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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by BrianK

  1. I agree. Great meeting up with you guys - Matt from Oklahoma, Capt E and his son, Don and Leonard. Had a ball. The fish didn't cooperate with me as much as a couple wks ago...I only managed to get about 6-7 to hand. started fishing at 10 with 1 gen on. Didn't catch the first fish till about 130 up by the cable. I almost took a big swim up there. The bite definitely picked up after 2-3 am but couldn't seem to stick em. I'd get a few hits on whichever new fly I tried then they'd shut off. Seemed like a white sculpin did better than anything. Sorry fellas, had to cut out 'early' at 4am....long drive back home. Took a quick nap and when i drove out at 630 I saw Leonard's van still there.....did things pick up more?? sounds like a better nite last nite. Looking ahead to next visit. Brian Matt- I'm wondering if your daughter(or Timeline) is looking for someone for us (Westlake - Laurie, MO) I think we have a standing order in to them. small world huh.
  2. thanks Leonard, nice fat brown pic by the way..... hopefully see you down there tonite. guess i'll just head down and hope for the best. Is it worth bringing the boat just in case they only go down to about 2 units???? that would at least give some access to some more water down by the ramp, big hole, etc.... just a thought. b
  3. I'll try to make it tonite maybe 10 -11ish. Doesn't look like they ever shut the water off last nite completely. Anyone have the inside scoop? or a 'feel' for what they'll do tonite. Hate to drive 2 1/2 hrs to find too much water to fish........ I'll listen to the ph#. What's the maximum water level again to wade??? Looking forward to meeting some new folks. Brian
  4. very interesting........ nice fish.....i noticed no one mentioned anything about holding the fish close to the camera (couldn't resist) or the quality of the pic....hmmmm : ) welcome Tisha. bk
  5. i've never heard of a vehicle 'jumping' out of park even on a steep incline. Especially on a new vehicle. yeah, kinda scary. even most parking brakes i've known let the vehicle roll back when taken out of park.
  6. ok so i'm wasting some time here.... if your fingers are about the same size as mine then the fish measures out at about 18 3/4 " ....looks longer than that though. let me know if my theory works... bk
  7. Looks somewhere between 18 and 38". I'd guess at 22ish. Nice fish! bk
  8. Michael did you fish too????? how'd you do? Looking forward to getting back down. Any thoughts or dates yet for Nite Seminar Part Deaux??? b
  9. when all else fails i'll fall back on the old egg patterns too- pink, peach, etc..... or maybe when the egg fails, i'll go to all the above ; ) I didn't get a report out but last day i was down was Sat Jun 30th just before the skies opened up. Water was in good shape and very clear but didn't do all that well. Caught 3 fish at The Falls on.....pink egg. Fished the other good riffle/ run below the falls (Jack's riffle i think?) for a while but no luck. Rained about 3 inches that pm and the river turned into a raging mess before my eyes. Hopefully the flush will help some. B
  10. I've also wanted to float thru FLW but haven't yet. I've heard mixed things on floating thru it since 9/11....wonder if anyone has lately? You might want to call FLW Outdoor Rec or Rich's (or MDC) to see if there is any restriction. I wouldn't think there could be since you can't really get off the river until you get thru the Fort...just a thought though. I've mainly been on the stretch from 6Crossings to Ross. Good smallies but LOTS of canoes on the wknd. NO JETS though which is nice. Gavin's lure suggestions pretty much cover it.... Let us know how it turns out. B
  11. Sounds like Michael has ruined another guys' perfectly good daytime fishing habit! Good report. Glad you were able to stay down there all wknd and good to meet you Fri pm. Brian
  12. I agree Terry. Great info last nite. I showed up a little late but the on-water tips more than made up for it. I'd tried Taney at nite 3 times prior to last nite with minimal success....let's just say last nite was a different story. It was the little things that made the difference....the strip set, throwing a little mend in to get the fly deeper, etc. Not to mention Michael's go to spots. oh and the mohair leech helped too. ok everything made the difference. Thanks again Michael and everyone who came out and helped us new guys last pm. Be back soon. Brian
