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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Is there a limit on these? Also a size requirement?
  2. Awesome, that must have been fun reeling those two in a once. Thx for sharing
  3. It looks like this maybe the year for me to book a trip with Babler, given the above post sounds like I have a chance not to be the worst trip of 2011. I always enjoy Mr. Babler's posts but this one made me laugh hard. Funny Funny stuff. I am not a professional angler, but recently removed a treble hook from stone@therock's back on devil's backbone and did stay at a Holiday Inn express last night.
  4. Yes it happens quite a bit, usually along bluffs or main lake points. The color dosen't seem to matter but the longer deep diving crank baits seem to get more attention from the walleye than the short fat ones. This has been my experience from shell knob to eagle rock. During a family fun tourney about 5 yrs ago, one of the guys caught a 8.63 wally near turkey mountain. A beautiful fish that was delicious.
  5. Up past E bridge? Past M bridge would be quite a feat even with high water.
  6. HEY DR. FRANKENSTEIN, How about giving a fish a chance, did you see my stitches? Awful and with spawn right around the corner.
  7. The original post was never about anything other than trying to get some attention, by someone sitting in front of a computer thinking he is more relevant than he really is. Oh by the way does anyone know a good spot for gar. I use a toohbrush to coax them in and then hit them on the head with a baseball bat. It is really a new trend that is catching on.
  9. What a week of family fun on tablerock from 7-19/7-23. Each morning started out with only me hittting the water with minimal success with shorts and whites. On day three @5:00 pm with the boat beached and the kids in the water,splashing ,yelling and stirring up a brown water mess, i decided to get out the ultra lite pole with the bobber and and the jig head to hold on the worm. After setting up the lawn chair in a foot of water and stealing a mojito from the wife's cooler i sat down to relax. !st cast went out with no problems, after 20 minutes, brought it in to find only half of the wormleft,readjusted and tried to send it out again except this time miscast(probably the mojito) into two feet of water near the bank, tried to reel it into recast and met with substantial resistence, thinking i may have snagged a carp imagine my surprise when i landed this: CLICK ON ATTACHMENT
  10. I have been fishing the rock for 11 yrs. with a hit and miss success rate, the last two yrs have been much better due to the fact that i found this website. I could always find the fish,catching them was another matter. The marina folks always told the same story no matter the time of the year. Anyone with some fishing ability should be able to use FREE info here and catch some fish. I am amazed that each year no matter the season, i always see some bank beaters complaining that the rock is overrated. Adapt to the lake and conditions. Much thx to the good folks who provide info on this website. No complaints only thanks.
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