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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Just curious how many people on her go snag on the James. We usually go down every year for the opener. Last year the boat I was in, one guy got two, I got one and the other guy got one between midnight and 3am. We went back out during daylight hours and I caught my 2nd one.
  2. Some of the rainbows I've caught in Taneycomo could almost pass for a cutbow. They had bright markings underneath the gill plate like a cutthroat.
  3. I think it is the island just above the bridge right??? I can't think of any other islands on Taneycomo.
  4. Brett Rader uses small scuds and Gbugs almost exclusively and his clients and him catches loads of big fish sight fishing. Also, I read somewhere that the world record brown that Rip Collins caught had a whole belly full of scuds when they checked the stomach. I know big browns eat smaller trout, but I believe they eat plenty of scuds and smaller stuff to go with there diet. Brett had a picture of a 30" plus brownie that he guessed at about 20lbs on his site that he caught this fall on a scud or gbug pattern. The new state record was taken on a scud also. I hear more big trout caught on smaller stuff than big stuff.
  5. I would say that is pretty heavy for trout. What kind of lures do you fish with that setup? Big jerkbaits???? Do you still get plenty of bites with that heavy of line?
  6. I know a rubber trout magnet attracts those big gut eaters. I caught a 10lb rainbow on a white rubber trout magnet that I seen eating the guts by the dock. If a person uses a big dead bait setup for fishing for these browns, I wonder how heavy of line a person could get away with? Even if people would look down on you for using dead bait or w/e, I would do whatever it takes to catch one of those pigs just as long as it is legal. Has anybody ever used a big white slugo for fishing for browns? I wondered how it would do for trout?
  7. Where did you find those monsters dead at Phil? The trophy area or down in the bait area? Has anybody that you know of hooked into one of those gargantuans??
  8. I was fishing at Lazy Valley Resort one year and some guys brought in a decayed brown they found dead up in the trophy area that weighed 29lbs. It probably weighed more live weight since it was decaying and it's guts were hanging out of it. My dad that same trip seen a brown swim out from underneat the dock that he swears would go every bit of 30lbs. He said it was just an abolsute mammoth of a trout. Have you guys seen any fish of this caliber alive swimming in the lake? Also, what area's of the lake do you think these brutes would be hiding out at? I would be money that directly across from Lilley's and Lazy Valley one of these brutes lives. The water is deep and has lots of roots and big logs laying in the water. One of these days I am going to have to devote a whole day to trolling big rogues along that bank and just see what happens.
  9. I seen a big one fly out of the water 5 feet behind our boat while we was driving through a creek that enters into the Gasconade River. It scared the heck out of me becuase I wasn't expecting to see a fish of that size fly 10 feet out of the water like a scud missle lol
  10. That's a toad!!! Did you get any measurements on it? What did it hit on? Congrats on a beatiful brownie.
  11. I wanted to go on Saturday, the 29th, but the weather was horrible and it just poured all day. Went and got some work done instead.
  12. Is anybody else having an issue with the video buffering and then stopping right after it finishes buffering? I just started having this problem.
  13. Silver Asian carp will do the same thing. The only difference is they can weigh 20-30lbs and do that. Imagine getting knocked upside the head by one of those while sitting in a boat.
  14. We got quite a few buffalo too. We got some silver sucker lookin fish that are called quillback suckers. I looked them up online becuase i wasn't sure exactly what species of sucker we. We had red horse and white suckers too.
  15. I fish micro jigs with a fly rod alot. They usually weigh 1/80oz or lighter so I fish them underneat an indicator on a fly rod all the time. No different than fishing a beadhead under an indicator on a fly rod in my opinion.
  16. I only know of those two becuase that is where we do most of our snagging around. I heard last year though that some monster spooners were caught by McCord's Bend, made me wonder where exactly that spot is.
  17. I would love to go bow fishing for those monsters one of these days. That would be a blast seeing something that big roll up besides you.
  18. Which fish are you talking about? Are you talking about that bighead carp in the picture with the big mouth and the eyes even with its mouth?????? I think we got only smallmouth buffalo, but I did not look very good.
  19. Does anybody have links to some maps of the James River and the names of the holes? The only ones that I know of are Flat Creek and Asher Cane Bottom. I don't know where the other ones are exactly.
  20. I use P-line fluoroclear on my ultralight gear. Either 2lbs or 4lbs test. I love that stuff. It is has good castability, I can cast the little 1/80 oz trout jigs really well with it. I very rarely have a break off with that stuff, even with 2lbs test.
  21. What lures work the best for you guys and how do you locate the schools of fish when you start out? I always go over the opening weekend of snagging season to snag, but after we do that for a while we like to go fish with regular tackle for crappie. Id love to catch some whites though too. They are awfully big down there on the rock from the other places I have caught them.
  22. I used epoxy if I remember correctly. If I get rid of the cork grip, how will I get another one on the rod since I have my guides installed already? Will I have to remove all of my eyelets and rewrap them to replace the cork grip ?
  23. I have to really bite my lip on some of the stuff people do down there. I hate getting tangled up with people, but it happens. A lot of times though they get irate about it and blame everyody else when they were the one with there line 50 yards down the stream. Those kind of people really strike a nerve. I just deal with it though, I like trout fishing way too much.
  24. I built a fly rod a while back and it is a nice Sage blank, but when i build it I did not do a very good job on the reel seat and grip and the reel seat is really loose now. Is there anyway that I can repair the reel seat and grip on this fly rod?
  25. I built my first one with a Sage blank. The local town chiropractor talked with Sage and they donated ten 6wt 9ft fly rod blanks for him to have some of us build rods. It is nice, even though I did not do a perfect job on it. She gets the job done.
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