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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. Hush Cleatus.....just hush up!
  2. I'm still curious how long 4 strokes have been around.
  3. 4-stroke hater....... lol
  4. And a very informed response too! As always!
  5. I didn't say they were the best selling. That's quoting media from Mercury. I do find it interesting that the 4 stroke is now faster than the 2 stroke. Probably because it's lighter. How long have 4 strokes been around now? 10-15yrs?
  6. Having a 115 PROXS myself (2-stroke)....I'm very intrigued by this new release. My RT188 would already lose to a 4-stroke 115 Merc, now with the ProXS model, it would probably gain upwards of 3mph or better. And, sip the gas too. My current motor drinks only fumes and sips gas like I do with extra hot coffee. Very intrigued by this. If I were to buy a new rig, I would be looking into this pretty heavily. Oh... And how do I know the 4s is faster? Multiple conversations or messages with folks that have my boat, setup, and the difference is the 4s is typically a little faster. Just thought I'd share this. Might be a sign of things to come on larger outboards as well. https://www.mercurymarine.com/en/us/engines/outboard/pro-xsr/115-pro-xs-fourstroke/
  7. When I first saw the subject, I thought someone wanted a cream for cold sores or something! Lol! I had to click to see what was going on. Intrigued further now.
  8. Crawfish are a staple for multiple species within the lake. One species hurting the entire food chain is an issue. And before we start that argument....lets not. It's been peaceful lately. Let's keep it that way and all smile and move on stay happy.
  9. I was just about to speculate what you just said. Stomach content.
  10. Interesting info. Thanks for sharing. Regardless of anyone's opinions as to what's best, right or wrong, thank you for sharing. I disagree with the walleye reduction but, I'm not a biologist and I have no access to the studies and info they do. So it's just an opinion. If the hybrids do hurt the crawfish population......"they gotta go". I agree with their move and say good call.
  11. Thank you. I cheated. I bought the Doctor Sonar DVDs while waiting for my boat to come in when I ordered it last year. 10 week build time I had already started learning more of the basics but some simple explanations from Doctor Sonar made it all "click" in my head. I leave mine on or near auto most of the time by the way. I don't tweak the settings by much.
  12. Quite welcome. Has not been any screenshot activity for quite some time. I'm always ready.
  13. Look at the sticky in the General Discussion forum for screens hits and interpretations thread. You can scan through that thread and pick up quite a lot of good info there. As for where to put it, that's easy. You want side imaging at the console. The boat has to be moving at a decent speed (1.5mph+) in order to get a pretty clear picture on side imaging and down imaging. Less than 1mph is a bit "blurry" and less than .5mph is definitely blurry and sitting still is nothing but a blur. That's for both down and side imaging. So I use side imaging all the time on the console. I have an HDS10 and I have 4 screens showing gps, sonar, side imaging and downimaging. I can switchaikovsky to several screen views I've preset and I use side imaging to locate structure, bait, or large schools of fish. I rarely see bass on side imaging. It's just harder to see them unless they have some good size to them. If they are suspended and big, I can see them but I'm usually scanning 160ft+ out both sides so they look like dots. In shallow water at 50-8ft out, yeah, you can see them better. If it were me, I'd use your old graph for primarily sonar and a GPS map on the bow for your existing waypoints and side imaging on the console to locate "stuff" and to give yourself a bigger view of a map or sonar when at the console. I won't say I never use side imaging on the bow because I do. But it's usually when I'm moving to new targets along the bank or just trying to"find some fish" in an area without having to crank the big motor and move around.
  14. In all honesty, this lake can change overnight and definitely in a week or two. I got out the firest time in weeks Monday. I spent quite a while roaming around areas looking for fish. I stumbled onto something I've never seen before and think I may have figured out a wintertime deal. This lake will be a complete wildcard by spring break. It's been an odd year and it seems years of experience helps on a lake like this. Water is still high and muddy and unseasonably warm. Plenty of food for all species so it can make a rough bits and slow day. If you have a fish finder and a big ball of bait, you're in the right general area. Species of all kinds will be on the edges and on the bottom below the bait.
  15. Oh I see now. I was way over thinking it. I have spider rig rod holders also.
  16. I'm a graphic person. By profession as well. I'm not following this. Sounds interesting. Explain more?
  17. That is a thin hook. Nice day for fishing. Glad you got into them again. I was going to go tomorrow but got an invite to the range so....I'll go polish my aim. ;-)
  18. J-Doc

    outboard help

    Paging Fishinwrench. Dr Fishinwrench you're wanted in the ER.....
  19. What did I do to you lately???? Geez!
  20. Ever since Katrina, there has been some really large gators in South Arkansas. No thanks. Sharks, gators, anything that can eat me..... Nope.
  21. Yep. Chapman. That's right.
  22. Gotcha. I grew up near El Dorado so I'm familiar. Wouldn't catch me out there in a yak in the spring or summer. No SUH!!! lol!
  23. I watched it today. It was a bit weird. I got he was trying to be funny. He just doesn't pull it off like Swindle and some others. He was definitely a trainwreck. He was catching them on that big spoon. Foul hooked or not, he was bringing them in. I'm surprised they don't have a 2min foul hook penalty. If it touches the carpet, slime coat is damaged. But a hook in the side of the body, is acceptable? Seems backwards. I did chuckle at a few things. I hate Mark Rose did not do any better. Such a great guy. I also noticed Faircloth (I believe it was him, maybe Robinson) said they tried the Ned rig and couldn't get a bite. So.....they do use it on MLF it seems. I tell you, I get the biggest kick out of the latest Sunrise commercial!! Especially when Erhler tries to be a redneck and say "that dog will HUNT!" First time I saw it, I literally laughed out loud. I grew up around folks that said stuff like that all the time. So I found it funny. Especially the end. I've heard that saying so many times. :-) I like this show more and more.
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