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Everything posted by rangerz20

  1. might want to take a look at the records for long nose gar... 60 to 80 pounds i dont think so
  2. interstate... buy them at springfield tire exchange. i have a new ranger with pro-guides and they are junk, i have replaced every battery twice in 14 months. they all have about the same warranty so that is basicly a non-factor
  3. wasnt ignoring the im, please try again
  4. Fished Wed- Sunday, had 5-11 keepers a day. Fished the Winter Series out of Ahoys and had an average limit which got crushed. We had 11 keepers, but they were all the same size. Almost 21 pounds won it. saturday was the only day i did not have a big bite...figures. Oh well, be back this weekend
  5. no reason to be turned off towards cpa, i am not affiliated in any shape, next i will be more specific and if anyone has any further requests then just ask. now if we were all talking face to face i dont think any confusion or hard feelings we have arrived. misunderstanding? sure lets go on go fishing thanks for listening or i guess i should say reading
  6. look soggyfeet I just assume that everyone knows where table rock lake is and where ahoys is and what cpa is like i said. i dont like to type and i appreciate posts that are quick and to the point. my attitude is not aggressive until someone smarts-off to me for no reason. lilley being the owner, could have simply asked for more clarification politely and me or champ or someone would have posted. i honestly feel like everyone knew what i was talking about since we all live in the ozarks and since it was my first post i got made fun of. champ and others have posted the same thing for the same circuit for six months and no-one thought he was talking about a bunch of accountants
  7. I did fish, we had 13.70 or something close, I think we were 5,6, or 7th... does not matter since we did not get a check. Had fun and what a great payback. Lost a couple key fish, but who doesn't. till next time good luck
  8. I would have been kinder, but when you have the info in front of you and then smart-off to me by calling me "bud" I did not appreciate it. I dont know of tournament fishermen that dont know where ahoys at table rock lake is. CPA was short for Central Pro Am, I assumed everyone knew that as their are one of the oldest org around and Champ188, put a post on here less than a month ago for the same circuit. If I assume too much, sorry, but I am not part of CPA, I just wanted to let the people on this board know a little info.
  9. i said ahoys at trock and since it i said CPA i would say look on CPA's website
  10. saturday $100 plus bb option best payback of the week by far ahoys trock safelight till 3
  11. this saturday their is a cpa team event, no membership, great payback... ahoys safelight till 3 $100 plus 20 bb optional.. great event
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