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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. OH yeah water temps were between 45 and 51
  2. Haven't been out this week but did fish last sat and sunday 22nd and 23rd. and the weekend before that and the weekend before that. Been doin real good with 17 fish in about 5 hours on the lake. Had 4 solid keepers and a few squeakers out of the bunch. Lost about 3 at the boat and missed about 5 bites. Can not get bit on a crankbait. Beleive me I tried! All of my fish have been in about 15-20 fow with boat sitting in about 50-60fow, using a strike king pbj 1/2oz F.B. jig with a pumpkin speed craw. Bite is very lite and you have to fish real slow. Been finding them on main lake banks with chunk rock and very fast drop into deeper water. [ some trees helps. When you do locate them they seem to be bunched up pretty good.I fished one stretch of bank only about 200' in length over and over and so slow it was almost painful. But this pattern has been good to me for over a month now. If they aren't where they were the last time move around that area as they seem to move daily but only a short distance. Good fishin to all and a Happy new Year
  3. John Barciszewski Table Rock 3/29/12
  4. Thats stuff has been on the rock for many years in various places
  5. I have had a bad one since 94, got it over throwing a softball with my kids on Easter. If I baby mine and be careful it gets better and better. There are exercises you can do to help, check into it but only after you nurse it back to almost normal. I fish hard and I work in construction so it does flair up time to time. Do not forget about it once it feels better. The worst is playing volleyball or throwing anything overhand. They wanted to operate back then but I opted out as I prefer not to be carved if possible. My sister and my son half both had it repaired thru surgery and do seem to be normal but admit it can still be aggrevated by some actions. And yes it is a long recovery time after surgery. I have also learned to throw my lures just a little differently, you dont want to let your arm snap and the end of the cast. Good luck to you
  6. They have wore the chrome off one side of my spook in the last month. But she still keeps going>I throw the saltwater series with the big hooks in a full size .
  7. Went this am not good at all early, but started up at 10:00 and went on til I left.Had to fish between the wind currents on the surface or on the edge. All depths again. Feel it will only get better. Surface temp has dropped to 78 Lots of good size boys in the bunch.
  8. Had to be very careful
  9. Been good splash fishin for me last 2 weekends. Have been getting good fish on full size solid chrome spook. They were in the deep coves but now have ventured back out to the long points. Ring tossing the busting fish on top is tough but reminds me alot of fishing in the keys. Ive been setting up on the points and watching for the most active areas of bass busting shad. Then I target that area with casts in a circle of the action with the spook and bam. I pretty much keep on the troller and keep moving. average 2-3 good hookups per spot. Works for me. Last fri am was a lot of shorts in the schools with about had 3 good keepers out of 19 / 3 hours each day about 6-9:00 am Then the next morn only 11 total with 8 keepers out of the bunch And these were in the boat, I think I lost as many on the way back to he boat. Smallies, and large mouth mainly They were pounding the lure ferociously. had a double hookup on a real good smallie and her son, I actually think 4 fish hit this lure at the same time, first twitch in the start of walking it back to the boat. Have hit them anywhere from the bank out to the middle of the channel in deep water. seem to be all over and chasing 2-4 shad at a time .I think they are splitting ones off the balls.You can see them on the surface.
  10. Awsome!!Doesnt sound like anyone could go wrong.
  11. Bill is right on I have been fishin out of Mill creek for the last month and have been knockin dead on a jig and craw.Bout 5-10' deep in small coves. I throw a 5/16 Booya with a zoom critter craw. Color has been rather wide. Goin back for more!
  12. We done great in 08 with the high water. Trolled DD22's on points and drops off of points Had 5-6 that year in the 6-7 lb range
  13. Actually the water color was very good compared to a couple weeks ago. I would say visibilty is about 3'
  14. Fished out of Mill creek.8-12:00 Best bites were in about 15-22' on a eakins football jig and smoke grubs. Any point with current on it. Caught fish on outside and around tree line .Slow pulls on the bottom worked best. Caught about 15 fish in 4 hours. All smallies except one spot. Had one at 4 lbs and 3 at about 3 pounds. Out of all only had one short fish. Gotta love them brownies Hope this lasts a while and no rain please!!!
  15. Fished Saturday 8:30-12:00 Baxter area and Indian creek arms. Got 10 in the boat and missed 3 fish. All came off of transition banks from large chunk rock/small bluffs to gravel in about 6-10' deep. Fished my usual booya 5/16 jig with zoom little critter craw. Had 1 smallie about 4lbs. 1 large mouth about the same. 7 would have kept total. On one of the missed bites I set the hook and thought omg I have the biggest bass on I have ever hooked, while I was scrambling for the net in the rod box,which I rarely use, the fish kept diving deeper.My best for table rock is 8 lbs 11 oz and this fish made that feel small. A few seconds later the fish was off and I was so dissappointed as I reeled in my line. Pulled my jig up for inspection and there was a carp scale about the size of a fifty cent piece stuck on the hook. Guess when I set the hook on the bass bite the carp must have been close and got stuck. All in all it made me feel better about maybe loosing the biggest bass I ever hooked. Cant believe the water temp went up 10 dgrees from last week to this Sat. But dang it sure has been warm the last few days. Can only get better form here!!!! Good luck to all
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