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Everything posted by FishinCricket
Amen.. I was talking to a business owner the other day and he said that he has started 3 businesses over the years and all three have now went bankrupt. He explained how this is all the governments fault. Then he explained what the businesses were, and I realized he was just an idiot with three bad ideas that failed miserably and he banked his entire life on it.. No ones fault but his own. Makes it hard to feel too sorry for him.. Diversify man! LOL Good posts guys, interesting topic that is wholely situational..
Wow.. Great OP JDMidwest Fantastic rebuttal, fishingwrench! (did you write that yourself?)
This is very true.. All the way around. Good looking fish just make me jealous, and I tend to ask for a shot at em too.. LOL Good looking fish either way, sorry for my negativity.. (smile)
Boy, those don't look very tasty at all.. Pretty and prolly a fun fight, but not tasty.. LOL Nice pics
Wow, really? That may be something I'd like to see... But if that's the case I am suprised there are any smallies or rock bass left!
Right on, looks like all will be clear (if a bit colder that I'd like) and we shall all see each other in the morn..
Interesting BMan.. We really don't have any accumulation here, and it's not coming down that hard at all.. It seems Lebanon got missed but I am getting reports that Richland and marshfield and other towns 25 miles from Lebanon got hit pretty hard.. But I didn't getcthe chance to drive out to Bennett and check. I got a call in to a guy, I'll try and report back soon...
It's currently very overcast here and snowing, but just slightly, and the roads are all but clear.. A friend just drove down past Bennett and he said all the roads out that way are fine.. The radar shows the precipitation in a big ring around Lebanon.. LOL lucky me.. I will report back later.. But the radar makes the storm look as though it's decreasing in velocity and thinning out.. (cross your fingers) If so it's sunny and upper 30's tomorrow with a bit of a wind variable.. Should make things interesting at 6:30 am.. Anybody wanna place a gentlemans bet on the highest weight caught tomorrow? I just want one over 5 lbs.. Is that too much to ask? LOL
Good to know, I hope we can bump into each other then..
Well here it is less than a half hour after this photo was taken and the snow you see in it has all but melted off.. That's good news, and even better.. The clouds are starting to lift. Ps: Pat (Brittsnbirds) when you say "dilla" are you referring to me? If so, please just call me Cricket. The Social security office does.. LOL As for your (soapbox) post? I am in total agreeance! I wouldn't mind stiffer penalties as I do not loach or condone it.. I am gonna be bummed if I lose friends on this forum for saying that, but it's how I feel.. And I see to are with me Pat. I think most of us are..
Here's a pic of my lot as of 5 minutes ago... Looks at though the ground and the roads have held the heat from the past few days pretty good, and things tend to be just melting off... But we shall have to see, as Bman correctly indicates. (you're a weatherman? Cool! tough profession...)
Just depends upon the peak temp today and the peak low tonight (suppose it also depends upon more accumulating too).. Right now it's all turning to slush and draining off.. And we only got a 1/4 inch or so here at the dealership... The Bennett area should be very clear (road wise) the county does a good job.. I will try and give reepirts throughout the day and will see if I can leave work early and drive down to Bennett to check the conditions and snap a few pictures... Stay tuned...
I would gladly volunteer my video taping equipment and services and the youtube posting (so all us crazy anglers can watch it and ohh and ahh) if I could ome down and fish it with you.. Sounds like an experience... Just a thought.
This picture doesn't do the river much justice (it was not only up and a touch muddy at the time of the photo, but it's also a bad angle cause there are spots on that riverthat just take your breath away) but it's a good idea of what the fishing is like.. I was fishing that day from a john boat and we floated the stretch from Greer Springs (if you get the chance drive up on 19 and park and walk down to the spring, it's epic!) to turner mill.. I caught prolly 30 trout like this and was kinda exstatic cause I never got out of the boat! (i know, lazy huh?) You MUST go to Eleven point, then come back here and tell us how it was.. and by all means have Brian and his friendly folks set you up, I am positive they won't disappoint...
RC, I think he may have been talking about my little tracker? (correct if I am wrong, please Brittsnbirds.. "Dilla" is me? If so you can call me Cricket, it's my Christian name... ) And also if so (to answer your question) I got mine a few years ago and paid 4k for it.. It's a 92 model and it just rolled 100k miles.. It's a pretty sweet little (gutless) 4x4... Right now you aught to be able to pick up one of these in a 2003 model pretty reasonable. I can remember selling an 01 last year with 150k miles for 6k! Mine is apparently unique, because the wholesalers were clamboring for it at 4k.. (BTW, don't tell my boss I told you what I paid for my rig, I think I am actually contractually obligated not to say stuff like that.. LOL) Thanks for the head up I suppose. Hope no one was planning on breaking any laws.. But yeah, the "plain clothes agents" are out in full force. Sad that even fishermen can't be gentlemen. Might as well go ahead and re-warn everyone that there will be plenty of jackmonkeys being just jibbery-style ornery-what-make-no-sense-at-all.. I am a big friendly guy (like Lincoln) and I know the area, you can stick next to me if you are scared.. LOL Seriously though I caught one cussing a little kid for alking the bank behind him. YOu don't cuss children, and you most certainly don't curse at other people's children. It's unbecoming of a fisherman. It's supposed to be a gentlemans' sport! That means no going over your darn limit too.. sheesh! I understand why you reminded, but I not only do not give that advice to fishermen who would keep 50 fish but also I sincerely hope that if anyone at the park on sunday intends on keeping more than their limit, that they get their fine! I wouldn't even warn em, but I'd take a really good picture if I could! But again, thanks for posting it Brownieman, your intentions are sound and appreciated as always. rant over
Thanks, I figured that was prolly the case.. I am looking forward to this weekend, but I will quit disrupting this thread.. Good luck at Montauk this weekend folks!
