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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by davekeim

  1. I'm not a bumper sticker person. But that one is worthy! Send me one Phil! 185 Primrose Ridgedale MO 65739 Signed, Cardiac
  2. davekeim

    Cotton Bowl

    No need for predictions today! 38-7 Mizzou! So far! Signed, Cardiac
  3. Great rant Terry! I can relate to that given my dining travels. Bad day to pick to go eat though. Not that they shouldn't be doing their jobs, but who wants to be working on NYE especially if your a kid. The parties are calling, your date is waiting, your backup date is waiting, your buddies are waiting to eye your date! The cold beer, shots, other party items are waiting! Oh to be young again! I remember when I couldn't wait for that night. Now.................in bed by 10 on NYE! Signed, Cardiac
  4. CoachK? Has to be some meaning behind it. How about a little more history. Signed, Cardiac
  5. Today is Monday. Is it still going on? Signed, Cardiac
  6. I like that one! Especially the firt and last part! Signed, Cardiac
  7. Is this "the" Jerry Dudley that once worked at DSI? Signed, Cardiac
  8. Hummmmm, 616 is Michigan. Maybe the Tigers are looking for a new starting pitcher. Better give them a call Phil! Signed, Cardiac
  9. STL rain, rain, rain. Until dark then watch out. Gotta go pack some more crap! Man I'm sitting down for afternoon football. Been at it since 8 this morning! Signed, Cardiac
  10. Shows? What shows? They have something other than fish there? darn, whatta ya know. Fish, food, beer! Options are better than sitting at home! Signed, Cardiac
  11. Morning Dano! Moving day is Wednesday! Still not ready. Signed, Cardiac
  12. Old guys? Thanks Leonard! YOur looking pretty close to forty yourself! Oh well, we all get there sooner or later. And may I say, hopefully later! Signed, Cardiac
  13. Eric, sounds good. If you usually get a large pizza get a medium here! When you coming down! Signed, Cardiac
  14. If that is your first mistake this year, I'm proud! I don't have enough fingers and toes to cover my mistakes in 07! Signed, Cardiac
  15. Jim Morrison July 3, 2971! Man, that guy is getting to live forever! Hope I make it to 2025! Signed, Cardiac
  16. Phil, do you have a room? Signed, Cardiac
  17. Okay, I'll keep the guessing going. Here is a few hints. He died when he was 27. He did a guiter version of the Star Spangled Banner that upset a few people. He was a guiter master! Grew up during the drug culture. (May have had some to do with his death) Crap! I can't help it. None other than............................................................................ ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ...........Skynyrd died the summer of 1977. I think July............................................................................ ................................................................................ . ............................................................Jimmy Hendrix was the man! Signed, Cardiac
  18. I don't see any pics myself. Rusty are messing with us? Signed, Cardiac
  19. The big moving day is December 12th. Besides bringing the dog I have to bring the wife! Did I say that backwards? Anyway, We have to spend one night someplace on the 12th. Where can I stay with a 70# puppy of eight years? We probably won't get in until late and be gone fairly early in the morning. In Branson or on Taney either one works. Signed, Cardiac
  20. davekeim


    Terry, you just make me laugh all the time! I hope the hole in my head is not as big as the one in your ear! Signed, Cardiac
  21. davekeim


    Okay Folks. Two of my needs after we move are doctors. Throw some names at me. I need a general practioner for those occassional needs. More important I need a good cardiologist. I like docs with a sense of humor. And those willing to accept bad habits as a part of life. Not the I'm healthier than you and you should live like me type! If any ladies are listening the wife needs one of those OB whatever type female doctors they are! Branson would be good. Springfield if needed. Signed, Cardiac
  22. Never think any of this is junk. There are people who collect this stuff and pay a nice price for it. I have an old "Sun Drop" soda metal sign with a thermometer on it. "Sun Drop" was an orange soda made by Quality Dairy in St Louis in the late 30's. Last offer $1100. That will buy some gear! Signed, Cardiac
  23. Man that LSU Pigs game was something else! Hope the KS MO game is that good!Go Tigers! Signed, Cardiac
  24. Go Mizzou!
  25. Good luck Dale! Have a safe and fun trip! I'll be looking for those pics when you get back. Signed, Cardiac
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