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Trevor K

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Trevor K

  1. So we made our reservations for the middle of September. We're actually staying at Grand Lake, which is on the west side of Rocky Mountain. Anybody fished over on the west side?
  2. Thanks everyone for all the great info! I have experience fishing mountain streams in Utah, so I think I would feel comfortable. My wife isn't as experienced though, so thats why I was considering a guide. Estes Angler is one of them that I've been looking at. Thats good to hear that fishing can be good in Sept. I wasn't sure about that. I'd really like to catch a greenback. I've caught plenty of colorado river cutts, several pretty nice ones. I've never fished for a greenback though. Thanks again for all the info
  3. Thanks for the advice. I figure even if we don't catch a bunch of trout there will be plenty of things to see and keep us entertained. I've been browsing the internet looking for places to stay and guides if we decide to go that route. Like I said before, we're not to picky about size or numbers. It's nice to catch a few though.
  4. My wife and I are considering going on a trip to Rocky Mountain National Park in September. Has anybody on here ever fished it? If so, do you have any advice as far as what to use during that time of year? I was hoping to fish without a guide, but if anybody has any recommendations for a guide service that would be appreciated too. We don't need to catch a ton of fish, but it would be nice if we didn't get skunked.
  5. I think people have done far more to hurt pheasant and quail numbers than turkey. I think the stories about turkeys eating quail are myths. I'm not saying it has never happened, but it's probably rare. Quail would be fine if they had the cover to hide in.
  6. I don't think the area below the dam should be catch and release, but thats just my opinion. I don't really see the harm if somebody wants to keep a couple of fish. If somebody were to break the state record or world record how would they get it certified or whatever if it had to be immediately returned to the water. People just to understand the regulations better, which is a lot to ask sometimes. I think increased enforcement of the regs would also be good. Most people probably just want to catch a few fish and don't even think of the regs. That is not an excuse though.
  7. There is still a boat for sale in the buy/sell/trade section of the forum right now, but I don't think you'll get it for $10k
  8. I don't think a stocker trout can ever be called a wild trout. It will regain it's instincts and act wild, but I would still consider it a stocked trout. I think for it to be a wild trout it must be born in the stream.
  9. I actually worked for the Utah DNR, so I can input a little bit about the stocking in the western states. They are not stocked because of their high growth rates. The reason triploid trout are stocked in states in the west is that they are sterile. That way if they do escape into other bodies of water they can't completely wipe out native populations of trout.
  10. I remember hearing and reading about the one that got shocked up during the MDC surveys. I can't even imagine a fish like that. I'm sure they don't get that big by being stupid though.
  11. if I remember right that fish in lilley's would've been a world record
  12. I believe that world record fish have been found in taney, but maybe thats just a rumor
  13. that must've been quite a battle! Now somebody needs to pull a fish that big from taney
  14. Congrats, but wasn't he actually born at 9:00AM on 9/8/2009
  15. nice joke. I think 3 poles is legal though
  16. It's hard to keep track of how many rules were even broken in this report.
  17. Yeah, I hope this report is a joke. Keeping 5 in the morning-illegal. Keeping browns that were probably below 20 inches-illegal. Using a scented grub-illegal, since it's illegal to use any soft plastic in the trophy area. Then keeping another brown later-illegal, since he had already kept over his limit earlier in the day. Do people not read the regs at all before they go out??? or do they just not care?
  18. I stopped there on the way down to taney a couple weeks ago and was very frustrated by all the construction too. I still found what I was looking for and still enjoyed eating at the hemmingways buffet. i don't ever buy much there anyways. i'd rather go to an actual fly shop. nobody that i've ever talked to at the bass pros or cabelas fly shop has ever been much help anyway.
  19. I'll second that. I was on a little personal pontoon catching crappie out of a pond this spring and had a big one swim right as me. I guess he smelled the fish on the stringer or something. It was enough to make me go to a different area of the pond.
  20. man, I wish I would've known about this last weekend when I was down there. Would've been pretty hard to pass up.
  21. definately a common snapper. smooth back of the shell is a dead giveaway.
  22. That makes sense because it was right by the water treatment building at the end of the lane.
  23. That could've been it...lol It couldn't tell if it was a pipe down there or what. I could see the bottom there, but the bubbles were so thick I couldn't see where they were coming from.
  24. Does anybody know what the bubbles are that are constantly coming up from just upstream of Lilley's Landing? I was down there this last weekend and I've never seen them before this trip.
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