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Bill Saenger

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Everything posted by Bill Saenger

  1. My trout fishing is aqlmost entirely with two and four pound Vanish and I use the palomar knot. I have never experienced a knot failure with this knot when correctly tied. After tying give the line a firm pull to check that the knot is secure. Bill Saenger
  2. Phil, I agree completely with your comment about the wind and boat control. Last week almost all of my fishing was done trolling because that gave me the best chance of keeping my boat in the best locations. Even then between the force of the water often driving the boat to the bank and the wind erratically doing the same, it was hard to keep the boat and lure in the best location. I got many very close up views of the overhanging brush and trees. I tried a few other techniques other than trolling but for the most part inability to keep the boat in the desired area and at the same time fish was just too much. Bill Saenger
  3. I fished Tuesday through Friday last week mostly trolling a gold F4 Flatfish on 4lb Vanish with a small swivel and three split shot just below the swivel. Most of my fishing took place below Fall Creek and above Monkey Island. Fish were far and few between but I did catch enough for three of us to enjoy a good fish fry Saturday night along with a few throw backs. The best area was from Fall Creek to the for the College of the Ozarks pump house . I did get into a few fish in the sunken logs above Monkey Island one afternoon. I did go up above the old KOA campground in the trophy area once and trolled down without success. Slow, slow, slow. I did hear of a possibly knowledgeable person who claimed that MDC had not released any fish this spring. I take comments like this very lightly until I can confirm them. Has anybody heard anything about this? This was my fist time on the lake since November and I observed that a lot of the sunken logs that had been around for at least a few years previous are now gone or at least moved on. I am hoping that my next venture out in a few weeks will come with reduced water flow and I can better see where the logs now are. Bill Saenger
  4. I managed to get in a few hours of fishing on a couple of days during the past two weeks between Fall Creek and Monkey Island and one thing that struck me is that I did not see a single heron. Normally at this time of year there would be so many that they are almost a nuisance. Does anybody know where they have gone? Bill Saenger
  5. Phil, Thanks for posting the many pictures of the lake during the draw down. I regret that I cannot be there during this event as it is a great opportunity to observe many of the normally underwater features in the lake. Bill Saenger
  6. Phil, With all of the recent heavy water flow in the lake have you been able to see any noticeable decline in the amount of bottom vegetation? It has been several weeks since I have been able to view the lake cams. Is there a problem at your end or should I be looking for one at my end. Best, Bill Saenger
  7. I have seen him to the past week or so. I also think I saw a post on this forum some time ago where somebody else mention seeing him. I've been calling him "Ole Angle Back". Bill Saenger
  8. Hi to all! I may be the troller Phil is referring to in the last post to this thread although the reference to a Gentleman threw me at fist. When I am trolling it is generally with a F4 silver Flatfish on two pound test Vanish flourocarbon. I place a small swivel in the line to minimize line twist and place about three BB size split shot just below the swivel. The split shot helps to cast the Flatfish out further and then helps it to run a little deeper in the water. I estimate that this rig runs about 5 to 8 feet deep. Because of my inability to stand or walk for any length of time I am pretty much limited to fishing from a boat. Trolling is just one of many techniques that I use. As Phil Lilley has already mentioned, jig fishing can be very effective. And there is a multitude of other lures, spinners, etc., that you can use. Hope this helps. Bill Saenger
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