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Everything posted by shaker

  1. Caught a few in Cole Camp creek, thats the first major creek East of Warsaw that feeds the Lake of Ozarks, and have a friend that said that he has caught some in the upper Gravois, that would be Southeast of Versailes, Good Luck!
  2. shaker

    Truman Info

    check out www.sterettcreek.com, they have about the best report on Truman. Might try www.bucksaw.com also.
  3. Don't know don't troll. But they might work if you don't troll too fast.
  4. 10-4 on the finicky whites, they never cease to amaze me, but if you do nothing else but pick up some Vibric Rooster tails they will help you a lot. When you see them you will notice that they are made different that any other inline spinner, the shaft runs through the blade and the body is offset to eliminate line twist, you will also see a mylar tape on the blade, this I remove to allow the blade to spin more freely. The originals didn't have this, but in last few years Wordens have been putting these on, look better in the store I guess. Just make sure they are "Vibric" 1/4 oz, white works best for me. Good Luck!
  5. Glad to hear someone else likes to fish for some of my favorite fish too! I've had excellent luck with Vibric Rooster tails, 1/4 oz size, kind of hard to find most of the time I order them from BPS. Have had good luck with Luckey Strike 2 1/4 inch swimmin' minnow using a yellow charteuse jig head with a white body, usually 1/4 oz head, but at times 1/8 and 3/8 work too. If you can find them around Warsaw I've done well with a 5/8 oz. jigging spoon, the one I'm talking about is oval in shape with a bevel on one side. I don't jig it but cast it out and retreive at whatever speed works best at that time, this spoon comes through the water with the usual side to side motion, but the bevel on the bottom causes it to have a nice roll to it at the same time, it can be a killer, favorite color, yellow charteuse head, white body with a bit of bucktail tied on a no. 2 treble. I've been working on some smaller swim baits too, sometimes good and sometimes not, but a go to bait when the big hybrids show up, favorite colors? yellow chart. head and white body, sometimes a all charteuse jig and body. Hope this helps some. Good Luck!
  6. Check out www.sterettcreek.com in the fishing reports is a Corp web site for Truman Dam, but they are suppose to run 50,000 CFS for the next few days, if can believe the Corp, My experience is that they can and will change things whenever they feel like it, especially when I load up and head down there to fish! Good Luck!
  7. Is there a web site for Brandt rods? I fish mostly Truman and a lot for hybrids and the 7 ft. med-heavy Reserve Power rods sounds like what I am looking for in a spinning rod. Its easy enough to find suitable bait casters but to find a spinning rod with a good tip action and with suitable power in the butt section is tough. Appreciate any help you can give me.
  8. Check out www.sterettcreek.com, they give the best up to minute info.
  9. I really enjoyed your article on the goggle-eyes, used to fish for them a lot myself on the lower James. I developed a crawfish pattern for them and smalles that I would like to show you. If interested let me know shaker at rhbrink@hotmail.com
  10. check out www.sterettcreek.com, they will give you the last minute details on lake conditions. Sounds like the lake is coming up fast and most ramps are being shut down, there's a high water ramp at Shawnee Bend that is being opened, there is akso one at Berry Bend, Truman state park and one at Sparrow Foot that are still useable. Hope that this helps.
  11. ? I don't keep up with bass tourneys, but if you are fishing out of Warsaw you will be on the Lake of the Ozarks? Might check out www.Lakesunleader.com
  12. LOL!!! This is the best info that I have ever seen on a website period..... I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate all the info that you guys put out, I for one sincerely thank all of you!
  13. I was up at Bucksaw yesterday, myself and a friend caught our limit of crappie, it was a very slow bite. The fish have pulled off the banks and we caught most of these out on the first row of trees about 6 to 8 ft. deep all on jigs, partner fished with minnows for a while and never got a bite! Best color was pink head black body pink tail. and charteuse and black caught some also. I think the rapidly dropping water has hurt the fishing, as most of the females still had eggs and appeared ready to soawn. Good luck!
  14. Bucksaw is on the lake maps, it's about half way up the Grand arm between Truman State park and Clinton. And yes they were in the coves.
  15. Try the Grand arm East of bucksaw myself and a friend caught two limits yesterday on jigs. The water temp. has dropped 4 drgrees since last week and the crappie have moved off the banks somewhat but are still very catchable, they don't appear to have spawned yet.
  16. just joined today I have been reading for awhile and trying to out last this weather. next week myself and some friends are planning on staying at hickory hollow and fishing the kings for white bass and wondering what all this high water has done to the fishing any info would be appreciated
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