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Soggy! You better watch out, there on New Years Eve or come September, you could have another reason to not be able to make in in 2010! :lol: :lol: :lol:
As many of us carry camera gear for "fish pics" it could be the difference in court if pics of the offenders are presented in the case! Now, I stress, its nothing to be posted here! And I can see the "counter claims" now, how their "privacy" was violated, but its a fight for our own rights to access the area without the insults! FliTrap
fuss? What fuss? didn't see much fussing! Just different views on the topic of fishing! Really nothing then reflections of our experiences! I thought everyone made SOME good points! FliTrap
Jeremy! I'll have to take you up on the "buddy rates" one of these days! Happy, Healthy and trying to stay fed these days so not a lot of coins to enjoy a guide! But if you are ever needing a bit of weight in the boat to practice, call! LOL I'll bring the flies! Looking to get on down there again soon! There is a lot said about the great waters in Ar. Been there many a time and had better and "not so good" days but each provided the time to find an inner bit of peace! And I really don't mind finding some of them big ones on occasion! Take care and stay healthy! I'll yell out if I'm heading down! FliTrap
Well, Here is a report! I'm not a guide.... just average "joe plumber" LOL! I had not been down to Taney this summer due to personal schedule and water conditions! I wade only..... no boat.... no guided trip! I was down Saturday, dipped flies between outlet 2 & 3 in the morning; even worked some dries for a some time about 11:00 a.m. and did well for the water I could wade! And..... no..... I was not in the outlets! From about 9-12 noon, I took 6 Trout, two over 14"! both of those on dries! Size 18 BWO's fished in the smaller back eddies there under the trees! Then took a lunch break until the water dropped out! About 1pm to 3:45 pm I was on the upstream side of Rebar hole! Or should I say, where the hole use to be! Water was about knee deep in the chute area, dumping into Rebar. Water was 59 degrees. light wind with spotty clouds! Worked mostly Soft Hackles, myself, catching some 26 trout in the 12-18 range, all Rainbows! Some were a bit skinny but all did a good bit of play, a few jumps and all revived in a short order before taking off! Two did a fine take and long run before I could turn them! Most all were in fine health from what I could tell, some nice and thick! The skinny ones tended to be the smaller sizes, most likely a case of food shortage and the bigger, healthier fishes holding the better feeding lanes! My Questions to that: Are they stocking beyond the carry capacity, reflective of the recent changes we have had. Consider too, that "stockers" take a while to start finding and eating natural foods after being on pellets! With the long runs of high water and faster current, they may be taking longer to adjust? Also, I wonder, with the graveled bottom being covered with the moss, is food easily found by "dinks"? Could the benefit in being stocked down stream, slower waters of the upper lake with hopes they would travel up stream as the grow? So any how...... As I figure, if I would have had the same waters all day, that may vary well have given me the chance at 100 fishes that day! And yes, I most likely would have not moved to far from that area! Now, was I disappointed about not seeing one of Taney's big and uglies?.... Not really! I figure that they are most likely lying in deeper waters, not in the sun of the day and not hanging with all the Doz's of guys around! Most all folks were catching and having a good showing! I am concerned that Taney will no doubt have some recovery time in the coming seasons! We are dealing with waters that function first as "Flood Control", then as "Electric Generation". While I'm sure we would all like those "prefect days" on the water, I feel excited to have any time and waters at all to fish! Lets put our efforts to improving on that! I hope too, that we as fishermen and women can present ourselves in a fare and sporting way both on and off the waters, and continue to learn from the wealth of info posted! That said...... I feel privileged to breath enough and feel well enough to stand tall; fish long and smile! God willing, I'll keep that up for a while! FliTrap
Record snows were recorded in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota! Adding greatly to the Mississippi River when it all melts! Its on the way, shortly! FliTrap
Thats o.k. , Dano! was in town with wife and daughter! They would have typically dropped me of to fish on their way to "shop"! As it turned out, we relaxed a lot.... in between the shopping! After 5 days of that, I'm glad to be home! Maybe next time I leave the shoppers at home! I'll let you know when I head back! FliTrap
Yep.... Water, Water everywhere! When I left Taney this morning they were still running the river to within 8' of the top of the access steps near outlet #2! Dano! You can stand on the 3rd step down, there at Outlet #1 and fish legal! TRL should be interesting with all the extra flooded timber areas! Dipping a line into the outlet waters was about it for the last 5 days! Unless I saw you standing in the parking lots, I figure I missed encounters with most everyone! Better luck next time! FliTrap
Yep! Spring Break and heading to Taney! I'll be in the area.... should I say on the water Monday afternoon and evening, then through to Thursday! Looking to catch up with anyone who would be around in the evenings, fishing into the night as I would otherwise be there all alone! Taney Monsters or Not! So, yell out if anyone would like to get together, share stories or just fish! Can't miss me! Lol.... big guy with a beard and waders! Just yell out for "FliTrap" .... I'll either call ya back or hide! Lol Leonard! We had chatted before of getting out there of a night! I'll look for ya! Come on down! FliTrap
Great report, John! I'll be on down that way the week of the Southern Conclave, staying with a few other OFF Guys there at the big cabin at Rim Shoals! Looks like we will be there Monday night through Thursday Morning! If you get down that way, yell out: Hey, FliTrap! I mot likely will be playing down on the islands most days and evening! FliTrap
In this corner, standing a few inches taller then his waders..... Is this for the Mid-State Upper Taney River Heavy Wt. Sr. Sumo Champianship, or what? Cause if it is, I've been in fine training mod for sometime! How about it.... Ducky and Dano... you guys can open the card in as a warm up bout! By the way, Rough River Rules still do not allow stink baits to be rubbed into your waders! Too Much! FliTrap
Terry! As a Mental Health Out Reach Worker, your symptoms are really nothing to worry about! I always say its a fine line and an active choice on my part as to what side of the desk to sit on when I go to work! The ones I worry most about are those who can not laugh or can't think out side the box! Fish On! FliTrap P.S. Brownieman! is that a BH shroom?? Natural tan color or one of them fancy wired ones?
