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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I do like the ugly sticks for kids, less breakage. Took him and about 6 friends last Friday to Des Peres park fishing and had one rod get stepped on and broke, was a cheapo so no big deal but non breakable still better with little ones. They all caught fish and had a blast so all was good. Milo
  2. Go with a longer rod, I found that my son now 6 had an easier time casting the longer rod because he could use a nice easy cast and still get the bait out further than the short rod that he had to really fire it to get the distance. using a Zebco 33 and 6 ft rod now. Next step for me is to get him using a regular spinning reel vs the push button. Milo
  3. The smallmouth sound great. Any chance at some catfish from the bank near the campground?
  4. Will be down next week camping with the kids age 3 - 16. We will be at the Port of Kimberling campground and wanted to do some fishing from shore, was thinking mainly catfish and bluegill. will also have access to a small pontoon boat. Looking for any recomended areas near the campground and what to use and what time of day. I am mainly a stream fisherman and small pond, so the big lake stuff is new to me. Thanks Milo
  5. Here! mainly lurking. Milo
  6. So with the new regs which boots do you recommend? For any discussion on the felt ban, please use other threads under Conservation Issues Forum. Thanks Milo
  7. I have used several different types of canoe seats and have not found one yet that holds up well and is comfortable. I have used a couple of the Crazy Creek models, and a few of the cheaper stadium seats that are more ridgid,l but they don't seem to last. I am looking for a more ridgid, comfortable seat that will last a while. I have a 16' 4" oldtown canoe with the web seats and am about 6ft 220lb. Any and all suggestions appreciated. Milo
  8. I have not been down to the 11pt or Turners Mill since the new ramp went in. Does anyone have pics of the new ramp and camping area? What do you think of the new layout? Thanks Milo
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