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pomm muskie

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Everything posted by pomm muskie

  1. If anybody starts seeing any let me know thanks..
  2. If anybody starts seeing some shad let me know thanks..
  3. Just because there on your team doesn't mean there in your corner.
  4. Just wondering if anyone has tried drifting for catfish not even sure of the catfish populations. Thanks
  5. Was hoping to hit record on my birthday but missed it by 8 hours... might as well let her down so we at least have somewhere to beach the boat.... good luck to everyone that has responded Thanks..
  6. Almost there! ! !
  7. Why do we fish for musky because everything else is just bait.... There was someone on truman board saying the Corp encouraged people to pick up limbs on Corp ground to help keep it clean...... Any one want to take this one...
  8. It can stop anytime now but I got bad feeling we have a little bit of time to go..... so this much water coming in does what to oxygen levels for Muskie....
  9. We were here in 93 until now and this is definitely feeling different....
  10. Where are we going to be for water levels when this is all said and done... Thought I'd see everyone's ideas.
  11. just wondering if anyone had seen any die off in the coves.
  12. just thought id see if anyone had been trolling for any whites.... going down today so will try to post next day or so also was wondering if anyone has ever used a lightning strike indicator thanks
  13. Any idea of when the white bass may start to run...
  14. Im sure a musky ate her as soon as you released it so now were back to no walleye in the lake...
  15. we are coming from Odessa mo for our first try at beaver lake.....My only other time that i had been there was with my father in the late 60s if that tells you anything ... so any info on where to start looking for stripers or white bass would be very cool...... we do troll a lot on pomme with small spinners but not on the scale that you do on beaver..... also thought of staying in Rodgers or wherever you might suggest we stay... thank you for all of the posts that everyone does to try and help each other.... very cool thanks again........................................do have flicker shad and other diving baits..... not sure what spoons i should get..... and to get bait???????????? I will send report end of next week thanks again
  16. we have been catching whites off the banks last week or so.........
  17. There is a bait store close to whites marine that carry's minnows and other bait supplies...
  18. we caught forty white bass on fri night and then twenty on sat morning with one at 17 inches. two walley last weekend with one at 23 inches and one 17 inches. Trolling small spinners with keel weights in wheatland area and martin flats.... good luck
  19. martin flat using small spinners
  20. Sat we did catch three limits of white bass trolling..... nothing huge but big enough to have a fish fry......
  21. thanks for the picture
  22. as it should be.... thanks
  23. Thank you for keeping us up to date....
  24. thanks for the help
  25. didn't know if anything was going on with the spawn yet..... hoping to bring grand kids down to catch a few .... thanks for any replies...
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