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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. Don't do what I did and cast on top or near a brush pile. Didn' Know it was there and saw bait and cast. Ripped one of the main tendons on the net. I tried repairing it with heavy mono line and matching the length just right and such. Wasn't easy and still doesn't cast right. I also found I have to use a different technique with a larger net vs a smaller net. Thankfully, I haven't really broke the net out yet this year.
  2. More like who is donating to the winnings.... I won't be out there. Not because of weather, just because I'm not on a pro level nor do I consistently bring in a sack full of fish to even cash a check to cover my entry fee. Much less fuel and such. Several local pros fish it and do well. Last few years they have been in the top 10 but there are always the guys that win and or place well in the Everett series that win it. While they are chasing them, I'll go for other species if I were to get out there. I did that last year I believe. I was already in Monte Ne when the herd come screaming around the corner headed to springs that were already vacated of bass.
  3. Having been a Lowrance guy for many Years now, I'm slowly switching over to Hummingbird. I have no experience with them but here they last longer than 2-3yrs where Lowrance touch screens are failing quite a bit. I know two people that take care of their equipment who have had issues recently. Right after the warranty and Lowrance customer service was not very helpful or willing to try and help. Since you have a bird already, I'd stick with what you know. Christmas sales have units with great prices. Shop around for a good deal and good luck!
  4. That's what I will do.
  5. I feel like the kid who was told not to push the shiny red button........ Here goes..... (push) What preaching about 3+year old batteries?
  6. Their website says mine is unaffected by the recall but I have the exact same model as listed under the "affected list". My unit does not have a stamp with the date on it so I had to guess. So now that I have filled in the information, I cannot go back and change the date should I find the actual date on it. It's locked me out. Guess I will have to use another address and contact info just to get through their lockout. Makes me want to go buy a new one from another brand and discard this one.
  7. J-Doc

    11/12 Report

    Well that was informative. I went out with Yakfm Sat. morning. Was windier than I wanted so topwater bite was not really happening. Caught some, got greedy and moved. The new spot was too crowded and I kid you not.............2 goobers on jet skis idled out from a dock and ran right through the middle of two guide boats and a pontoon. I was laughing and actually captured a picture of the event because it could not have happened to a more fitting person as I do not like that particular guide who thinks he owns the entire lake and all the fish in it. So we went back to our starting spot and caught fish again. Wind had died down a little and that helped the bite. Then suddenly when good marks show up on the graph, they disappeared as fast as they appeared. I sidescanned the area and tried trolling cranks and with large bait around, the gamefish had vanished. Beaver Lake.......go figure. Was good to get out for a change. Only my 2nd trip in over 2 months. I'm nearing 200hrs and need maintenance done on the boat and I'm trying to conserve the hours till December so I can scrape the cash together to get the service work done. I just spent a lot of money on a project and the wife needs time to cool off. Three years and 200hrs. Not bad, could have been 300 but I slacked off a lot this year and last summer. She is still running strong and starts within seconds. Can't complain about my ProXS so far.
  8. Debbie Downer.... 😆
  9. Darwin at least got some if his theory right. Weeding out the dumb and weak. (Natural selection)
  10. 4 stroke hater.... 😎 Wish I had that new ProXS 4s. She's a screamer.
  11. Oh I would have words. And those that know me, know that it takes a ot before I open my mouth and start any possible confrontation. Even if I asked nicely to move, I'm sure 90% of people thst would do something like that would take offense and start mouthing off.
  12. I did not know the internet reached that far! 😆😆😆 (Joking) Looks like small groups of bait grouped up tightly together. It is suspended and floating off the bottom. If it were grass or vegetation, it would be along the bottom. Go back to pages 1-3 of this thread and read some of the simple explanations of how sonar works. And watch the video links. Things will make more sense then. Good on ya! 😉
  13. Not surprised. With every passing year, our population growth seems to bring more things that make you cross-eyed with bewilderment.
  14. What he said. He beat me to it.
  15. I need to take time and call about mine. I checked it Saturday and it appears the one that came with my boat is one of the affected models. I need to call the number and give them the serial number and have them give me instructions on how to exchange it. Mine came with my 2015 model Ranger. I believe Cabelas outfitted it as part of their outfitting package.
  16. Wash that poor thing down will ya? Lol. She likes to stay new looking. 😁😁
  17. My (new) boat came with one similar to this or just like it. I'll have to check into this.
  18. It's always the same people that do well. And with so many people fishing them, that's why I don't. I'm just donating to the winnings. Lol!!
  19. Really hard to say. Lines drifting upward at a steady pace and frequently sometimes indicate an underwater spring or upflow. Sonar can pick that up.
  20. It is if you post a selfie and use a pic filter to make it look radical.
  21. What happens is too many people reading reports and then jumping on the action. As our region grows, so does the fishing population along with the sport. Mention a hot bite and within 3 days or less you'll see boat after boat fishing that same area. Doesn't even require a GPS location.
  22. Oh my............the comments are hysterical. I can't believe how they are joking while their friend is laying there with a shark attached to his gut. "Did he get your winky?" LOL!!!
  23. According to Shark Week, all sharks are misunderstood creatures who only bite out of curiosity and food. So this nurse shark must have wondered what this guys BMI was. Sharks.........they bite. No matter how the Shark Week fans want to sell it, they bite and they're an apex predator.
  24. On the bright side, fishing success would pick up and anyone could catch fish. All they would have to do is slow down and run an outboard. The fish just jump in the boat.
  25. Didn't know anything about this. Lake is slam full of bait. Catching some of it may be harder now. Especially with the mass increase in live bait fishing. The old days of striper guides having it all to themselves is long gone.
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