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Everything posted by FishinCricket

  1. The biggest problem I have seen with that river is that if it's running really low, you might as well wet wade it! Best way to watch that is HERE at the Hazelgreen access of the Gasconade (below the I-44 bridge).. If it's below about three feet then definitely consider bringing your galoshes! But it does fish well, I like rubber crawdads or rebel craws.. Oh and please don't forget to bring a few top water poppers.. The best advice I can give about fishing for the bass in that river is to BE QUIET! You really gotta sneak up on them, if the big one gets spooked you can fuggettabotit! Good luck and have fun, you are fishing my backyard.... LOL
  2. The largest rapid I saw on the Eleven Point was well below Mary Decker, just before riverton and right after Boze mill spring (which has a fantastic camping spot, BTW), I definitely wouldn't let a little hype about the shoals and currents in the Blue Ribbon Area. And remember, if it's June, when in doubt get out. that is, when you are in doubt about whether or not you can make it through a rapid area, get to the shoreline and get out. walk the boat downstream. Be safe, and have fun! Oh, and DEFINITELY pick up the maribous.. Just make sure to get the smaller ones, I like the black with a red head and a white tail in 1/16th ounce. Second choice is White with a pink head (same size).
  3. Looks like Sunday and Monday will be perfect for you! (fingers crossed)
  4. Sorry to hear about your job.. The water at the park has been a little high, and it's really flowing good.. Been having to use a lot of weight to keep the lure down.. I watched a guy with a braided sinking line doing a real interesting stripping along the bottom technique, he actually had his rod tip down in the gravel in an effort to keep the lure low.. He was busting one every other cast when no one else was catching anything.. Reminded me of the "snipping" technique someone mentioned on one of these threads around here... Best of luck, keep us informed?
  5. Yes, nice to meet you as well FFM.. You are the lucky person that got to be the first to see me bring a trout to hand with a fly rod.. (an 8 inch trout, but a trout.. Dammit) So it looks like you get a special place in my personal history (like FW bringing me out to fly fish for the first time, for whites).. Thank you both, I promise to return the favor someday. Also thanks to Greg for his gifts.. You guys all have huge hearts, and you have helped me to appreciate the "art" of the fly... Tthe constant advice and reports on this forum from everyone are so helpful that words can't even describe it. I feel a little guilty that I have spent my spare time over the last few days studying knots on this forum rather than doing my duty and giving a report for Wednesday.. I feel like I am accepting an award all the sudden.. (I told myself I wasn't going to cry, LOL) Thanks again all, hope to see you on the stream soon! Til then.. Tight lines!
  6. I'll be posting a report after this weekend... Keep your eye out for it.. We are putting in at Greer and taking out at turner.. I am taking a fly rod and an ultralight.. Wish me luck...
  7. Well I know a small stream or two down here that are good for curing that smallie fever... Next Wednesday looks tempting... Whatcha think?
  8. Try taking the flies and patterns and colors he suggests and putting them on a fly spinner or adjusting his advice about matching the hatch and just modify it. The concept is still the same. Right? John, Thanks for the report sir, you don't know how much it helps me to read a fishermans thoughts.. Doesn't matter that I fish small streams like the niangua, I still soak up every word of your reports, even taking the time to comprehend the water level stuff..
  9. 1992 Geo Tracker 4x4, just rolled 100k miles It's better to imagine it with the lift kit and big 'ol tires and wheels, bumper guards and winches... Instead of the roller skate that it is.. LOL My wife's 1999 Pontiac Trans Am LS1, 151k miles, STOCK as a ROCK. Lament the loss of the Great Pontiac.. (of course, we (the pontiac brand) lost this one a few years ago, but there was always hopes of a 2011, eh?) What about you, Deep V? Whatcha got?
  10. Methinks thou doth protest too much... LOL That's it, I had no intention of going to Flat Creek until I read this thread.. Screw smallie fishing, I wanna catch me a fresh water shark! LOL You guys are a riot... Hey, new guy! Welcome to the forum, lemme know if you ever make it down toward Lebanon, I would be happy to hook up with a fellow agler from the area, I am 28 and have had similar life fishing experiences than you.. but my boat is smaller... LOL Welcome again, thanks to the rest for the laugh... hehe
  11. Geeeez, you got me all excited! I said to myself: "Top water Strippers?! Now that's what LOZ needs! Wonder if the girls would get motion sickess from being up on the poles when the tide changes? So many questions...
  12. I'm down here watching them release 800 right now, tomorrow is looking promising! Now if I only had more confidence in my casting skills... Hmm..
  13. I do believe I echo these sentiments... Sorry I didn't say so before...
  14. I'll be looking forward to the call, I should be out at Bennett surveying by then (I get off around 6pm).. TTYL
  15. Well then we shall chat more about it at that point...
  16. I may have just had a flashback or something, but this had me laughing pretty hard, and then someone fishouttawater not getting it had me rolling on the floor laughing... Thank you so much for the real life funnies, y'all! Dear lord forgive me and be with them starvin' pigmy's in new guinnea...
  17. hehe, this is the exact same thing I do with a my ultralight spincasting rod and reel and a little tiny ball of POWERBAIT, from the back of the boat.. LOL Sorry, that's just funny to me.. Oh, and FW ain't taught me nuttin', he's worthless.. LOL When are you and I gonna go fishin', that's what I wanna know... Sounds like I could learn all sorts of tricks from you guys if I could just get rich real quick and retire (so I have time to learn it all)... thanks for taking the time to type an answer to my questions, I realized after I asked that the reply might have to get lengthy and detailed (which can cause carpel tunnel), and I didn't mean to do that to you.. Shoulda just invited you fishing instead.... LOL So?
  18. You are gonna have to explain this method a little better, I am not understanding.. You were spinfishing, with a (what is a) sowbug.. Drifting it along the bottom? And thanks for the luck wishing, I will be fishing that area for the next two days, cause I can't afford to get any farther from home.. LOL
  19. Hey, check this video out, this is Yellow Perch heaven apparently....
  20. Sounds like y'all had a good time, wish I could have been there...
  21. I am in... Where are we meeting wed. Morning?
  22. I really enjoyed your pictures, those are really good.. They definitely make me wanna find this Turtle Creek.. I just love wading through creeks like this for fish using an ultralight (see attached pics), but we have one or two creeks around here that I will be wading with a fly rod this summer... I look forward to posting some pics, but I need a decent quality camera. I noticed yours is waterproof? What kind do you use?
  23. Yeah, but I work til 6 pm, and it's an hour drive.. I am gonna get off work and go hit a pond for a few hours since the wife is tending bar all freakin' night... I'll try for tomorrow, but you had better make sure you have a back up cook for the hushpuppies..
  24. This is the sneaky little fly I was posting about! First fish I ever caught on a fly!
  25. You might just have a deal there... Still working the wife, she is complaining that working 14 hours today is going to effect her willingness to go anywhere Sunday (told ya she is a hermit). You still making your park trip today? Or did the derby turn you off?
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