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Everything posted by J-Doc

  1. That's a cute little dude right there. I know you're proud of him. Seems like not that ling ago my son wss that size. If I could get that timback....i would so do it differently. Don't wear him out, go out of your way to make it fun for him and not you, and make sure you keep imho entertained and excited about it. He will either like it or not. Don't force him. And nice bass btw.
  2. So want to fish in it when you get it. I'd love to see how one rides and fishes on Beaver. I also am looking at this type for my next one (years from now).
  3. I went out a few weeks ago to take a friend out. I told him that I could guarantee we would catch at least one fish. And we did. A nice largemouth while trolling for walleye. I also caught a crappie dropshotting. THat was the last time the boat was hooked to the truck and it was 2-3 weeks before that trip. I just don't get out much anymore. Tired of the traffic, tired of the highly erratic fishing patterns, and tired of finding fish and cannot catch them after throwing what I know should work. I'm just frustrated all the way around and have other things to do. Ready for fall and maybe some more relaxing atmosphere and relaxing fishing.
  4. I failed to see the mph. THanks. Yes, when reading "0.00mph", the long streaks reflect that. The faster you go, the shorter the arches due to the explanation I have earlier. The red spot as you are referring to as a stump could be just that. If not reading as connected to the bottom that indicates the scan shows the stump is at an angle. You could go back over that spot from a different direction and clearly see it at an angle. Hope that makes sense. Think of sonar this way... If you took a road cone, cut the top off or drilled a hole in the top of it and stuck it in the water and looked through it like you were looking through a telescope, that's how sonar works. In a cone shape. The deeper the water, the more you can see because of the cone. You are strictly limited to the cone angle. The lower the frequency, the wider the cone angle. You are using a dual beam 200khz so your beam is pretty wide compared to 455khz and 800khz structure scan. See attached link. Good reading here. http://www.thetechnologicalangler.com/sonar.html
  5. Definitely small gamefish probably bluegill or small crappie as you suspected. I did not see a stump however. The fatter football arches are most likely crappie in 2nd photo. In the 3rd photo, the arches appear as "streaks" or long arches. This means the boat was either sitting relatively still or the fish were active and moving quickly. In the 4th photo, yes this appears to be bass. Again, sitting relatively still again? Always remember, your sonar feeds images like a printer or on a scroll. Think of an image like a polygraph test you've seen in movies/TV. The roll of paper rolls out at a constant speed while the needle jumps and moves showing the testee was either lying or telling the truth. When it detects a heartbeat increase the needle moves. Sonar is just like that. It sends a cone shaped signal and returns an echo. If nothing, it reads bottom only. When it comes across a fish, it echos a signal back to the transducer and reads a fish like a "football" because of the shape of the fish and turned downwards at the ends due to a weaker return at the ends of the fish itself. Upward sloping marks means the fish were probably looking upwards and crappie typically do this but bass do also. Hope that explanation helped.
  6. If you have property in or a resident in Bella Vista, yes. Nice lakes I hear. Less traffic than the congested freeway washtub known as Beaver. Welcome!! Yell at me one day and I can try to get you a tour of Beaver. If you're crazy enough to want to fish it in the summer. Lol
  7. Center console. Now you're talking.
  8. J-Doc


    Yeah, that does kinda ruin the experience. No 60 and all. Lol
  9. J-Doc


    I recommend you drive the "Hana Highway" when you visit Maui. It's a day trip but rent a convertible and let the top down. It's not nearly as breathtaking without the top down trust me. The Hana Highway travels around the North side of the island winding along the coast with breathtaking views of a tropical paradise. The road is mainly one lane with a few areas for bypassing traffic. There are t-shirts sold saying "I survived the Hana Highway" because it truly can be a day long experience or a 4hr rush journey. I recommend taking a day and taking it all in. I would love to go back and do it again some day with my kids. https://www.hawaii.com/maui/places/hana/ I also recommend the Old Lahaina Luau as it is THE BEST on all the islands. I also discovered why they call it "poy". The purple colored pudding type dip locals have made from a plant root. Take one bite and "POY!!" is the first thing you say. Tasted like a bitter unsweet tea flavored pudding. Worth one try at least. You may like it. The luau is amazing and truly an experience. https://www.oldlahainaluau.com/reservations/ And if you can find it in your heart to bring me back a bag of Kona Peaberry coffee........I'll make a lucrative offer. http://badasscoffeestore.com/ I also recommend a helicopter tour. I must have a dull life because this was one of the coolest things I've ever done. Flying in a helicopter was an awesome experience and I would love to do it again. Hovering down a waterfall that's hundreds of fee tall and seeing the island that you can only see from the air is so worth the money. A true once in a lifetime experience. https://www.google.com/search?q=hana+hawaii&source=lnms&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjTw9u274jVAhVE4mMKHe67DTEQ_AUIDigA&biw=1024&bih=757&dpr=1.25#q=maui+helicopter+tours&rflfq=1&rlha=0&rllag=20882133,-156554650,12703&tbm=lcl&rldimm=9799117490852095963&tbs=lrf:!2m1!1e2!2m1!1e3!3sEAE,lf:1,lf_ui:1&spf=1500039456612
  10. J-Doc


