Wow. I could not agree more nor can I say "Why I Fish" any better. You sir have the same heart as I do as it goes with fishing, hunting an so on. For my own part, I enjoy the spiritual side of my outdoor life mainly because I feel removed from the distraction of the world and I have the opportunity and pleasure of being close to my Savior Jesus Christ. So often I am sad to admit that I do not find the time I know My Lord wants of me to talk with Him and know that He is with me. Kowing that He already understands that gives me confort, but it is so refreshing for me to go trout fishing and perhaps not catch a single fish but feel so satisfied. Thank you for this post. Even though I am sitting in an office at the moment, I can smell, hear and almost taste Roaring River State Park.... and my spirit is full.
Hope all is well in your world.