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JD Dudley

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Everything posted by JD Dudley

  1. He spit up a few as I brought him in
  2. Dad and I were there Sunday and we were throwing white jigs letting them drift close to the top and the fish were coming out of the water for them. They barely ate at the dam because they were so gorged so we went down river to find where they were eating... it was AWESOME watching these fish blow up on a jig like a smallmouth on top water!
  3. Bill I know we’ve never met but I’ve heard of you over the years through Phil and Mike McClelland. I’ve read your posts and seen how your clients love to be around you and get to learn from your wisdom on the water. The fact that you were afforded the chance to take a break and fun fish today, all the while helping your friend catch some fish on your day off speaks even more about your passion for what you love. CONGRATS on a truly unbelievable fish!! Yes, God has a plan for everything and it’s apparent that today, he wanted to bless you through what you love!
  4. Have known this man and fished in countless tournaments against him over the past 25 years and I have no doubt whatsoever that he and his partner did everything they could to keep this TROPHY alive. He’s an unbelievable jig fisherman and definitely one of the best out there and I couldn’t be happier for him! Congrats Gerry on a BEAUTIFUL fish... and another win! Can’t wait to hear about it this winter.
  5. Been several years since I've gotten to get up there during the summer. Got to take my son and one of his friends on Friday and was NOT disappointed! Got on the water at 10:30 with 2 units running, then they turned it up to 3 at noon. Pulled off the water at 3:30... Made one run multiple times throughout the day which was from the line at the dam down to the ramp using 1/16 ounce homemade jigs at 2 units, then 3/32 & 1/8 at 3 units... 1/8 worked better at 3 because the fish would hardly come off the bottom. Was really surprised at the lack of clarity of water but could still see the bottom when the sun was just right. Caught a lot of them by sight fishing them, but most were caught blind jigging. We caught them on both banks and in the middle on the run we were making Got to see my son keep up with the old man as far as numbers go which was fun to watch him try to catch me. He's real close to hammerin down on me, but for now, I've got my bluff in on him! Ended up catching 84 rainbows in those 5 hours with the biggest being 21, 19, and 18 inch rainbows (most were between 13-16 inches). Didn't catch a brown all day which kinda surprised me, but did catch 2 white bass which didn't surprise me considering we absolutely smashed them below bull shoals a few weeks ago... never seen so many fish with "dam" scrapes on their sides! Overall, just a fun day fishing!!
  6. Been several years since I've gotten to get up there during the summer. Got to take my son and one of his friends on Friday and was NOT disappointed! Got on the water at 10:30 with 2 units running, then they turned it up to 3 at noon. Pulled off the water at 3:30... Made one run multiple times throughout the day which was from the line at the dam down to the ramp using 1/16 ounce homemade jigs at 2 units, then 3/32 & 1/8 at 3 units... 1/8 worked better at 3 because the fish would hardly come off the bottom. Was really surprised at the lack of clarity of water but could still see the bottom when the sun was just right. Caught a lot of them by sight fishing them, but most were caught blind jigging. We caught them on both banks and in the middle on the run we were making Got to see my son keep up with the old man as far as numbers go which was fun to watch him try to catch me. He's real close to hammerin down on me, but for now, I've got my bluff in on him! Ended up catching 84 rainbows in those 5 hours with the biggest being 21, 19, and 18 inch rainbows (most were between 13-16 inches). Didn't catch a brown all day which kinda surprised me, but did catch 2 white bass which didn't surprise me considering we absolutely smashed them below bull shoals a few weeks ago... never seen so many fish with "dam" scrapes on their sides! Overall, just a fun day fishing!! This post has been promoted to an article
  7. So you measure and record EVERY fish you catch during the day and then the total is added up OR is it the total length of your 8 biggest fish?
  8. Whew, I bet you got pretty cold going under the water to take those pictures... now that's dedication!
  9. Oh, and by the way... even though he swears by it, I never actually saw him catch one on pinky
  10. James, that would be Turpin... remember? The guy who ran like a little girl up the stairs in fear for his life when he tried to mess with you while you were sleeping!
  11. Clay, minimum flow has helped a little with getting down the river. It'll likely be next summer before I can get over there because I go straight from basketball season to coaching baseball which lasts til the end of the school year. Will try to hit a couple of Phil's tourneys up north, but that'll be it for me. Have fun with the 3rd one and early congrats!
