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Everything posted by Spinnaker

  1. I see from your post numbers that you are new to the forum. Welcome. Your post about a canoe might be better located in another part of the forum categories for more exposure as this is the introduction category. No problems with your post, just a thought. Good luck on the canoe. Cheers
  2. Thanks motoman. Looks rather busy as I expected.
  3. That is a bummer, but it is also a wake up call for me to double check my rig out and all fittings. Hope you get back in shape soon.
  4. I just looked at my previous post and some might think that I am crazy because my new moniker "Spinnaker" appears in my previous note, but to explain if anyone is really interested, (probably not) I was previously "kcangler". Cheers.
  5. This is a reintroduction for me. Another forum member selected a similar moniker to my previous (kcangler) so I changed mine to "spinnaker" which is a very good fit for me as I like to sail as well as fish. I am not a prolific forum poster but I lurk often to absorb the expertice of the notable regulars. I live in KC and love to flyfish for trout in Taney and fish for bass in TRock. My favorite bass is the smallie but all species are terrific. Every year my buddies and I go to Canada for a week to fish and we have walleye everyday for our shore lunch. I hope to get down to Taney this summer to wade fish and I hope that our wet Spring is not like last year. One thing I would like to do is try fishing lower Taney from my boat for both trout and bass as I have not done that. I have a 16 1/2 foot Lund Explorer with a 50 hp Yamaha, tiller. I might get down to TRock in May if I can string 3 days with at least limited possibilities of rain in the accuweather forcast. Cheers.
  6. I have the fishing itch so badly I can barely stand it! I am back to the forum after a long winter and so far a cool and wet Spring here in KC. I am hoping to get down to TRock perhaps for the weekend of May 8 but I am trying to dodge the likely rain days and string 3 days together when the storm potential is least. A little rain I can live with, its the lightning bolts that concern me. How is the water temp doing there and will the bass be still in pre spawn or on beds? Also, will there be a lot of tournaments at that time? Thanks in advance for the info. BTW, I am in the process of changing my moniker to avoid confusion with another forum member. Cheers
  7. Welcome from another KC member. I love to eat walleye but I am addicted to throwing lures for bass and flyfishing for trout. I am fairly regular at Smithville as I live in North KC. T Rock and taney are my favorites in Missouri. I have not been out at all this year yet but I am planning to do so soon. Rain and wind have been keeping me off the pond so far. Regards.
  8. Hello Phil or moderator. I am presently known on the forum as kcangler. I went to the site today and discovered that another forum member is using KC Angler as his identifier. I would like to change my identifier to avoid confusion. Please advise how to proceed to delete my existing id and change. Thanks
  9. KC Angler: It appears that we have similar ids for display. I will ask Phil if I can change mine so that there is no confusion. Cheers.
  10. Hi Nitroman: Hope to see you later this year. Thanks for the tips!
  11. I am trying to get a feel for the water flows cfs and the ability to wade from the wire down to the island. Obviously when the water flow is zero to 500 cfs I could wade. But when it gets around 3000 cfs could I still wade? Any tips would be helpful. I want to come down in Feb or March depending on the weather. Thanks.
  12. Donna, hope you get well soon so you can get back out on the water.
  13. Great fish! Warm enough for t shirt too! Was there a tourney this weekend that took a lot of your best spots?
  14. Just curious about fishing near the dam the week after the Stren Tourney. I guess the boats will not have enouight time to get too far up stream so they will concentrate in the area of point 1 and 5? I want to come down on the 10th but the weather for the week is not good. Rain a couple of days and a high in the mid 40s with lows in the 30s on other days according to accuweather. The rain days are in the 60s which I think I can handle unless it is stormy. The cold might be another matter. I appreciate the info on these posts.
  15. I suppose you do not have the estimated new flow amounts. I understand that at times before the high water we have encountered this year that there was a good bit of wade fishing below the dam on the White. How much would you think the new flow would affect wade fishing? BTW, at the rate they are drawing down Bull, it won't be too long before they reach that level. Thanks.
  16. I may have asked this before but I have fished the eakins pro spider and plain eakins jigs like a football gig with the same trailer and done well considering this is the first year I have dared to use a jig. I understand the football jigs are designed to wiggle a little differently on the slow retrieve from the others. Frankly I have used both and fished them in the same manner and had about the same results. Any advice from the pros?
  17. techo: Sounds like a pretty good day except for the glasses, rod tip and lost jigs. I guess we all have those kind of bummers now and then. I am not fond of breezy days for fishing because I have trouble staying on points without a lot of manuvering and of course I always break the rule on casting into the wind which causes backlashes. I need more practice! Couple of questions on fishing your jigs: 1. When you said fast retrieve, does that mean your jig was pretty far off the bottom? 2. What kind of trailer were you using?
  18. Hey thanks for the info. I just can't wait to get down there. I'll let you know how I did. Thanks again.
  19. I have not been down to TRock in Nov. but I have heard that the bass fishing can be very good to excellent as the water cools and the bass go shallower. I have a question for the experts, please. 1. This year because the water has been "mixed" due to high water, rain and draw downs do you expect the shallow bite to be good in mid Nov? 2. Are the shad in Nov. a big factor in locating bass? 3. I plan to hit the main lake points as usual, but should I hit the backs of coves as well or is that more of a spring bite? Many thanks.
  20. Day to day who really knows. It appears that they are now able to dump a lot of water, over 1/2 foot a day from Bull. They are at near regular pool in TRock, while Beaver is still about 7 ft. above regular pool. Perhaps, the corp wants to get TRock down so that when Bull is down to near regular pool, they can start releasing more from Beaver. Again, this is all speculation on my part. But it would be interesting to fish Beaver after they return to normal pool just to see what the shoreline looks like after sustained high water for so long.
  21. Yea. I looked at the posts on the thefts sometime ago. I won't reiterate what others have said, other than its a darn shame that it happens on a lake or just about anywhere. Thanks for the advice.
  22. techo, 20 bass, even shorts, would not stink up my boat. But you are used to better luck. Hope to get down there in Nov. So far I have made it up to 7 miles from the dam. If I have luck like I had in Sept. I will be happy.
  23. I just checked with Indian Point Marina and they are open in Nov. so I am good to go.
  24. Thanks for the info. I do take precautions and remove my gear everyday. Do you take your boat out of the lake every night after fishing?
  25. I may come down in mid Nov. for a week. I launch my boat when I get there and dock at the resort. I have a 20 gallon tank and will need a fill up mid week or sooner depending on how far I boat every day. The State Park Marina is closed in Nov. (although they may be open during the up coming tourney) and big Cedar told me they will only sell gas to guests because of the corps of engineers regs. I suppose there may be a legitimate reason for that, but it sounds dubious to me. So although it would not kill me to pull my boat out mid week, I would rather avoid it if I can. On the otherhand, perhaps it would be worth the minor inconvenience if gas prices keep coming down! Thanks.
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