    Can you and Dan please share the GPS coordinates to the pots of gold you found in a private message to me please? If yes, I will exchange my GPS coordinates for brushpiles and hotspots on Beaver Lake. Please and thank you.
  11. I just wanted to know if the Vendetta rods broke easily. My GPS is recalculatimg and giving me that "spiraling circle" icon because I think my thread turned off the wrong freeway exit. Lol!!!
  12. Hahahahahahaa................... NO sir.
  13. I had a pair of those exact rods. Lost one overboard last summer. And yes. I've caught more fish with those than any rod I own. I don't spend a lot on rods these days. I can make them work for what I want and I can feel bites even in the cheap cheap rods. I've also held my H20 Express rid in one hand and a $350 GLoomis rod of same size and line in the other (drop shotting). The minimal difference in sensitivity wss maybe worth an extra $10-20. Definitely not $300. So I buy a rid on how it feels in my hands, balance, weight, backbone, rod tip flexibility for what I want to use if for, comfort, and rid guide quality. One man's quality is another man's GLoomis. I told myself that I was going to own a GL one day. Now I think otherwise after using one for a while.
  14. I've heard a lot of people say they like cork over other materials because they "feel more" with the cork. Anywho...... Anyone else got anything to say about the Vendetta ? (not fishinwrench's vendetta)
  15. I very much respect your opinion when it comes to fishing. I was just curious what you had against the split grips. When they first came out, I thought it was kinda odd looking but it grew on me. It had a custom rod look to it. Now it's become so mainstream that I don't even notice it really anymore. I like many probably hold the spinning rod with the reel seat split between fingers. Structurally, I prefer this location because all the resistance when the rod is loaded occurs at the reel seat. The rod is less likely to break at the seat than above the seat. Minimal chance of a breakage but in my mind, that super small percentage is eliminated. I think I broke one doing it the other way once a long time ago. Probably a cheap Walmart rod or something when I first started fishing. I have on occasion held a spinning rod on the bare shaft of the rod in front of the seat when drop shotting but I found I have better sensitivity and feel of a bite at the real seat where the bite is transferred through vibration of the line direct to the real and up the real shaft into the real seat.
  16. What do you have against the split grip?
  17. I've used braid for years and I have not had a problem. I use 10-15lb braid which in theory, would "dig" more into the guides. I do however have 50lb braid on an A-rig setup but I don't use the A-rig anymore. I just cannot stand flinging that Christmas tree of a bait presentation. Lots of hangups, lost $20 worth of baits, frustration, etc. All for a bass that is just going to get turned loose? No thanks. Just me... Braid when used with a lighter drag (which should be to prevent ripped lips) should function fine in any quality rod.
  18. I forget the name of the spinning rod version. Maybe it's also the Vendetta? Regardless.....if you got them for $20 A piece you stole them at that price. I wss impressed with how light it was. Makes me worry about using it for football jigs with braided line though (regardless of drag setting). That kind of hookset could break one and that's probably what it would be used for. It's a heavy bait and a heavy duty presentation. It's not a punch rig or A-Rig, but not small either.
  19. Anyone got any bad experiences? Picked up a 7ft casting rod and was impressed with how light it was. And sensitivity seemed really good from what I could tell in the store. Don't need another robut.......tempted to try one. I know the spinning rod version breaks often or at least they used to. I don't want to get a rod that will break in the first few years. http://www.abugarcia.com/abugarcia-rods-casting-rods/abu-garcia-vendetta-casting-rod/1405201.html
  20. Somehow I question how much you can want to leave paradise. But I get what you're saying.
  21. I will really be glad when you come back to reality (aka Beaver Lake). Your vacation is killing me. I can barely get a fishing trio to the lake these days.
  22. At least you got to see a tarpon up close. Makes all other fish look like mutts. They are the most majestic looking fish to me. Just beautiful. Maybe one day I'll get a replica mount of my 90lb fish when I win the lottery.
  23. They won't let you lift a tarpon in Florida. FGFC rules I Think? Protecting the fish and trying to get it back into the water swiming freely and recovering as quick as possible. If like to have held mine but just over 90lbs, I think my pic was good enough. My 14yr old lost a 140-150 class after about 3 really awesome jumps. It would have wote out both of us.
  24. A MONTH????????? THAT'S IT. Now I'm mad. And beyond jealous.
  25. Tarpon is a must!!!! You'll be spoiled. Dinner is good too but tarpon is a bucket list fish.
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