  12. It's been a little over 6 years since the last FATIGUE. I'd love to get over there again. Clay, when me and Drew went over the Saturday after the 4th, it was busy, but not that busy. We ended up going past all the docks into the next 3 holes and it was incredible down there as well. Saw a few fly fishermen in C&R and one other boat and that's it. In fact, the past 3 trips, we've had McClellan's and Mill Dam all to ourselves the past 3 trips. Got down there at minimum flow without ever having to get out of the boat... rubbed a few rocks, but kept it in line and got down without any problems. Planned on floating all the way to Mike's at low water (and really feel like we could've made it down without dragging), but each time, they turned the water on so we headed back up and fished more freely up top. I saw one of the monsters you're talking about over there...easily over 20 and had two leeches on it's back, but it was running crazy trying to find a safe spot. Fun to watch it move around though and would've loved to see it eat a little "hairy" water bug. About to get crazy busy for me, but definitely planning on getting over there more than I have been! We all gotta get back over there!
  13. Nothing like having a hook trying to be wrapped around your neck by an angry angler... but QUITE a memory!! My buddy is the same as what you're talking about with being consumed by it. I was initially suppose to be taking another one of the football coaches, but when this guy heard I was taking another coach over there, he said, "I'M GOING!" Turns out the other football coach couldn't go, but we ended up going anyways. He's already bought a new rod and reel setup and is hitting any clear water he can to be able to sight fish better... really fun to watch and coach him! We're about to close on our house, so we're moving next weekend and then the next week we start in-service with school so it won't happen for me before school starts but maybe once we get in the groove, we can get ol' Matt buddy over there with us and hammer down!
  14. James, did that "not so fun" day involve gently walking the boat through a shoal on FATIGUE weekend? Regardless, I'm with you! It's ridiculous how good it's fishing right now. Last 3 trips over there have been just like your talking about and I now have a guy I coach with who is ALL OVER IT!!! He caught just over 50 on Friday and that's only his 2nd time over there (both in the last 3 weeks). We fished for 4 hours and ended up with over 150. A lot of it had to do with them running the stockers through there, but there's plenty of QUALITY hungry fish in there as well including some browns that are eating and chasing like I've never seen. We still need to hook up over there and see what kind of dent we can put in them... that'd be FUN!!
  15. Thanks! It was a blast!!!
  16. Ham, those pesky bass tend to do that! One of the reasons I haven't been over there is for the very reason your talking about with bass... trying to chase them down. As I'm sure you're aware and probably already have, it won't take much to get back in the groove with the trout. My trip was just one of those days and we were extremely thankful for it! Good luck to you and maybe we'll see you over there sometime.
  17. Jamie, What's scary is he acts a lot like me as well! I guess you can see what I was talking about with the big rainbow... looks familiar doesn't he? One of the coaches and I are heading over there this week from Wednesday - Friday. Hope he gets to experience it like that as well. We'll definitely hook up over there at some point. I hope to get my boy over there again before school starts so lets talk about when and maybe we can run it at the same time.
  18. Bud, I had no idea you guys were into trout fishing... I love to hear it! Maybe at some point, we can meet up over there with your sons as well and get after 'em. Hope all is well with you guys!
  19. Here are some of the pics...
  20. Last week, I FINALLY, got to get back over to the two rivers I've loved for the past 30 years. It's been 4 years since I've been on the White and about 7 since I've been to Norfork. This time, I got to take my son who hasn't been in 4 years either... baseball, baseball, and more baseball (54-9 on the year, so he wasn't complaining!). On Thursday, we put in at Cotter and motored up to the Narrows and started floating back down hitting hot spots like the Narrows, Wildcat, Rainbow, and then Cotter. Trolling motor broke down at the Narrows so we pulled out the drag chain which worked perfect for what we were doing with 2 units coming down. Caught a ton of fish and my son had what looked to be about an 8 pound brown take a swing at him, but my boy was too fast for him. He didn't realize he'd have another chance at one just like it later on. Pulled out of Cotter and went to Dry Run for his first experience at "those" fish! He threw a jig at them and caught a couple of the babies in there, but nothing better than we caught in the White. Left there and went to BS Dam where they still had 2 units running. Ran up from state park to the dam and IT WAS ON!!! Caught fish after fish after fish for 2 hours, all of which were HEALTHY rainbows and browns... Nothing huge but extremely fun catching fish between 15-18 inches on 2 lb. line. Loaded up and headed back home having caught a little over a hundred fish on the day. On Saturday, my brother-in-law joined us and we got