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Everything posted by MOsmallies

  1. Yeah those fish were fun to catch! Still thinking about fighting that big smallie. I'm very lucky to have been able to fish with Smalliebigs for the past 5 years as he really does know the Ozarks like the back of his hand. Oh and the rum was darn good as well. Smalliebigs makes some mean river dribble! Paul MOsmallies
  2. That fish looks a little skinny, but I think you're being modest or have a bad scale when you say she was only 3 1/4 lbs. A 22 inch largemouth should be at least 5 lbs if not more. I'd say that fish is at least close to 5 lbs. Nice fish for sure! And catching it on topwater makes it even better! Thanks for sharing. Paul MOsmallies
  3. Yeah Hello, You Got 'Em!
  4. I sent you a PM
  5. Just joined this forum and I'm really enjoying it already. I was just wondering if anyone has been doing some river smallmouth fishing. I don't want locations, but just want to know how people are doing in general and what's been working for you right now. I've been either fishing topwater, or fishing in riffles and current. I don't want to disturb any spawning fish. Been catching very few on spooks and poppers, and most of my fish have been caught drifting and twitching tubes in fast, deep water. No monsters this year, with the biggest only going 14, but the fish are all veryThanks for any feedback! MOsmallies
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