I don't see how that would help anything, frankly.. Violence never solved a civilized problem, now did it?
I think these two fellas are aggravated, and with sound reason. Sometimes it isn't what you say, but how you say it... SmallieBigs has pointed out to us before that, when he finds a gigged fish, it's like he just found his girlfriend being raped.
I think we can all understand that passion, that bitterness, eh? I too found it difficult to maintain my composure when presented with similar situations.
His "attitude" is just as pretzeled as OneShots "at least giggers throw em back" silliness. (seriously, that's just goofy.. And besides, I've never known of an eagles talon to make a straight line puncture would all the way through its target, but that's just forensics talking there)
Frankly, neither "attitude" will get this conversation anywhere... Unfortunate.