descended on the restroom by the ramp. Think they may be tearing it up next. You can also shoot me a PM and I’ll tell you what I’m seeing.
  7. Used to fish mid lake to the dam a lot when on vacation over the years. I retired couple of years ago and we bought acreage on the White between 412 highway and point 12. Started fishing the upper end and find I like it better than mid lake. Fish for stripers all winter but in the warm months I chase most everything from one end to the other.
  8. Champ188, the stripers did the same thing back in Coose some 6 or 7 years ago. They kept the shad penned up all winter...me thinks they figured out how to get an easy meal. How ya do in the Polar Bear? Read the report in this mornings paper...wow what a turn out...110 boats.
  9. LarryC

    Nice Fish

    Wow...what a fish and the video is great also. I’ve yet to break 20 pounds.
  10. Cool video...thanks for sharing. One thing...your boat looks strangely similar to my ride...Starcraft 2000?
  11. I was out few days earlier. Caught a quick three right across from War Eagle marine in the White. All in the 10 to 12 pound range. Went back the next morning and the fish had left. Found them right around the corner in War Eagle but couldn't get a bite. Downrigging with Bombers...may go with live bait next trip...or try both. This morning the forecast for Thursday was in the 50's but windy...think I'll be back out Friday to avoid the wind.
  12. There is a bunch of stations on 71...cheaper gas in Rogers. The last station before you get to Hickory Creek with be on 264 at the first (and only) stoplight east of 71. There are two places to launch at Hickory Creek. You can launch in the park but put money in the box, or hang a season park pass on your mirror. The corp started giving tickets last year...even in the winter. You can also launch at the marina...think they charge $3.00. They should be open and can point you towards the fish. They normally have big brood minnows if you want to use live bait. Both are good ramps. Think I’ll fish up War Eagle later this week...give me a PM if you have a question. And good luck.
  13. Well, there right here...down riggers at 16 feet with bombers. At least they were there on Wednesday. Hint...might be upstream a little from 412 bridge. The bigun was far to heavy for me to lift out of the boat for a picture.
  14. Normally as the water cools the stripers will spread out across the lake. It seems the last few years that has been around Thanksgiving. This year I think they arrived upstream early. I can normally find them better when they are in the river arms. I have a Scotty Depthmaster and a Cannon Easi-Troll. Both work well but I prefer the Cannon on my boat because of the way the spashwell and transom are laid out. I’ll sell or trade the Scotty for a Cannon.
  15. Caught two small ones down rigging 35' deep with a Bomber yesterday (Nov 7th) at Horseshoe bend. Curious if anybody has caught any in the river arms yet?
  16. Gates were shut at 7am. AGFC is going out tonight to corral the renegade stripers that took the plunge.
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