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Everything posted by OSUCowboyinSPFD

  1. Will be in Branson over the holiday with the family. Anyone know of a good place serving thanksgiving lunch, other than the Keeter Center? We are looking for a good, quiet place. Thanks!
  2. We use Ed Chapko at least once a year. He always puts us on the fish and is great to work with. E & C Striper Guides. Check em out on the web.
  3. It can only be a few different things. 1) Someone recently purchased about 30 acres to the west of the Old Settler's Picnic Grounds. This is actually Jones Creek. I am not certain, but I am fairly sure that Jones Creek is not navigable below I-44, and technically this would be trespass. I am uncertain of the new landowner. 2) The land to the east of the Old Settler's Picnic grounds (on the old Highway) is owned by the family who had the old blueberry and strawberry patch and the turkey barns. I won't use their name here. He has, in the past, run off people before. Typically, if someone reasonable talks to him he lightens up a little. However, I have never known him to call the authorities. He owns the land to the north of the Old Highway between I-44. I believe this stretch is navigable, and therefore there would be no trespassing on this stretch if they were in the stream. 3) If they were to the south of the old Highway (east of the Old Settler's Picnic Grounds) I am uncertain of the landowner. I believe Chief indicated he has dealt with this owner before and he is cool about fishing on his land. 4) To the best of my knowledge, Felix owns the land above I-44 on Jenkins Creek and he is cool with fishing, he just requires prior permission. In related news...I fished my dad's portion of Jones and all I caught were some good sized redhorse suckers. I think the smallies are between I-44 and Center Creek on Jones these days. Directly to the south of the bridge on the Old Settler's Picnic grounds, some good friends of ours own that land. He claims he caught some spotted bass there. He may have...I am going to check it out next weekend.
  4. Denjac, PM. I know the guy and his son-in-law. My family has lived on Jones Creek for 70+ years nearby. I might be able to help. Thanks, Jeff
  5. You must be a sooner... Just kidding, thanks for the advice. I may take a couple of the rock bass, but I put all the smallmouth I catch back.
  6. Sometime in May...probably one of the last two weekends
  7. A group of friends and I are planning a float from Brownbranch to Bradleyville. We are camping at Beaver Creek Canoe Rental right there at Brownbranch. Any recommendations on fishing would be appreciated. Species, strategy, etc. Never floated Beaver Creek before and am looking for help. Thanks, Jeff
  8. I was wondering about chasing some whites, but I have gotten the trout bug as of late and have been trying to feed that addiction. I figure it is only a matter of time before I don the fly rod, but I won't before Saturday morning. I didn't buy Simms. I bought a pair of dogwood canyon breathables...I am sure that I am wearing off label stuff, but you should see some of the water gaps I cross on the Jones Creek feeding into Center Creek. If I rip a pair of $75 waders I will be mad. If I rip a pair of $600 waders I may prick myself with texas rig hook until I die
  9. Dear all, Just got a new set of waders and boots for smallmouth fishing on streams around my Dad's place in Jasper County. I hate to disturb the smallies this time of year because they are generally on their beds trying to spawn. I would like to test out my new gear, but I am not a fly fisherman. If I go to the wading areas at Taneycomo with a spin rod and some jigs am I first legal, and secondly is it a waste of time? Curious as to everyone's thoughts. Thanks, Jeff
  10. Long and short...Went to the boat ramp at the Hatchery. Everybody and their brother was there. No real good spots for some bank fishing. Went to Cooper Creek...everybody and their brother was at the fishing dock. Went to the downtown Branson area. Didn't look like the best fishing. Went to Empire District Park by Forsythe. There was more room, but the fishing was really crappy, at least in my opinion. I have all of one fishing trip on Taneycomo, but I believe the best way to fish Taneycomo is by boat, with the exception of wade fly fishing below the dam. I would love to hear others opinions on bank fishing and public access, though. Thanks, Jeff
  11. I may sound dumb, but what is a cloe or a little jake? Thanks for the help, btw. Jeff
  12. I fished Taneycomo for the first time on New Years. We rented a jonboat from Lilley's and had a great time. Kudos to the staff at Lilley's. They are first class. I am thinking about coming down solo tomorrow. I am not much of a wader. Is the bank fishing at Cooper Creek worth the trouble? I was wanting to throw jigs and then some bait if I am unable to catch anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
  13. Thanks...I have a firearms any deer tag that was remains unfilled, so I should be good to go. I was thinking of somewhere south of the Crabtree Cove point. It appears to be more accessible by land. Any luck there? Thanks for the help, btw.
  14. Anyone hunt this area? Any help on places to deer hunt, etc.? I am thinking about trying to fill my firearms tag with an doe in Cedar County around the lake. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Hey guys, new to forum. My family has lived on the Jones Creek for 75+ years. We are about 1/4 mile north of the County Line Bridge (the old Goose Creek bridge for those that can remember those days). Where are the good spots for fishing on the creek? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeff
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