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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by FishinCricket

  1. I'd love to see that!!!
  2. Too bad too.. I was inches away from convincing Al Agnew to be my fishing partner... Well, maybe not "inches" per se, but a close measurement.. (what's the distance stated on the restraining order, Al?)
  3. Also an option, but quite a long float, eh? Lots of slower water and, what, 7-8 miles?
  4. The fish are much more concentrated in the spring water, which is the first few miles below the Bennett public access and the first mile or so below Barclay Public access.. From Bennett to Barclay is 5.5 miles or so, from Barclay to the next access (Prosperine) is another 5 or so if I remember correctly.. There are various outfitters in between, but they each have their own float put ins and take outs based upon which side of the river they are on, and if your shuttling yourself it's easy to see why.. (Bennett to Barclay is a 30 minute shuttle but Barclay to Prosperine is a 2 hour shuttle!) I'd suggest you have Redbeards shuttle you and do one of their two floats.. (float 2 would be all new water to you) Options: http://www.redbeardsranch.com/canoeing.htm http://www.nrocanoe.com/float.html Or (plug for OneShots family): http://www.mo-adventures.org/rates.htm
  5. lol, big wompum magic, das watt... Jew wan bye eet? Is for sale, Jew know....
  6. I had prolly better put this thing on eBay before you actually convince me...
  7. Were zeroing in on info for chasing those big monsters you catch... Your posts keep popping up.
  8. They have a lifespan of how many years?
  9. I don't answer when I'm with a customer, but that's about it. Otherwise I am available to ask of my customers 24/7, it's part of being a professional. Thanks for the reference, sweetie. And yes, I'll be honest, If you have the ability and willingness to get a 2 year contract through a provider than this exact phone is only $49 (plus $36 upgrade fee) and will have a warranty! But if you took a dip recently (like Mitch did when we were fishing last fall) then you'll definitely want this phone (around $400 to replace it if you're stuck in your contract) (or if you spill a soda on it or drop it in the parking lot or if your pooped out and is out of it warranty, etc)
  10. I dunno how you boys can choose, I like em all!!
  11. I wouldn't let you play my scrabble game for three dollars... I should just wait til you drop yours in the river, then you'll pay!! (you know it's inevitable)
  12. Own a piece of OAF history folks.. That's right, the iPhone that Cricket has made 75% of his forum posts (off topic rants, derailments and hypocrisies) from, can be yours! Think of how envious your friends will be when they find out about the amazing applications and the sleek design of your new iPhone! Not to on the provenance! Imagine all the heads that banged against walls, all the lids that were blown right off by the obnoxiousness that has been typed into this phone over the past few years! What a collectible, a must have for any OAF enthusiast. Blah blah blah, N-EWAYZ I upgraded to a new phone and have my old 3GS for sale, it's an 8gig model. It has been in an OtterBox since it was new, so it's in great shape, no scratches or dings or anything, works just fine.. Comes with all the original equipment and in the original box. They are bringing $250 (max) on eBay, make me an offer... Questions? Just ask...
  13. Now THAT's what I'm talkin about...
  14. That sums it up nicely.. I feel the same when I catch a good sized trout on the Niangua on an x-rap... Loved the experience, but wish I'd have had him on the UL.. Sorry, my rambling interrupted you folks.. Carry one.
  15. Don't bother tryin to woo him, I've tried it... He ain't gonna take you fishin either.. (just teasin, of course.. I get tired of just sayin "x2")
  16. To appease the meat eaters. It certainly isn't because it's written in the bible or anything. (although I plan to present that very think at the next revision meeting ) Did it ever occur to anyone that "managing a fishery" doesn't simply mean doing whatever is necessary to beef up the numbers of monster fish... The overall quality of a fishery isn't measured using such a yardstick, regardless of what fishermen (release OR keep) want.
  17. I haven't been down since this past Sunday, the water was up then and off color, running pretty quick.... Still highly floatable and definitely fishable.
  18. Just drop that poor lil jet boat off at my place, I'll keep it in good serviceable order when your too busy to use it..
  19. What's got two thumbs and isn't a bit surprised?
  20. Oh, great!! Someone always has to bring the Gospel into the conversation!! Red X here we come!! (just joshin of course)
  21. S'what I get for trying to change the saying... :face_palm:
  22. And tell them what? These guys are taking a legal creel of smallies, goggleye and trout EVERY NIGHT. Legal, mind you... And yes, I've called when I've had to. After I've exhausted my efforts at reasoning with them, when possible.. (why ask? You know that much about me)
  23. As I've stated before, just cause its not illegal doesn't mean it's right.. Sleeping with your sister is legal too, Oneshot. Plenty of jobs in the Bennett area pay more.. Copland is ALWAYS hiring, as are most local factories, and they pay a heck of a lot more than the 4k a year (most likely this wasnt his actual income, but what he reported to the IRS, eh?) your son makes by helping others to ruin the river. I'll gripe all I want, it's my resource too and nothing I am doing is RAPING it, nothing I am doing is RUINING it, nothing I am doing is TAKING IT AWAY from future generations. Can you and yours say them same? If you ain't a part of the solution, ya know....
  24. And if you truly think that catch and keep fishermen aren't hurting MY fishery, then here's my challenge: Give me the location of YOUR favorite spring hole spot and see how long I can go catching and keeping all your largest smallies before they're all gone. I dare ya.
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