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Everything posted by FishinCricket

  1. People who post fishing reports on fishing forums? :scratches_head_quizically:
  2. Looks like its about 29 inches... Wrench doesn't forgive, he eats that sheite up.. He's a MFUkin honey badger!!
  3. Exactly!!
  4. How to watch out for aircraft?
  5. Welcome...
  6. Surely there's some news reporting agency that has reported on this story by now?
  7. That might be the case if it was all locals fishing there, but what about the guy who's driving over from Indiana?
  8. A FELONY? Huh? That can't be right.... That's putting the accidental felt wearer (or, if what you say is correct, the person who finds out AT the park that there's a new reg and then decides to keep his felt soles in his car to take back home) on par with drug dealers, car jackers and stuff!
  9. And that pretty well proves that it's all about the revenue, eh? Good point.
  10. Are you aware that you're the one being an asshat, or is this news to you? Not what you say, but how you say it. For all you know Wayne is an ethical gigger, in which case you're BOTH name calling, aren't you? Anyone else need to sit in the corner? :peers_around:
  11. Exactly!! (and the rumor builds momentum)
  12. You sure it wasn't the A-rig?
  13. I appreciate the endorsement, Scott.. Ah, good catch.. Fat fingers, I guess. Thanks!
  14. (I am listing this for a friend, I assume that's okay.. If not, feel free to reprimand me) http://springfield.craigslist.org/cto/2879507283.html Clean and clear title in hand, this truck is a great truck. Our dealership made him a cash offer on this truck already and if he doesn't get a bite in a week or two he'll accept it.. But for now he kinda needs just a bit more than that... He's asking a few thousand under "retail" though, and it's well worth the money. I sold this truck new back in 2003, took it on trade in 2010 and sold it to my friend... His situation has changed and he needs the money more than the truck.. He's not at all interested in "giving it away", but he would be willing to consider a reasonable offer. Contact me at 417-718-8666 and I will get you on touch with him directly.
  15. I don't see how that would help anything, frankly.. Violence never solved a civilized problem, now did it? I think these two fellas are aggravated, and with sound reason. Sometimes it isn't what you say, but how you say it... SmallieBigs has pointed out to us before that, when he finds a gigged fish, it's like he just found his girlfriend being raped. I think we can all understand that passion, that bitterness, eh? I too found it difficult to maintain my composure when presented with similar situations. His "attitude" is just as pretzeled as OneShots "at least giggers throw em back" silliness. (seriously, that's just goofy.. And besides, I've never known of an eagles talon to make a straight line puncture would all the way through its target, but that's just forensics talking there) Frankly, neither "attitude" will get this conversation anywhere... Unfortunate.
  16. lol, where's my "like" button?
  17. The first time I heard that snagging and releasing spoonbill was legal my jaw dropped to the floor.
  18. Anyone ever tell you that your logic is pretzel-shaped?
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