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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Ok here's my question. Can you drift flies below fall creek with any success and if so do you do different than up by the dam area? Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
  2. Motor Sold Thanks
  3. Ok Got a new motor so the old one is for sale. 15 hp evinrude 450.00 870-365-6653
  4. Looking for a 9.9-15 hp motor for my river boat. If you have a good used one let me know. jm
  5. This should be an easy fix with the stimulus Package! Cost doesnt matter with any other project the Government does so this is a no brainer. Just look at how well they fixed up those bathrooms that already stink and flood. Oh well maybe next group of Politicians will fix this. lol The real way to do this project is to pump water up to area above shoot 3 from the lake below to keep a good flow going, of course the area has to be cleaned up and quite a bit of dirt work done so kids could access it. If they would have only taken the Stimulus Money they used to re pave the 65 Hiway that had been paved two years before It could have been a good start.
  6. I think there is only one way you should be allowed to do what you are speaking of doing......... You must fish from the bank opposite the chutes and be able to cast all the way across and snag on of the chute fishermen foul hook them and then proceed to bring them to your side. Upon completing that task you may then catch a brown......
  7. Looking for a good used good priced motor for river boat. Must be dependable. 10-20 hp. thanks
  8. Fishing was good today should be tomorrow as well was using wooly bugger today good luck
  9. I suggest you sting them with a number 8 barbed woolly booger and let them run to the backing .
  10. May be heading down for my first trip to the Little Red. Couple of questions. What is a good place to start wade fishing on your first trip? Should I bring a boat my first time or just try to wade fish??? Thanks johnny
  11. "Big trout aren't meant to be picked up like that" Well that was nice but you for got to inform how they are meant to be handled. If you know I would also like to know so when I do catch one I could do it the proper way so not to injure the fish. Thanks in advance for what im sure will help all if you respond. JM
  12. I quaruntee my wife sharron jean has had that pms before and it aint no dang secret. The only advice i can give is when them women like you get that pms dont go brocasting it all around. Maybe ill have to open up a can on you and put a pop nott on your head big enough for a crane to perch on. RD murcer lol
  13. Hey how bout a real question? What were you using catching those fish? Also in the words of RD Murcer....... How big an ol boy are you?
  14. As i said we need to limit shuffling to only those who need to feed their family. I think a special sign or tag should be sold to someone to allow suffling. Great another tag for fishing. Wonder if we could limit the suffle to one foot only
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