Wow, you have a white/hybrid run in the creek by your house? May i move in? LOL (seriously, any chance of inviting a "friend" out? HEHE) My assumption is no since you are currently asking for others who are bailing on the whites in favor of the Gills.. Which I admire.. I remember last year someone posted a photo of a 2lber, was that you? I usually only catch them in big ponds, and only then by mistake.. Looking forward to your insight and that of your responders.. Meantime, when did you say those whites come through? LOL
Like this one? Here's my ride (I posted a pic of myself in the first post here) I'll prolly be on the rock ledges below the bridge in Zone two watching the boys haul in some lunkers right at the bell, then prolly either around to see you guys fishing or down to zone three to help my neices and nephews bait their hooks. Then it sounds like breakfast at 9 unless anyone has any objections? I am afraid I can't buy, sales have been slow lately.. But I'll pitch in for a big tip for the waitress. Lord knows she'll deserve it.. LOL Any other questions or comments? Anybody else as jazzed as I am ?
Likely excuse.. LOL jest teasin'... Seriously, great report.. Can't wait to make it back down there.. I repeat that whatever Brian charges to put you in the front of his drift boat is worth it..
Yeah I fished the Osage fork today with the same type of results.. You know what they say, misery loves company. LOL Make sure you post a report on how those walking worms do, eh?
Well, I kinda figure that the best time to meet for breakfast would be around 9? That way everyone gets to enjoy the opening, then those of us that want a chance to fish can come back after breakfast? That's my plan, anyway.. Roam and watch and try and get a fly in once or twice til breakfast.. Then come back and see if I can't limit out or scope a big brown down below the spring on the river... quick question though.. The website says the bell goes off at "6:30 central/7:30 daylight central" What the heck does that mean? Are we currently in central or daylight central? Wouldn't it still be 6:30 here? It's 6:30 right? I rarely get there before 8 when I do go (nowadays anyway) so I don't wanna be late.. I actually wanna be quite early so I can walk around and talk with anglers and try and spot some lunkers... I don't have to catch em to enjoy em.. LOL
Getting A Suprise Fishing Trip Wednesday
FishinCricket replied to FishinCricket's topic in Gasconade River
Thanks for all the advice guys.. They were sluggish at best, even though it got up to 65 degrees while I was on the water. We fished the Orla area and 5 miles=2 Smallies and one perch.. LOL Great float though, never been on that stretch of river.. Lots of bluffs and caves and stuff to check out.. Kinds skinny water for a John Boat, but since it was warm it wasn't that bad to get out and drag a bit.. As for the what and how of the bite? Mr Agnew was right on the money. Slow little worms jigged off the bottom in the deepest holes produced the two smallies... And they were small smallies. Maybe 7 or 8 inches? Funny cause the smallies have been very active on the Niangua, but now I understand the importance sprigs play in maitaining the water temp.. That river was COLD today, even though the boat seat was getting HOT from the sun. Anyway, took a couple pictures, but didn't bother taking pics of those baby fish.. Hope to WADE it again someday.. LOL -
Thanks for the heads up.. So many ozarks waters to cover, so very little time!!! I am thinking 3-5 weeks and you all will see a little 16 foot John boat braving the waters below the dam to have my chance at a few stringers full of those... Meantime I gotta buddy who wants me to catch a few trout to try out his new smoker.. So many fish, so little time...
So I am going to attempt to put the 16 ft john boat on the fork on Wednesday, supposed to be 60 degrees! A friend and I are going to play on our day off.. Anybody been down recently? I am guessing the smallies will be hearing up the top, but I might be wrong.. Planning on taking plenty of rattletraps and buzzbaits.. Also an extra crappie pole and plenty of maribou jigs.. Maybe some twister tails. Any suggestions? Colors, baits, etc?
Well if you're that excited, feel free to pick up the tab.. LOL Write down my cell number, or give me yours.. I'd like to check in with everyone before the bell if possible.. I am stoked!!!!!!!!!!!! Been a few years since my last time at the "opening day circus"..