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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. I feel your pain as I have had equipment stolen too, however I also like to fish at night and as my young son gets older and begins fishing with me I would like to think he will be safe. I can't imagine some out0-of-control angry person killing my son because the out-of-control angry person shoots first then asks questions later. THINK ABOUT IT!
  2. Nice report. I'm going to try the Long Creek area tomorrow night. Just wondering if you caught them in the trees or out away from the bank? I've been struggling out away from the bank after dark.
  3. Thanks for the info. If it is the same usual guys putting it on it is usually a good time. If anyone reads this and likes to fish small jackpot tournys ($35), this little night tourny is worth it.
  4. I had to laugh at that story because all I could picture in my head was the movie "Grumpy Old Men".
  5. I have not gotten out yet but plan on it this weekend and will post results. I'm pretty sure Old 86 is fishing their night tournys now but I don't know where they are putting out of. If anyone knows the situation on this please post.
  6. Sounds good. Let me know.
  7. Wow, now I feel really old. You were in my first class I ever taught, and now your all grown up?! ...Amazing how time flies. Yes, I'm still fishing tournys. Right now Joe Bass and a few other Jack Pot tournys. I'm also guiding now on the lake as well as teaching and coaching in Hollister. You and your brother ought to come visit, it is awesome right now. Alot better than "Swampapello", I mean "WapaProp", I mean Wappapello. Like I said, anytime you're in the area I'd be glad to take an old student fishing. Look me up.
  8. That's a yes on both. Couldn't get bit on the grub.
  9. Yes, that's me. I sure miss those kids in that district. Respectful, good students and great athletes.
  10. Had a friend down from Poplar Bluff Sunday and had a decent day. Tougher than the 2 days before. Ended up with 28 total. 23 smallies, 4 spots, and 1 black. We counted 13 keepers the biggest going 3.5lbs. Probably 14.5lbs best five. Stuck with finesse fries and worms and had several fish suck in and spit out before we could get a hook set. I thought it was tough but my friend had a ball. He had never caught so many smallies in one outing.
  11. Man today was a good day. Started out fishing around the house with of course a SB. First isolated bush I came to and a 5# blasted it, I thought my rod was going to come out of my hand. Next secondary I came to I fired a not so perfect cast to another isolated piece of cover and WHAM, 7lber. My day started out right. I wish I would have entered the BFL tourny. By the end of the day I had at least 22# best five. Then....my alarm went off and I realized I needed to go to work. I helped dress my son and daughter for daycare and off I went. Man I wish I was fishing today! I am fishing in a small club tourny this weekend on Sat and our Jr. Bass club will fish Sun. I will post a FREE report then!
  12. Thanks guys for the advise and encouragement but after looking at the forecast for temp and wind I'd say the kids would be miserable so we will cancel...maybe next weekend.
  13. I'm needing a little advice. I guide some on TR but haven't been on the rock for the awesome spinnerbait bite yet. I've got 10 youths fishing in a Jr. Bass Club tourny Sunday and the weather is supposed to cool off drastically. Do you guys think we should stick with the blade or try something else. Most of these kids won't be able to feel a jig bite. One positive is that we allow the kids to measure and count 12" fish or bigger so any bite will most likely count.
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