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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Some solid advice offered. Good luck in your search. My boat is no longer available. I hope you find the right fit! Thanks for your interest. FJ80
  2. Really, where? Gander Mountain. $599-- new-- you will pay tax and gas or shipping to get it http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?i=438587&pdesc=Old_Town_Discovery_119_Canoe&r=view&from=grid Old town website MSRP-- $599 http://www.oldtowncanoe.com/canoes/generalFamily/discovery_119.html Cabbalas doesn't have them. http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/browse/boating-canoes-kayaks-small-boats-canoes-kayaks/_/N-1100570/Ns-CATEGORY_SEQ_104252580?WTz_l=SBC%3Bcat104794380%3Bcat104710680 http://www.kitterytradingpost.com/product.php/prodid/43441 -- $599 again. With a $150 shipping charge
  3. Ozarks streams are not friendly to Royalex. The discovery being made of the poly is a better fit for around here. You gain a little weight, but with a boat this size, it is still a snap to throw it over your head or on your neck and go. The Old Town website has plenty of specs you can compare boats on. The seat on this boat is the wood with the mesh, perfect for throwing a sitbacker or stadium chair on for added comfort and support. Good luck!!
  4. I'm letting go of a great solo boat. Excellent condition. Garage and Basement kept its entire life. I still have the original bill of sale sheet on this boat. See below for a recent post/discussion on what a solo canoe can be valued at. I am asking $400. A similar model today runs $599+ www.oldtowncanoe.com/canoes/gernalFamily/discovery_119.html Boat is located in Springfield. I have a great picture of the boat, but cannot figure out how to include it here. I will send it to interested parties. Thanks for looking!! Sorry for earlier confusion. This is NOT a Pack. It is however an exceptional value. FJ80 From Previous Post about Kayaks and Canoes... Group:OAF Fishing Contributor Posts:2,002 Joined:20-December 05 Gender:Male Posted 14 August 2011 - 12:28 AM I don't want to rehash the whole canoe vs. kayak thing again, but can't help thinking a lot of people who are in the market for various kayaks would be better served by a good solo canoe. (My Vagabond weighs 43 pounds and retails for around $1100 these days...and you can get brand new serviceable solo canoes for $500-800.) Al Agnew Smallmouth Bass Angler http://ozarkanglers.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29812&st=20
  5. Consider taking part in Project WET, Project Wild, AND Project Learning Tree to help you get in touch with tons of teaching resources that are matched to state standards. If you are anywhere close to Springfield, take the students to Wonders of Wildlife and most certainly the Watershed Center. Field trips to both places can be scheduled by contacting the sponsoring organizations. Don't forget about the Discovery Center for the younger students. Check out the following websites for further information.... www.watershedcommittee.org projectwet.missouristate.edu www.discoverycenter.org www.wondersofwildlife.org Read Last Child in the Woods and get those kids out and in nature!!! Good luck.
  6. Still got the shades?
  7. FJ80

    Nfow Rainbow

    Thought I would share this beautiful 20 Bow.
  8. That's cool. Just checked and they are going for dirt cheap up to $395 (fully outfitted). I just know what I paid for it and wanted to at least re-coup some of that. If someone wants to make an offer, we can negotiate. The thing about eBay is your gonna wait, make me an offer and you can be fishing with it this weekend if your anywhere near Springfield/Branson...If someone values that offer, they will take it, if not, oh well this is our bartering system at its finest!
  9. For Sale: Sage Launch 8wt. 9ft. 4 piece. $175 (Original Retail $225). Great White Bass or high water/streamer rod. Rod only, no sock or tube. Like new condition, very minor blemish on the reel seat. Send a PM if interested and I can send a picture. "The time Sage has spent developing advanced G5 Technology clearly demonstrates that the key to better casting is the ability to feel the rod load. The Launch Series rods have a smooth, progressive power curve and an extremely high strength-to-weight ratio. Loosley translated, that means Launch Series rods provide an exceptional level of line connection, or feel, allowing anglers of all abilities to cast more easily."
  10. It all depends on how much water, the window of low water, etc...Scott Branyan's Ozark Fly Flinger site used to have a pretty good chart. You might try lookin for it....Below is about what you will find From the Dam, assuming an 8 hour shut down overnight and a generation of 3-5-8 units in sequence within 3-4 hours of first generation.... White Hole 8 miles/2 hours Wildcat Shoals 11 miles/3 hours Cotter 18 miles/ 4.5 hours Rim Shoals 24 miles/ 6 hours Ranchette 29 miles/ 7 hours Buffalo Shoals 31 miles/8 hours In other words, not very long...Play it safe, always assume the water will be rising on you.
  11. been a while, but still here...
  12. How I met Brian Shaffer...Many moons and fish ago (8yrs now) I was of the group of the college boys from Springfield that took advantage of our college situation and really began to figure the Taney night fishing out for ourselves. We suffered many a morning sitting through fisheries management class watching each other nod off. On one of our trips to I was fishing just down from #2 and noticed something moving slowly, eerily towards me in the fog on top of the water. At first I thought it was a group of geese, I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but still couldn't make it out. After I freaked myself out and yelled at my buddy we realized it was a pontoon rowing upstream towards us at 2:00 a.m.! The guy jumps out as he gets to us and proceeds to open his fly box and hand us each 2 flies after figuring out we were relatively new to the whole night fishing scene. He the proceeded to get back in his pontoon and say, "well fellas I'm going to go touch the dam, I hear there are some freaking huge trout up there ". The guy was Brian Shaffer. The first fly was an olive pine squirrel streamer without flash or marabou, at the time called a pine cone and soon given the un-official code name by us college boys, big nuts. The second fly was a mickey fin, a classic streamer pattern that later spawned another favorite night time streamer of our close nit college fishing clan. Soon thereafter, Jack couldn't keep pine squirrel in-stock at Back Country because we kept him cleaned out. I finished grad school in 2002 settled into a job, now have a 3 year old learning how to fish with Sponge Bob. Brian, thanks for stopping and sharing that night, it has meant many meaningful and successful fishing trips and a great memory that we still laugh about to this day. Leonard, thank you for taking a good pattern, working to improve upon it, and being willing to share with anglers wanting to have successful fishing trips. You are both innovators on and promoters of a great resource we all get to enjoy. I am still amazed at the numbers of fish these patterns have been responsible for.
  13. Boat Sold this weekend!! Thanks for all who showed interest.
  14. I have owned this pontoon for 3 years now. I have averaged one to two trips per season with this boat. This is a very nice pontoon and I would keep it around except that I tend to use the canoe or white river john on most outings nowadays. Oars, pump, storage bags and rack are included. It has a place for an anchor to mount and with some innovative engineering could house a small trolling motor for pond fishing. I can provide a picture to interested parties. I am asking $125. The boat is located in Battlefield, MO. FJ80
  15. If you are like me, you see images and footage of the days when fish were plentiful and large and you think, if only i could have been there. I have pasted a link to a blog that describes a recent project completed by a friend and colleague. The goal of the project, build a replica "white river john boat" and re-live, at least in part the days gone by. The article is worth a short read and might even kindle a fire that is being stoked in all or our hearts each time we enjoy a day on the river. Give it a read and let me know your thoughs, comments, questions. http://branney.blogspot.com/2008/03/building-satisfaction.html Support your local non-profit groups water conservation: James River Basin Partnership http://www.jrbp.missouristate.edu/ Upper White River Basin Foundation http://www.whiteriverbasin.org/ Table Rock Lake Water Quality Inc. http://www.trlwq.org/index.html Watershed Committee of the Ozarks www.watershedcommittee.org
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