Dano! Yep, its in the Friday schedule! Has something to do with that "special program" I work with up here in Missouri! Its all kind of a secret cause I'm not wanting everyone on here storming the program when they find out its me! Right now plans are that I will be traveling down the Monday before, staying there at the big cabin at Rim Shoals until Thursday! That is when my wife will get into town and I'll be at one of the local motels for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights before heading home Sunday morning! You'll just have to figure out one of your client's to go check on in the area to have a "reason" to stop on by during work hours!! If you (or anyone else) wanna wet a line, drop me an E-Mail with date and time! Rim Shoals is calling! FliTrap4@yahoo.com See ya there! FliTrap
Yep.... now everyone can get a few flies like that! The more it is fished, the sooner them Trout will spread the word that they bite back! Then I'll come on down with a new secret, never fished on Taney Fly (NSNFoTF) which will no doubt fool all them Trout! It will be so much fun! FliTrap
RandyL.... I hear you but still find your approach a bit funny! But then, I have gotten the same kind of response from a few doubting persons when I tell my story of the great day I had down on Norfork! 117 trout... while standing in one short section of a ripple... 10am to 4pm, on a Sunday, last year in May! No bragging intended... yes I counted every one of them fishes and they were all caught on one pattern.... size 18-20 BWO (tied my way, for sure!)killed off some 24 of them little flies while using 7x tippet. I have had a get other grand days both on the White River as well as Taney, but nothing in the numbers like that one day! I agree that you will hear a "story" or two from folks that use a good guess to describe a day fishing! There are those who do catch large fish and many of them! I say, come on down and catch a sighting of them yourself! Watching is free! And if you catch me wetting a line, yell out something nice and join in the fun! You can measure and count for me! FliTrap Dano! I know I keep saying we gots to get together..... LOL Been way too long! Looking like I'll be down at Rim shoals the Monday through Thursday of the Southern Conclave. Did you catch my name in the SC-FFF "Long Casts" paper? yep.... presenting program on Friday! But you'll have to drop by the river to see any of my tying work! Everyone up this way trying to stay healthy! You take care! FliTrap
Rich... I for one tie up 99.9% of my own flies, most all of which have at least some history to some other flies from years ago! I study a lot, tie a lot.... give many away and still have fun! Now, if you catch me on the river, I may or may not share what I'm using! I would base that on how I feel about your approach towards me and the fishing I'm doing! I typically don't loose sleep over someone else's "secret" anything! I credit this to the shear numbers of fly patterns out there! And should you fish one of my flies, and catch fish...I still feel good! And if I ever do fish with anyone.... paying for their services or just to enjoy the company.... I most likely would still match fish, using my own box of flies because thats what I know and enjoy! While doing so, I'll be watching and soaking up what is going on around me as well as to how others respond to the same thing! Study enough water.... enough history... enough tying... enough practice of my casting skills.... I can do it without your secrets! And guess what.... at the end of our time on the river each of us will have learned only what our own egos allow! Leonard, I'll catch you on the water! FliTrap P.S. Is that the Sunday yellow wrapper off the newspaper or the white one off the weekday addition?
