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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Drbucketmouth57

  1. What pig? No pic.
  2. Another reason to de-barb hooks.
  3. Thanks!
  4. Now you know I'm not giving that up!
  5. Caught this and 40 others the other day!
  6. Yep those fish will make ya smile.
  7. I don't remember ever seeing anything in the conservation codes that say you can't take a picture of your catch regardless of whether it's "legal" or not. I've released unharmed more fish in a season than alot of people catch in a lifetime so please hold your comments about how I should conduct my business and worry less about mine and maybe a little more about yours.
  8. Well I came away catching 48 hybrid Bass and 6 largemouth a fairy good morning.
  9. This happened 9-27-16 on the lower section of the Osage!
  10. Caught those on trap type baits! No whites all brids . We we up at the "Hill"

  11. Caught 62 yesterday. A little slow but its getting there.
  12. I bet the creek comes up now!
  13. You should have seen that fish take off once it realized it was hooked!
  14. What I was doing on the first Sunday of deer season!
  15. Somewhere on my favorite river! Yesterday
  16. If anyone is in need of a boat mechanic in the greater central mo. area may I recommend the guy I use for all my boat repairs. Sims marine in Gravios Mills Mo.aka on the forum as Fishnwrench. Very happy with his work. This guy is the real deal. No bs what so ever.
  17. http://m.columbiatribune.com/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/state-agency-s-stance-on-asian-carp-is-fishy/article_d6d03434-a6bf-11e2-b075-10604b9f7e7c.html
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