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Everything posted by Seth

  1. I caught a 27" 10 pound rainbow two years ago down at Lazy Valley Resort by the cleaning station on a white trout magnet. My guess is that it resembled a little piece of fish gut wiggling in the water. We've seen browns swim by the cleaning station down there before that we swore would be new state records. They looked like salmon!
  2. Get a light action spinning rod and rig up with a long shank crappie hook with a minnow. Find where a school of gar are rising and toss out the minnow and just let it free spool around. You shouldn't have to wait long and one will latch onto it. More than likely what will happen is that you fight it for a bit and they either slice the line with their teeth or the hook pops out, but you do land a few. They put up a heck of a fight on light tackle.
  3. By golly I am taking a whole week of vacation the first part of November to hunt big whitetails bucks and take a day or two and chase some browns. I never even made it down there last year because I was so engrossed in chasing whitetails with the bow. This year, this feller is not missing it again.
  4. One of the resident gut eaters that hang around the docks I bet. Those fish get some weight behind them when all they have to do is lay and weight for the guts to fall into their mouths. Glad to hear it was released to get even bigger. Congrats on the fine catch.
  5. Glad to hear that. I hope they hang around till next weekend so I can get the family in on some good fishing.
  6. We are doing our annual stay next weekend down at Lazy Valley Resort. I'll be up at the outlets fishing Friday night and Saturday night more than likely so hopefully I will see a few of you up there. Leonard, I still got a few flies you gave me from the last time I ran into you that need to get a fishy smell on them. I'll be they work great once I get the chance to use them.
  7. Thanks for the replies. My dad helped me out and got them working again. The only things needed were new bulbs and we had to strip some wires on the left tail light and re-crimp them to the light.
  8. I think I am just going to run new wires and be done with it. The old ones already on there don't look that great anyway. What do you guys use to fish the cables down through the trailer? Do you just pull the new wire through as you pull the old ones out by taping them together or what?
  9. Are there any easy step by step directions online that tell you how to try and fix boat trailer lights? The lights on the trailer that I just got aren't working. I don't know anything about electrical work, but everybody tells me that it is an easy fix. Any help is appreciated.
  10. Me and three other guys catfished the no boating zone from 8pm till 4am sunday night/monday morning. We never caught a single fish. There was one guy that had a fish that we seen, and it was about a 20+ pound blue catfish. Talked to some other guys and they said it was very slow that night because of them running 4 units.
  11. My dad and I caught 10-12 fish between the two of us. The water is up a bit right now, just over the walkways in some spots. It is still relatively clear though. We both started out drifting power bait on bottom by where the little spillway is in the deep water. We each caught three and put on our stringers. I went to using lures and trout worms and caught 3 more eventually, dad kept using bait and caught a few more also. The biggest concentrations of fish are in the Pond Hole and where the spillway is down by the bridge. With the water up, I wouldn't doubt if a few lunkers make there way up into the parks.
  12. I went floating from Mill Rock to Wenkel's Ford a few years back. That was the first float trip I had been on in forever. I caught one smally about 12" and a small largemouths that trip. It was fun. Where do you live at hank? You from around the Gerald/Owensville area?
  13. It wouldn't bother me any if the acorn crop sucked this year. Then maybe the deer will hit our food plots harder after the acorns normally fall.
  14. I will be sticking with my 2.3L 4 banger Ranger for a while it looks like.
  15. I wish I didn't have to goto stupid Prom this Saturday or else I would head up there to Truman and hit it with you fellers. I'm debating whether to go snagging Sunday or not since it will be the last weekend day. I guess alot depends if I get a turkey Saturday.
  16. That's a good un. The biggest one I caught this year was only maybe 55 pounds. I never did find any toads. I bet you would of won some good money if you had entered that Snagmasters tourney. By the way, did you hear any results on the Snagmasters tourney?
  17. People snag alot from the banks on the upper osage arm of Truman from Taberville on up. Duckman here on the forum is the man to talk to about that, he spends lots of time up there snagging from the banks of Truman.
  18. I would like to come down too, but my girlfriend is graduating the day before and then I will be up all night long at the project graduation thingy. I won't even be alive enough to goto the Maramec Springs kids day because of all of this.
  19. They did really well last Saturday for the tournament they held. Are you snagging in the Snagmasters Tournament? I'd like to go, but I think I am chasing turkeys that day instead. They did really well last Saturday for the tournament they held. Are you snagging in the Snagmasters Tournament? I'd like to go, but I think I am chasing turkeys that day instead. Good luck, I hope you catch a big one.
  20. I didn't hear much about the crappie or white bass this past weekend when we were down there. There was quite a few bass rigs flying up and down the James Sunday and lots of people beating the crappie beds. Me and two other guys went down to snag some paddlefish though and we did well. We got 13 paddlefish in two days ranging from one that was 33" on up to 65 pounds.
  21. Send some of those fillets my way. Boy, that sure does sound good. I've only ate walleye once, but boy it sure was good I remember.
  22. You're right about the lashing out do to anger part Terry. I do tend to do that sometimes. I just am not a very forgiving person. It's just my nature. If somebody does something to me or anybody else that I don't care for, I can have hard feelings for quite a while. Aside from that, I try to do anything for anybody and lend a helping hand anytime I can. I'm just a bear when somebody or something gets on my bad side. I don't your're wrong in your words of wisdom Terry. Like I said, I just have a hard time forgiving somebody after they do something, even if they truely have changed. Dad always told me to "think before you act" because thinking one thing and doing something are two totally different things and sometimes doing something you will regret later on maybe never be forgotten or forgiven.
  23. This is just a shame. Some wackjob has to ruin the lives of so many just to do what he thinks is the "right" thing to do in his mind. I don't understand what can drive a person to this level. People blame video games, but I think it has more to do than that because a person can't be in good mental health to do this. I've played shooting games all of my life with plenty of blood and guts involved and I don't let it hamper my views of reality in any way. My prayers go out to all that are affected by this tragic event. I hope the shooter has wonderful time burning in hell.
  24. My buddy, his dad, and I snagged Saturday and Sunday. We landed 13 paddlefish between those two days. The fish ranged from 35 pounds up to 65 pounds. All of the fish were caught between Carr Bottoms and the Walnut Springs launch ramp. We hit more fish than we boated. For some reason, our fish hit to fish boated ratio was the worse its ever been this weekend. The funny thing about it is that we was told that nobody had been catching any paddlefish. Also, nobody else was doing nearly as good as we did. One boat caught two fish on Saturday night and also had one fish on Sunday. A pontoon that had about 8 people snagging at once also landed ONE fish. Nobody else had anything that we seen.
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