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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. Sure was good to finally meet you! I had a feeling that was you next to me. Lol! Now that you know what the brown bomber looks like, stop by and say hi next time I see you. I enjoyed our chat at the ramp. I definately want to learn a few things about striper fishing and how to cast one of those pesky cast nets. I hear there's a trick to it. Thanks for the tip on that small school of Kentucky bass. Saved our trip! We would have zero'd and no one likes a skunk!
  2. Dang.......and I have date night tomorrow night. She'll never go for a new place! Lol!! Guess I can try it soon. I'm a big fan of wings. Chicken pizza sounds great too.
  3. As Barney Stinson says..... "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!" lol!! Wings huh? I'm definately trying it now.
  4. Very cool explanation on down imaging/structure scan. I was keeping it all "layman's terms". LOL!
  5. J-Doc

    Osprey On Swepco

    That's cool. I've never seen one either. Must have been from Ft. Smith? I saw a Chinoook fly over Rogers a few weeks ago. Been a while since I have send one. Usually just Blackhawks these days.
  6. If only I knew where Jebs backyard was lol!!
  7. GAR ya dang phone!!! Not "far" Ugh! Lol!
  8. I have got to turn the auto correct feature off on my phone. Changes my words all the time. I think the typo is better than the complete mis-use of words. I meant to say down imaging in the post above. fishinwrench, You made me give that photo another hard look. To me, the belly is fatter and more football shaped. A far is pretty straight bellied and doesn't have any curvature in the middle and is pretty consistent from eyes to tail. The spoonbill has an almost dolphin like crest at the transition from eyes to nose and a curvature that best fits this fish arch. Granted, sonar reads fish as an "arch". Down imaging has a higher sensitivity and increased resolution over conventional sonar. Think of it as the "blue ray" of sonar. :-) Its still sonar, just better resolution. So the arch is more defined helping one "guess" at the species. Its still a guess but a more informed guess in my mind. To me, if it was a far the shape would be a little more uniform from eyes to tail. You can clearly see where the sonar wave reflection distinguishes a "snout" type nose which is distinguishable from the main body. Also, the fish on the rear image looks as if it is turned towards you slightly and you can still see the nose. I might be "over-reading" that part but it looks like a spoonbill to me. Dang things look like a shark when they surface. Kinda gives you a "what did I just see?" moment when you see one. Looks like a dorsal fin between their mid-back and tail. I saw one surface just like a dolphin one day. Made me shake my head and say......what was that? Later figured it was a big (I mean big) spoonbill. Beaver doesn't have dolphins so it was the only explanation. :-)
  9. Just wanted to publicly post that Stumpbumper is a classy guy. He let me have his brand new spare transducer for free. We have some good fellas on this board. :-). Even ole fishinwrench qualifies as a good fella. Lol!
  10. Makes me wonder how many boat trailers have loose nuts. I said "boat trailers" having loose nuts.....not boats having loose nuts. The loose nuts show up during the summer months in ski boats and party barges. :-)
  11. I think its cool that you can tell its a spoonbill from Downs an imaging. I was thinking the same thing. "Is that a spoonbill?". You just confirmed it. Sonar has come so very far from flashers and the little fish symbols from many years ago.
  12. I will be at the Bassmaster Classic next week but I hope to get out on the water soon and try my hand at some crappie. I may be able to squeeze a short trip Sunday afternoon.
  13. 30?? Oh you're definately going to make a trip with me :-) I don't know squat about crappie but I have a crappie rod and some jigs and a bait bucket. And a willing attitude to fish and learn. I hear its a blast and if like some crappie for the freezer. I'm land locked this weekend but might be able to talk the wife into a Sunday afternoon trip. I'll let you know if I'm going ahead of time. If not, maybe next weekend. Sounds like a lot of fun to me.
  14. J-Doc

    Jerk Baits

    All we need to do is set a day and I'll make it happen. :-). Let me finish chasing some motor issues and we will get a trip setup. I may have a weak spark issue not to mention leak in lower unit seal. I just replaced the seals (all nut one) and I bet the prop seal needs replacing now. Won't hurt to run it as it has a tiny bit if water in it. Not enough to hurt anything. I just want it fixed.
  15. Nope. I have a MIG welder but I've never messed with aluminium. I am still diagnosis/chasing some motor issues but hope to be in the water soon. I'll let ya know.
  16. J-Doc

    Jerk Baits

    I just need someone to teach an on the water class for "Jerkbait 101". I have some RC baits and a few McSticks. Also a few others brands. (No Visions.......too rich for my blood). Any volunteers? I'll provide the boat and snacks.
  17. I don't have a clue on crappie. I'm still trying to iron out some boat issues myself after a rebuild I may be on the water next weekend. If so, I'll shoot you a message. I have a little boat but, she'll fish two easy.
  18. Like OJ's glove!!! Lol!! And this is why I changed my signature below and said such kind words about my new bud. Shoot me a PM and let me know what ya want for it and such. You continue to amaze.
  19. I got this unit on eBay and I so I'm not really looking forward to going to eBay so I'm not really looking forward to going to eBay again.
  20. Sounds like I should have gone to Beaver rather than SWEPCO. Fish were a bit off over there yesterday. The algae bloom threw me off too. Haven't seen that much algae before. Must be the low water level? Going back to Beaver next trip. Now that I have my boat running again, I enjoy the riding. Jig & pig? Or finesse jig?
  21. Yeo. It didn't tick at all. I reset all settings with the reset option, plugged and unplugged , and I even swapped my helm unit with the bow unit to see if it was the graph. It was the transducer. I even tapped the transducer with my pocket knife to see if something was hung (old mechanics trick lol!!) and like expected.....it helped but not for long.
  22. Hi my name is J-Doc. AND I'm a graph-watcher-holic. (the group chants) Hi J-Doc. Welcome! LOL!!!!
  23. This is the power cable for it. You can see the adapter type required. http://www.redsgear.com/popup.aspx?src=images/product/large/10871_1_.jpg Also, below is an image of the transucer that ypically comes with the power cable attached. http://www.shopepal.com/popup.aspx?src=images/product/large/957_1_.jpg This transducer has a different power connection but I'm thinking the wiring is the same and can be spliced to the connector that I have as shown in the first image. Pins match up so the wiring should be the same. Just need to take the screw-type connector off and splice in the plug in connector. I VERY much appreciate it!
  24. Great! Thanks! Its an external. I am mounting it to my trolling motor. It has a metal bracket that's made for the transducer.
  25. Lowrance 67c. Its the standard transducer for the lower end units. The wiring harness plugs in only and has about 4 or 5 pins I think. It doesn't have a screw connection.
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