to Norfork at about 10:00. Took my son to Dry Run again and he caught a 19 inch brown (which prepped him for what was coming in a little bit) while me and my brother in law sat there and video'd and drooled over "those" fish! After seeing several BIGGER ones swing at him and miss again, we decided to hit Norfork with minimum flow. Put in at the top ramp and decided we'd float to Norfork Trout Dock (unbelievably nice guys down there and really helpful... still!) and then come back up and pick up the trailer. Floated through Genes Hole (at least that's what I use to call it... where all the docks are) and immediately saw why I use to LOVE to fish that river. Saw cutthroats up to 4 pounds, browns up to 10 pounds and several 2-3 pound rainbows. Was fishing across from Genes and spotted a BIG male rainbow that wasn't spooked. Threw at him and he turned, swam, and ate and the fight was on. Immediately handed the rod over to my 11 year old son and watched this kid fight this fish like a champ. He couldn't horse him because we were using 2 lb. line and every time he ran, kid would back reel on him (I've taught him not to trust the drag). He finally got him tired enough to pull him up and I netted him. Put him in the livewell because I knew we'd have to work with him before we turned him back and he was big enough that he curled in the livewell. Motored over to the dock, snapped some pictures and then started working on reviving him. Worked with him for about 15 minutes and then sat him in the tank at the dock until he stood up which did my heart good to know that he would make it in the river. Turns out, it was an 8 pounder that beat my personal best over there and of course, my son is claiming it as his (as he should!). Left there and kept fishing all the way down to C&R and I lost count at how many 2-3 pounders we caught in front of where McClellans use to be (including a stretch where I caught 10 fish in 10 casts only to put my rod down and help my son proceed to catch 5 in the next drift). Even hooked a 3 pound largemouth that jumped and spit it back at me. Brother-in-law got a taste of why I use to love it so much because he caught fish after fish as well. Realized they had turned the water on so ended up motoring back up to the dam to load the boat. Left there and said "hi" to an old friend at Norfork Trout Dock and loved what he'd done with the place since I'd last been there... LOTS of space and tons of cabins (big and small), pool, conference room, etc... yeah, that's a plug! Left there and headed back to BS Dam where they were running minimum flow. Put in at state park again and headed back up to the dam for the last couple of hours of the day. Not a single boat up there and only 2 fly-fisherman so as we kept our distance from them so we didn't disturb their day, my brother-in-law got in on the action. He and my son started trading licks with fish after fish and all I could do is sit there and net fish, video, and take pictures (would do that every day of my life if it meant people catching fish like that). Brother-in-law's biggest was a 22 inch football rainbow that I guessed to be 4 pounds. Finally on our last drift, I ended up catching an 18 inch brown that let me remember why I love those fish over there... Pure fighters and ALL including the fish from Thursday were released (don't get me wrong, we'll take a few now and then, but didn't have time to clean the little keepers). Totals for the day were over 130 fish caught including the 8 pounder, 4 pounder, and I don't know how many 2-3 pounders. In all of my years over there, I've had one day that I know competes with Saturday. We've caught a lot more than that in a day, but nothing like the size we did. I'm headed back next week with a guy I coach with and it'll be his first time to trout fish... I hope he gets as spoiled as my son is now!
  21. Hello there James! Will likely see you and Clay over there some this summer. Planning on overcoming the 4 year absence from the place I love. Can't believe it's been that long! Let's stay in touch.
  22. I know one old fella that's been catching some good walleye WAY up the river mixed in with a few whites. Don't ask me where because I haven't gotten to get out, but he took my oldest out a couple of days ago and they had 4 between 19 and 25 inches. You might call him Clay!
  23. I'd go for a "Jigfest" if I could get away for it!
  24. No white bass for me this year unless we get a night off from baseball. I will say this though... I'll be taking Jr. over to the river a bunch this summer! He's loving it, especially after all the fish he caught a few weeks ago up at Phil's. It's been 4 years since I've been over there (I know... a bunch of bass fishing, blah, blah, blah although he's done really well in some bass tournaments we've fished!), but I'm ready to see him get into some sight fishing on Norfork and hooking into a hog like Colton caught last weekend. REALLY looking forward to it! Do you guys get over there much during the summer?
  25. No worries at all BFTMASTER... Completely understandable! I wish I could get out there to fish a little bit, but HS baseball has me locked down until at least mid-May. I might be able to scratch out a couple of hours, but it's looking pretty doubtful after last nights game... got a lot of work to do! Hope all goes well for you buddy! Good luck on the water!
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