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Everything posted by edwin

  1. Well, I ended up with the LCX-112c...found a deal that I just couldn't pass up. I'll go HB on my console unit down the road but this unit shoud fit the bow quite nicely. Don -looking forward to our April trip to see the SI in action. Thanks to all for the input...I truly appreciate it.
  2. thanks for the replies, gents. I was a little short on detail when I put together the original post. This unit would be for the bow of my boat. I completely agree the SI unit would be fantastic for the console but I haven't yet seen where a TM mounted transducer was the way to go for a SI unit...maybe I'm just reading the wrong stuff. I looked at the units again today while at BPS in Atlanta. Whatever I end up getting for the bow, it will have at least the 8" screen. Oh, and no, the budget doesn't have room for a new console and bow unit
  3. Hi all - I've been looking to updating the sonar on my boat. I had been all jacked up and excited about getting Humminbird SI for my boat, but gotta say that enthusiasm has been softened a bunch after reading the Yahoo forum. Either there's lots of folks that aren't real bright or this setup has the possibility of being is pretty darn complex. This being said, I was fortunate enough to fish with Eric Prey this past weekend and was really impressed with his 10.4" display on the Lowrance sonar. There's some great deals to be had on the existing Lowrance sonars as they are discontinued for the new HDS units come out. Given this, anyone have a giant 10.4" display and regret the decision? I'd appreciate your thoughts. tnx edwin
  4. I'm heading down to TRock this weekend. Best part of fishing in the cold....your beer never gets warm!
  5. thanks for the feedback. One more question - any issue using the internal antenna GPS vs external? I'd really prefer to go internal if possible.
  6. Hi all - I've noticed that more than a few of the folks on this site use a Humminbird SI sonar. I'm not looking to spend the cash req'd to get a 900 or 1100 series unit. Based on your experience, is the 700 series smaller screen still sufficient to add some significant value over a std sonar? Thanks in advance for your feedback. edwin
  7. I love my Kimber .45 Pro Elite, it's a sweet piece for sure. I had a P220 that I recently replaced with a Sig P226 for my CCW. To echo the other comments, Sig makes a fantastic product.
  8. Nothing feels better than breaking in a new boat right. I recall my first cast out of my first bass boat, right across from Pt 11 on a chrome rattle trap...caught a nice 2lb spot. Congrats on the new rig and the great fish!
  9. My main goal for 2009 is to teach my daughters (8 and 5) to be a bit more self sufficient when fishing. I love to take em out, they love to go, but I'd sure like to wet a line myself when we're out. Secondarily, I'd like to like to gather a list of go to fishing spots based on the times of the year. I had a couple bass boats from 98 -02, just getting back into it again.
  10. Sooo, I was in Aunts Creek most of the day today. It ended up being halfway productive. First stop was a cove 1/2 way between pt 10 and the camp ground. I caught 3 jig fish and a couple spoon fish. The fish finder was lit up when sitting in 40-60' close to, and in the middle of the cove. I got a couple fish and decided to leave to go deeper back into Aunts to check it out. Once you get to the no wake area, the water was pretty stained / muddy from the inflow of water. Saw lots on the graph but didn't get any hits. Went back to my original spot and caught a couple more jig fish, headed in for lunch and to pick up my daughters. Afternoon was pretty quiet except for 3 jig fish. My daughters nor I could get the spoon going this afternoon. Of my jig fish, the 1st was a really, really solid fish that got wrapped up in the cedars..unfortunately lost him at the boat. The last fish was the best...4.8lb LM (pic attached). All the jig fish were caught in 25-30' of water, PBJ jig with a craw trailer. 49 deg water. I'm gonna make a run tomorrow am and see what other creek arms hold.
  11. Ready to get bundled up like that kid in "The Christmas Story" who's mom dresses him before school. Dropping the lift in a few mins, will pass along an update this evening. Thanks for the info...
  12. I use the Zoom Lil Critter Craw and Chomper 4" or 5" twin tail grub on the jig most of the time. Colors are green pumpkin with purple, watermelon red, rootbeer, etc.
