It can only be a few different things.
1) Someone recently purchased about 30 acres to the west of the Old Settler's Picnic Grounds. This is actually Jones Creek. I am not certain, but I am fairly sure that Jones Creek is not navigable below I-44, and technically this would be trespass. I am uncertain of the new landowner.
2) The land to the east of the Old Settler's Picnic grounds (on the old Highway) is owned by the family who had the old blueberry and strawberry patch and the turkey barns. I won't use their name here. He has, in the past, run off people before. Typically, if someone reasonable talks to him he lightens up a little. However, I have never known him to call the authorities. He owns the land to the north of the Old Highway between I-44. I believe this stretch is navigable, and therefore there would be no trespassing on this stretch if they were in the stream.
3) If they were to the south of the old Highway (east of the Old Settler's Picnic Grounds) I am uncertain of the landowner. I believe Chief indicated he has dealt with this owner before and he is cool about fishing on his land.
4) To the best of my knowledge, Felix owns the land above I-44 on Jenkins Creek and he is cool with fishing, he just requires prior permission.
In related news...I fished my dad's portion of Jones and all I caught were some good sized redhorse suckers. I think the smallies are between I-44 and Center Creek on Jones these days. Directly to the south of the bridge on the Old Settler's Picnic grounds, some good friends of ours own that land. He claims he caught some spotted bass there. He may have...I am going to check it out next weekend.