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Everything posted by Predator1

  1. You caught em all How ya been? Phil Lilley helped me fix my Messenger Box. I filled that thing up fast. Anyway, I got the whole family coming up this weekend. We are staying at Cedar Ridge. I noticed Bob Bennett said gold fish were doing good on limb lines and trot lines. Have you tried them.?
  2. Nice action. What colors were best on the walleyes? Also, do you use planer boards when you are pulling crankbaits?
  3. Congrats and enjoy. How deep were your fish when you caught them?
  4. Thank you. I will check Bass Pro this week. I appreciate each of you for your help.
  5. Nice video. Thanks. Check out my thread on the James yesterday. Lots of BIG SMALLIES. Oh yeah, that chartrues crank bait you talked about last summer worked out real well on the current breaks.
  6. Interesting. I have tons of rouges, redfins & rapalas. I have never tried for muskies. Are they as particular to color and speed retrieval?
  7. I will be hitting Springfield Lake this week with my Brother n Law. So I will let you know how we did. Last Summer when I took him at the same time the only conditions different now from then are the cooler water from the rain and the majority of water still running through the lake. The BASS ARE THERE AND WE ARE GOING TO FIND THEM.....Hopefully anyway. Sounds good on typing anyway. We got there last year at 5pm and fished till midnight. We only caught one fish at night and it got off at the boat. Did not even get a good look at him. The rest of the fish were caught during the daylight hours on jig and craw-fish trailers. If it looks like their food source then they will generally try to eat it. Good luck and safe fishing.
  8. Nice fishing. I thank you are the only one who has caught a muskie in Fellows in quite some time. We caught several bass all morning around KDOCK at Bull Shoals Saturday I caught my first Walleye. On the James River yestserday we tore up the Smallmouth in good sizes and some LM BASS. I posted reports on each threads. Talk to ya later...until then.. Good Luck and Safe Fishing.
  9. Yeah, I bet. I am sure you do have a lot going on. Thanks again for taking time from your customers to help me.
  10. Thanks Phil. I still need to get to your office to pick up those OAF STICKERS for my boat. Oh I'm sorry. Your resort. I guess your office is the water
  11. Great day canoeing from Shelvon Rock to Hooten Town. Most are Smallies were 3-4lb fish caught on Black/Blue Jig with Black Blue Craw or Black/Blue Baby Brush Hog ....Chartreuse Baby Bombers caught 3 - 1LB GOOGLE EYES. And the Old Charteuse Spinner Bait with Chartreuse Bleeding Trailer caught the 5 LM Bass between 1 and 2lbs. All fish were caught in the break of a current where there was some shade by the over hanging tree limbs. When the CLOUDS came out, the action stopped. First time I have ever left my WHITE SPINNER BAITS AT HOME. Remember this on Cloudy Days....A WHITE SPINNER BAIT WILL CATCH FISH LIKE CRAZY ON THIS RIVER. Nice day with the family on the River.
  12. Has anyone tried them in some oil with butter and lemon?
  13. I was on UPPER BULL SHOALS SATURDAY. We put in on the road to the left just before the Actual Boat Road at KDOCK. The creek to the left of that area is holding Gar by the Hundreds we seen GAR that were 7 FEET in length. Good luck and Hold on.
  14. Yea....you men are probably right. We seen lots of Gar in the Shallow with the CARP. I saw one Gar about 7 feet long follow are jig up to the boat. We use to have fun with our Bows in Louisiana back in the day with ALLIGATOR GAR. Thank you Martin, Trav and Lilly. We were going to pull out and go to Forsyth but my brother n law did not drink enough water Saturday. He got sick on the way home. But we got lots of pics and video of our catches. Is the fishing real good where Taney dumps into Upper Bull Shoals. I was thinking it would be due to all the water. Man The lake was real high Saturday. I even caught one fish off the Sign at the Boat Ramp by KDOCK.
  15. Thanks. How much do the planer boards usually cost? And what does B/B mean?
  16. Thanks Bob. I can not wait till the weekend coming up. I caught my first WALLEYE Saturday on UPPER BULL SHOALS just like ya said. He came from 60'of water and it took me 45 minutes to revive him. I almost thought I killed him. But he lived. How much are Gold fish?
  17. Thanks to everyone on this Thread over the last few weeks. I have never tried to fish for Walleye. I remembered everything you all said and I caught my first WALLEYE 100 yards from the KDOCK MARINA. IT measured 16". I used the CAROLINA rig with night crawler 4' off the rig. We caught 35 LM Bass from the OLD ROAD BEFORE THE KDOCK BOAT RAMP ALL THE WAY DOWN JUST PAST THE KDOCK MARINA FOR ABOUT 300 YARDS. All bass were caught on 1/4 oz root-beer jig with Zoom Baby Brush Hogs in Root-beer. All fish came out of the Bushes that ran along the banks. ALL BASS CAUGHT were between 12" and 18" Long. All fish were released in Great Condition. The Walleye was caught in 60' of water. We did see some men fishing finesse worms in 20' of water near the buoys for Bass. Did not see them catch anything. I guess the lake was 14' high. I had to launch my boat off some road into a creek. THAT WAS PRETTY COOL. Nice having a 15' FLAT BOTTOM. HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY...... Catching my first Walleye. Had several fish cut our line through out the Day. Lost 7 jigs. Only thing I could figure was it had to be Walleye taking our jigs and their teeth were cutting the line. I have caught 40-60 lb fish on 17lb test and never had that happen before. Toughest Job of the Day.....Took me about 40 minutes to revive him. He kept floating back up to the surface. I bet a lot of fish die like that. Thanks again. Charles
  18. Nice. I really appreciate your help. See my post on this tread today for yesterday..titled...(35 BASS AND 2 WALLEYE).
  19. I just posted this on Upper Bull Shoals to see if there is a difference. Anyone using planer boards for Walley?
  20. Just wondering if anyone uses planer boards while trolling for Walleye?
  21. Thanks again.
  22. Took my brother n law to Fellows Lake today. We caught over our limit on BASS this evening after work from 530pm till 8:00pm. We were throwing a 1/4 oz jig head with baby brush hogs up into the bushes....the water is definitely a lot higher since the rain we got. The bass were not taking off as soon as they hit it. They would hold it in their mouth on the way down. You have to pay attention and fill them . Also the water is really clear....visibility was at least 7feet. Most our fish were 2-4lbs...we had 3 that would go around 5lbs.......These fish are in post spawn and a couple of them had craw-fish lodge in their throats. They will be feeding a lot this week. Especially with the FULL MOON. Hope this will help some of you.
  23. Thanks alot gentlemen. I bought some Pvc Pipe this evening after we caught our limit on Bass at Fellows..turned em back to the water ready for the next time. QUESTION......Do you use planer boards when you normally troll? Also, How many rods do you normally have out?
  24. I am going after work today. Anyone catching fish this week on Fellows?
  25. Dont worry about the rain. The FISH DONT MIND GETTING WET.
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