Hey, RandyL!!! Great to see that you joined the BB to pitch in and help educate those of us that just don't know you! Your sportsmanship is beyond.... and I realize that I'll have to back track and pick up on all 9 of your previous posts to catch the full extent of your experience and words of mastership of this sport! In looking at your stats, I realize that there are some 3,734 other members here that are most likely just excited to know that you'll lead the way in count and knowledge! Share it all! Hey, keep me advised as to just when it is you'll be fishing Taney! As for everyone else! Its great to be back! I've been a bit out of touch with the BB in recent weeks due to a busy schedule else where! I'll have to head on down there in the coming weeks and get to know the new folk that have come on board! Tight lines to all! FliTrap
Ya! Terry! The knowledge of cooken up fine fixen's like that there is no strange pheat to this farm boy!! Granny always told us boyz: "If'n its not moving when ya find it.... get it in here quick ta cook it on up....4 it go ta spoilen'...... if'n it goes ta moven' when you grab hold... why go ahead and wamp it withen a big stick.... only shootz it if'n its gonna out run ya..... and don't go gett'n too much shot in it.... that stuff herts my gums!" FliTrap
There's an idea in this somewhere! if we link up.... We can park up to two cars, trucks or horse carts in a "Camp spot"! Split the costs and plug both up for the fans and such! I'll pitch up a tent, though.... tend to slid out of back of this jeep too easy! Not any fun in a sleeping bag! Thinking its two tents on a pad as well! FliTrap
Terry! You forgot the following; -Squirrel Brains roasted on an open fire -Tad Pole Pot Pies -Single Striped Skunk Stew (Double Striped Skunks cost more!) -Buffalo Chip Dip I'll see if I can force myself to drive a nother time on down to Taney and join in the eats! FliTrap
BK.... Lets put it this way.... I wade fish only.... Fly fish only.... Tie my own flies... most of which you would be hard pressed to find such patterns in a store! I don't pitch common patterns at all! (Thats not to say, my ways are best.... only to tell you how I choose to do it!) I don't use guides, though I have a lot of respect for them and golf courses! Both keep many of the "duffer folk" off the rivers and out of my way! And I can't say enough about how great is is to "pick their minds" as for how and where to fish..... Now..... Yes, I have had 50 plus fish days.... many times.... my best being 117 trout in about 5 hours! Yep.... a lot of trout and one heck of a "match the hatch"! That was truely a life experience! I do my homework.... read all I can find.... respect each and all who are so kind to share their experience and knowledge! That, even when I never give it a nother thought or otherwise disagree with them. "Glean what you can; grow with what you realize to work!" I will say, I am not a "know it all"! Never claimed to be better then anyone else and would just as soon see someone else learn and enjoy then to ever think I was "better" then anyone else! This site has a world of experience! Its a place to grow and to share. And way too many of the folk here would stand next to most anyone else simply for the asking.... to share what they know! If you want to learn, take a seat and watch anyone on the lake! Ask Questions and keep an open mind! But most of all.... respect what we have available to us all.... here and on the water! Tight lines! FliTrap P.S. I'll be there Satuday through Tuesday.... find you a fly rod and look me up! Outlet #2... yell out "Hey FliTrap"! You may just find me in the area!
Fly2Fish, I'll be in and around Taney this weekend..... pending some family activities! Getting in there Saturday afternoon through Tuesday! No doubt will be putting in around the outlets. The wife and daughter will be dropping me off at various times as they have little interest in fishing as many hours as I will! bearded big guy! (Ya... like I'm the only one looking like that!) You'll just have to yell out: "Hey, FliTrap!" Catch you all there! FliTrap
Ya, I figured many folk will be on over there in Mountain Home! That will leave a bit more water for me to play in Saturday afternoon! And if you can't get out to play at night, stop on by when you can! Stand there on the steps at Outlet #2.... yell: "Hey, FliTrap!" I should be hanging out there someplace! Or out eating! looken' to wet a line! FliTrap
Yep! I'll be flippin' flies down there Saturday afternoon through Tuesday! Will be staying local there with my wife and daughter! They have grand ideas of doing a lot of shopping and running around! I figure to fish at various times through the weekend, thinking that the family plans will be taking me down to Rouring River on Monday! Yell out if anyone wanna get together! Leonard.... you ready for that "Night Fishing Lesson"? New Moon on Sunday night! Dano..... come on up, if you can! Tight Lines! FliTrap
I have nothing be respect for anyone that is willing to put on a uniform to enforce the law! Here is a great example of how dangerous their job is: A few years ago, my son and I were fishing from a public access along a small Missouri stream. We were catching a good number of fat Bluegills and a few Smallies….all C&R! Having a great day! Now this stream isn’t like way off the trail or anything and the area is open enough to be able to be aware your surroundings! I noticed a Conservation officer walking towards us. I waded on to the shore, said hi and handed him my tags as did my son. The officer was nothing but polite! Had a good talk about the fishing in the area and such. As he tipped his had to turn and leave, I halted him once more and asked: “Do you all work out here alone or with a partner?” He clarified that he typically has a partner along. I asked: “ Would partner happen to be wearing full camo…. Carrying the sniper style rifle and is hanging about 30 yards back up there along brushy ditch along the field… with that scope pointing this way? Because if not…. We are in a heap of trouble….” The Officer looked at me, blushed a bit and said “You knew he was there?” When did you see him?” That was my tern to laugh! Pointed out that as a well-educated hunter my self, I had realized that the “sniper” was in the field some 35 minutes prior to the officer’s approach. Pointing out that the officer had let the other guy out of the truck about 100 yds. cornered across the standing cornfield. He looked over at his partner and mumbled that the guy was gonna someday get them in a bind! We talked a bit longer about the “trouble” they had been having in recent weeks with folks fishing the area without the right tags and how a guy carrying a gun not too long ago had confronted an agent. I thanked the officer for his visit and his hard work! Great day of fishing! FliTrap