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Everything posted by dochollow

  1. Sunburst ranch was charging only $5.00 to fish all day. Just saying!
  2. I turned 65 last august, so if my information is correct I am no longer required to purchase a fishing license in the the state of Missouri. but I still have to buy a trout stamp. now if I want to fish in Arkansas I will still have to buy an Arkansas license & trout stamp! if my feeble brain is still making synapsis,
  3. I am at work, trying to design a waste catcher to mount to my PEAK vise. I need a dimension from center line of the the shaft to the approximate center of a size 10 dry fly hook when mounted in the vise. thanks, DOC.
  4. wife & i would like to go to the jacks fork in a couple of weeks for a 3 day camp out. we are both in our 60s & wife is handicapped & I don't get around so well anymore, but I can still wade. can any body recommend a camping area that would be compatible for us? thanks, doc.
  5. thanx gentelmen,i found plans on net for homemade saltwater boards & figured i could scale it down for wally, & white bass size cranks. wife & i had a wonderfull day last fall trolling small cranks last fall for whites & stripes, caught our limit 3 times over, only kept 10 large whites. i kept thinking what if i could get these baits away from the boat. thanx again gents! doc.
  6. are planer boards legal to use on norfork lake in ark. & mo.? i cant recall seeing anybody using them i searched the web, but could not find a definite answer. i am going to make a couple of small ones to troll small cranks from my pontoon. thanx all
  7. thanx, just what i was looking for
  8. can somebody direct me to a printable map of the north fork of the white?
  9. just in time for Mem. day week end, HIGH WATER on Norfork! tried to put pontoon in yesterday, could not use udall, or stumphole ramps and why is udall campground closed?
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