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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Muddy - Make sure you grab some, I'll trade you for some brisket!
  2. The jigs have arrived, one dozen of each color, half 1/16, half 1/8.
  3. I saw a bit of the 2nd half. They drained some threes, built a lead and maintained it.
  4. Did you try the "attach files" option to post your pictures? Weird that only this site is blocking you from copying and pasting.
  5. I haven't noticed any problems copying or pasting stuff.
  6. Those Daichis are so sharp they scare me. I'm very careful in un-hooking a fish if there are Daichi trebles involved.
  7. When I was living in Washington, I lived at the base of Mount Si, which topped out at about 4,000 feet. There were 2 trails to the top, the original trail which had been decommissioned, and a new trail that had just opened a few years before. The old trail parking lot was closed and because of that it received very little traffic. One fine spring day, my neighbor and I were outside talking and we decided to take a hike up the old trail up to the snow line. The trail started with about a 200 yard stretch of steep uphill and then came to a small, plateau like area before beginning to climb the mountain again. We reached the flat spot and noticed a few bones near the trail, we stopped and briefly checked them out and came to the conclusion it was probably the remains of a deer. We made it up to the snow line and came back down the trail, when we came to the spot where the bones are we stopped to look at them again. I poked around a little in the brush and came across a rib cage - it was flat, not having that peaked shape where the ribs came together on 4 -legged animals. I called my buddy over and told him this didn't look like animal bones to me, he agreed and we poked around some more and found a jawbone - and it was obviously human. Got back to the house, called the cops, 15 minutes later a deputy sheriff showed up, he was skeptical, thinking we'd found an animal and mis-identified it, but the jawbone description convinced him to make the short hike with us. Once he saw the remains, he agreed it was human and called in the cavalry. The police did the CSI thing, and identified the remains. It solved an open case for them. It was an older fellow, Seattle resident, late 60's if I recall, who had shot his wife, buried her in the garden, and reported her missing. He had been able to collect her life insurance and then had disappeared himself. I can't remember the details, but after he disappeared his wife's body was discovered. As far as the police could determine, he'd walked up the trail, stepped off a ways, and shot himself. Critters had gotten into the bones and scattered them about, including the ones we saw near the trail. The whole thing was featured on America's most wanted. Never did get my 15 minutes of fame for finding the body, the Seattle Times just mentioned that the body had been found by "Hikers". There were some unanswered questions - no one ever found the insurance money, how did the guy get to the trail - his car wasn't parked there? But the official ruling was that is was a suicide and that was that.
  8. Another one from BBC, bass right on a bait ball. Dutch there are a ton of shots on BBC, many of them from Doug Varhenberg who is the man when it comes to Humminbird. Here's a link to a list of how to videos, there's one on bass around a sunken wreck.
  9. Anyone read the Doc Savage paperbacks? Technically not comic books, but the books were put together from pulp fiction magazines of the 30's. I was on a Doc Savage kick when I was 10 years old. I think I read them all that summer. He was known as the Man of Bronze. His credo: "Let me strive every moment of my life to make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit by it. Let me think of the right and lend all my assistance to those who need it, with no regard for anything but justice. Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage. Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens and my associates in everything I say and do. Let me do right to all, and wrong no man."
  10. I hope Mizzou doesn't lose due to a bad call by the refs. Or biased officiating. I was living in Seattle when the Seahawks got screwed by the refs in the Super Bowl vs. the Steelers. Still ticks me off to think about it.
  11. Here's one I pulled off BBC - The BassBoatsCentral website has both Humminbird and Lowarance image topics - lots of images to look at. Bass around baitfish.
  12. Nice looking dog, and I see she is wearing the "Hearing Aid".
  13. The SEC championship is scheduled to start around 3 PM Central with the ACC and Big 10 Championship games starting around 7 PM. If Mizzou wins the SEC, it will make those 7 PM games much more interesting for me. If Mizzou loses then I'm not going to care that much who wins the latter 2 games. In that scenario, Auburn fans would sure be interested.
  14. I used to fish sturgeon a couple of times a year in the late winter/early spring. Launch out of Kalama and go up river a couple of miles past the island and anchor on the upstream side of the end of the island where the channel split. A good day with me and another person or two would be 30-40 sturgeon with maybe 2-3 keeper sized. River smelt was always the best bait. This was in the early nineties when there was still a smelt run (they are now gone also).
  15. Is that UCLA game Saturday? I'm going to be stuck in the house unless this snow magically disappears. Fortunately lots of football and basketball to watch.
  16. Had one do the same to me, except it got one of my McSticks. They get in those trees and it's goodbye jerkbait.
  17. About 6" here, might get another 2-3 today. Fortunately not much in the way of freezing rain yesterday and the power is still on.
  18. HAHA, I'm not going to be fishing on the 10th, 6 degrees in the AM is a little too cold for me.
  19. Good analysis, I recorded it and skipped through quite a bit, but my first impression of Mizzou is good guard play, but not a strong inside game from the bigs.
  20. That's going to seem balmy compared to what we'll see for the next week.
  21. Yeah I would think if they beat WV and UCLA they have a shot at being ranked. Just looked at the RPI rankings - U Mass is #1. Arkansas is ranked #18, top ranked in the SEC, but I don't expect that to last long. http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/rpi
  22. Since it's going to be cold, windy, and have various types of frozen water falling from the sky, I'm sure the fishing will be on fire today. No freaking way I'll be out there however.
  23. Good on you LittleRed - some of my best friends I have met through fishing.
  24. All my color choices are bad, I think I've had maybe 2 good days on those doggone spinner baits. Sure is fun though when they're biting them.
  25. They're shutting down the Columbia for sturgeon? Say it ain't so.
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