  13. I'm heading that way tomorrow for a 3-4 day stay, hoping the weather holds for Sun - Weds like the weather-guessers are saying. Anyone been out lately or have any suggestions on where to start? I had pretty good luck on the jig last week but I'm a tad concerned this crazy weather will have changed things a bunch. Tight lines, edwin
  14. I've had all kinds of rods from Loomis, All Star, Cameron Rods, Bass Pro rods of varying qualities / price points, etc. For the money, I can't find a complaint about the Johnny Morris Signature series rod. It's normally priced around $199 or so, on sale now for $119. I have two of them, one 6'6" MH and one 6'10" MH. I'm sure some of the high end handmade, custom rods are nicer units but I can't justify the $$$ on them...too many irons in the fire at home, so the JM Signature rod gets the nod from me.
  15. Hear ya on the bait fish in Aunts Creek...I didn't even start the big motor when dropped the lift on Thursday. Caught a couple spoon fish in no time right off the end of my dock. Looking fwd to more spoon fish next week as I'll leave the wife back at the house and be joined by my two daughters (5 and 8). I wouldn't be surprised for the water to lose 4-5 degrees in the next week. I slow rolled the spinnerbait for a bit but couldn't get any takers. If we get a few sunny days I'd also expect the jerk bait bite to pick up. I caught two Rogue fish over the last few days but the jig was far better to me.
  16. Gotta say it sure felt colder on Thursday when it was overcast with fog...only to be topped by the rain shower late Thursday with high 30 deg temps. Kinda hoping the cold front doesn't change things too much...I'm headed back down next Friday for as many days as the wife will allow
  17. I was fortunate enough to work remotely from Table Rock the last part of the week, got in some decent fishing Thurs, Fri, and Sat am. I fished mainly between Aunts Creek and Pt 11. Thurs was pretty quiet except for a handful of spoon fish in 40' or so. I've never had much luck right after a nasty cold front...maybe it's just me. Friday was hit and miss until around 3:30 or so...you could feel them tapping at the jig but only a few would take it. I downsized to a 3/8 oz jig and a finesse worm to catch 7 or 8. Then it was like someone flipped the switch as the sun started making it's way down behind the hills. Last 90 mins of the day produced 13 bass...with 7 of them being keepers, including my best LM at TRock to date at 5.3lbs. As you can see in the pic, the fish were hungry as most of the fish caught in the last 90 mins took the jig like they meant it. All caught in 15-20' of water, chunk rock banks, submerged cedars and the boat sitting in 30-35' of water. I was only able to fish till 11am today, ended up with 9 fish...6 of them keepers. Same 15' depths as Friday. My ability is weak at best compared to most on the site, but a couple of things I needed to catch fish the past couple days - most of the fish were pretty tight to cedar trees, forced myself to slow wayyyy down and take my time. I worked a small cove in Jackson Hollow this am for almost an hour. I caught 6 keepers there...had three other boats come in, burn down the opposite bank and catch nothing, and leave. Tight lines, edwin
  18. Fantastic news...thanks for the update.
  19. Keep up the good work...safe travels back home.
  20. Fantastic news...thanks for the update. Thoughts and prayers are with you two.
  21. I was able to fish today from crack of dawn till the light went away. Fished the James River between Pt 9 and 12. I had a half dozen keepers out of 17 total, with only one LM being a pretty solid fish at 4.2lbs. PBJ jig was the most productive, however I did catch a few on the Wart, a couple spinnerbait fish, and even two on an old favorite...the Bill Dance spittin shad topwater bait. I couldn't get any of the deeper fish to bite...most came in 15-20' of water back in the creeks. Wind really helped as well.
  22. Thanks again gents....Happy Thanksgiving
  23. Great info Don...can't thank you enough for the update. I'll be rolling into town mid-day tomorrow, hanging out till Sunday night. I'm located real close to Pt 10, any suggestions on sticking around that area or heading towards a diff't part of the lake would be greatly appreciated. I'll post an update tomorrow night. tnx again, edwin
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