  13. Wow. I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome from last nite. My day is shot. I'm ruined now . I'm exhausted beyond belief but can't sleep due to excess coffee consumption....I'm ready to go back tonite! Beyond that....was a fantastic nite. Bunch of great guys and LOTS of fish caught. Thanks Michael and everyone for some good teachin. I'm trying to talk my wife into a date nite on Taney soon. I'd recommend making it to Part II of the seminar if you can! I'll leave it to someone else to give the details of the report. I just fell asleep..... Brian
  14. you guys catching LM, smallies or spots on Taney? or mixed bag. just curious. b
  15. i'm still a go for the whole shebang tonite. looking forward to meeting some of the forum folks.... Michael, how many plan to fish???? Brian
  16. Hey Brian, Are you around this wknd? Coming down tonite and plan to fish down to Blair or Patrick tomorrow. I'll try to be fishing Casey riffle, the alley and falls at first light and work our way down...... If you are on the river say 'HI' if you see 2 guys, 3 boys and a brittany floating by. bk
  17. Good report. sounds like they are being a little fussy. Haven't been down in a while but by the gauge, looks like flows are lower than i would have expected...how's the river lookin?
  18. Anyone been on the upper river lately (between Thomasville and Cane Bluff)? wading or floating? Enough rain down there lately to keep flows up? Was thinking about making a return trip and don't mind dragging through some skinny cow-infested water to get to the better flows a few miles down...just hoping it's not suicide! would do it with a much lighter load this time. How about Cane to Greer? any reports? Hey Brian, think you can work in a shuttle this wknd? thanks, Brian
  19. Well at least the Niangua isn't getting overfished this year! Haven't been on it since April but looks like it's been flooded so frequently that it's kept the fishing pressure down. Hope to get on it last wknd of June.
  20. check out the previous thread on Hwy 7 to 17. I did the 7 to Caveman stretch a week and a half ago and it was some nice water with not too many folks. Fishing was off though b/c of hi dingy water. worth another look though.
  21. RR, what kind of kayak did you buy? I have an old beat up wilderness systems tandem that's nice for more space. Took it out for an hr or so this pm on LOZ just to paddle around and wet a line. Such a difference in speed with little effort compared to the canoe. Glad you caught some fish today. doesn't sound like they were super active today either... I havent been on the osage fk yet this yr. anyone been out there? It's probably flowing pretty darn good this yr too. Need to check out the lower 2 accesses before dumps into Gasc. Have mainly been from DryKnob down and HwyB up..... bk
  22. I also like a bait i can see and watch the fish crush it! I probably give up some numbers of fish though since i am stubborn and try to will the fish to hit it. Small spooks but also got hooked on Tiny Torpedos last summer when i got on a great topwater bite! pretty versatile bait...steady retrieve, twitch it, chug it, walk it, etc... Also soft plastic on a jig head. 2" craws or twister tails
  23. how'd you do? I'd think the water would be back up again with rain on Sunday...... did you just paddle up river or have someone shuttle you?
  24. Made it out Sat the 9th from Hwy 7 to Rochester. Weather perfect, nice stretch of water, but water still hi and very cloudy from last wknds rains. Started with only 2' visibility but was improving by the time we got off the river at noonish. The fish must have all been asleep or were just not hungry at all. Only caught a handful of smallies and a few assorted panfish. No one was having much luck. Threw everything I had but just not interested. One of my slower days in a few yrs on the river..... Good motivation to get back out there! Thanks guys for all the help. Nice section of river. B
  25. hey riverrat- Is the Rochester Rd access fairly public??? Any problem leaving a vehicle there? enough room? I'm looking at just driving 2 vehicles tomorrow. Gasc Hills doesn't go below Hwy 7 and they don't shuttle your vehicle anymore. May just be my wife and me. Sounds like you are working....let me know if you can get out. thanks- Brian
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