Hi to all!
I may be the troller Phil is referring to in the last post to this thread although the reference to a Gentleman threw me at fist.
When I am trolling it is generally with a F4 silver Flatfish on two pound test Vanish flourocarbon. I place a small swivel in the line to minimize line twist and place about three BB size split shot just below the swivel. The split shot helps to cast the Flatfish out further and then helps it to run a little deeper in the water. I estimate that this rig runs about 5 to 8 feet deep.
Because of my inability to stand or walk for any length of time I am pretty much limited to fishing from a boat. Trolling is just one of many techniques that I use. As Phil Lilley has already mentioned, jig fishing can be very effective. And there is a multitude of other lures, spinners, etc., that you can use.
Hope this helps.
Bill Saenger