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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by nwaoutdoorsman

  1. Someone smarter than me may be able to elaborate on this a little better than me, but one trick I have done in recent years is to clip weights on their pelvic fins and keep them in the livewell with chemicals and ice. After losing a few tournament fish I found that if I could keep them off their side and upright their survival rate increased dramatically. Fish that were borderline dead would come back and be full of pep by the time weigh in rolled around. I haven't lost one since I started doing this. All you need are some lead weights with small alligator clips attached. Clip them on the pelvic fins and it will work. I've even released a few fish with the weights still attached. I don't believe it hurts them and that they'll eventually throw them off once they regain their strength( I hope they do anyways). Like I said, someone may have something more than can add or this may have been posted before and old news. Just thought I'd pass it along.
  2. I have a 10ft 2 man bass raider for sale. I bought it new earlier this spring and I just don't use it like I thought I would. Wired for trolling motor and graph. And includes a motorguide 40lb digital varimax trolling motor, pro guide deep cycle battery, two seats, rod holders and a lowrance 5x fishfinder. I've used it 3 times. Fishes very well and the trolling motor pushes it right along really well. 10ft Bass Raider at Academy 499.00 Motorguide 40lb TM at Bass Pro 249.00 Pro Guide Battery 89.00 Lowrance 5x at Bass Pro 159.00 Total = 996.00 plus tax I'm asking 750.00. My loss is your gain. Its located in Springdale, AR. You can reach me at 479-790-2576. Thanks!
  3. I've seen it come up fast before, but never like this. I just checked it and at 6pm it was at 1129.10. Its probably close to 1130 by now. I've only been able to get out twice this year and neither time was on Beaver. I need to find some time to get out there this week.
  4. I just checked it online. Its came up a little over 4ft since 5am yesterday. Its pouring at my house again as I type this. I'm sick of it and its killing my work. Got a bad case of cabin fever too. I need some sun!
  5. We got 2" at my house day before yesterday. And since yesterday afternoon thru today we got a little over 4" so far. And they're calling for another 3-4 days of this junk. I'm tired of it. Ready for some sun.
  6. Anyone know what it took to win? Who won? The weights for 2nd 3rd etc?
  7. Thanks for the info. I know JR. He's a character and a great fisherman. Glad someone I know won it. I heard it had been tough out there and everyone figured the weights would be low. A few guys I had talked to thought 13-14lbs might win it. I haven't been in awhile. Got to go one evening for a couple hours, but thats it. Maybe in a couple more weeks I'll have work caught up and can get out. Thanks again for the info.
  8. I'm with you! I'd like to see it drop 6 feet too, but I'll settle for it being outta the bushes.
  9. Just curious who won the chamber tournament and what it took to win? Anyone know any details?
  10. I heard they were gonna drop it 6 feet over the next week and would be generating 18 hours a day. Last time I checked it was about 1123 so that'll put it at 1117. I wonder when the last time it was at 1117 this time of year? We might actually be able to night fish this year. The last few years have sucked at night for me with it being so high. I was glad to hear they're dropping it.
  11. I saw a flier for 'em at Hook Line and Sinker yesterday. Didn't notice the dates though.
  12. You guys are making me wish I could get out there. But not for awhile now, I started a new remodel today so my schedule is work work work. I'll have to live thru you guys for awhile. Maybe next week I can get out a day or two while the sheetrockers are there, but its not likely. Theres always a problem! Good luck guys! I hope ya'll catch a bunch!
  13. You can send me your email address and I'll send them to you if you like. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had to join photobucket to view them.
  14. 14ft flatbottom for sale, its in good condition. It has 2 tracker seats in it, a lowrance X135 graph with transducer and water temp, paddle, 2 batteries, a 50lb minn kota endura thats been used maybe a half dozen times. Everything works great! I just never use it and its taking up room in my shop. Asking 500.00 for everything! Located in Springdale, AR. Just leave me a PM if your interested. http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n108/nwaoutdoorsman/flatbottom001.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n108/nwaoutdoorsman/flatbottom002.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n108/nwaoutdoorsman/flatbottom003.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n108/nwaoutdoorsman/flatbottom004.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n108/nwaoutdoorsman/flatbottom005.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n108/nwaoutdoorsman/flatbottom007.jpg
  15. My buddy went out again today and caught some more spawners. Said he caught several on a shakey head again and had a couple 3 lbers and several 2's. We also saw several crappie on beds yesterday if anyones interested. They were in about a foot of water. We kept saying we were gonna go back and try to catch 'em but never did. Not sure when I'll get back out. I dont care to fish on the weekends much and Monday I start a remodel on a house, so I'll be busy for awhile. Spent today building flower beds and setting out bushes and tomatoe plants. Sure made the place look nice. Kinda proud of myself. Good luck if you go this weekend!
  16. Put in at lost bridge south this morning. Beautiful morning, water temp was 63 when I launched. I went and throw a grub for a hour or so trying to catch some smallmouth and they just weren't cooperating, so I pulled up in a pocket and there were beds everywhere. I saw 3 brownies that were about 3-4 lbs a piece, but that they scattered like a covey of quail as soon as they saw the boat. I tried throwing a senko for awhile and that didn't work out for me either. Then a buddy called and ended up meeting me at the ramp. We went to a spawning cove and found spots and largemouth all over on beds. And then he proceeded to put on a sight fishing clinic while I watched and took my whooping. He caught a 4 plus LM and a 3 plus spot and alot of a 14-16 inchers of all three species. I'm not sure how many he caught, but it was alot more than my dozen or so dinkers. I did catch one off a bed with him coaching me and he finally says "jerk" cause the fish had it and I just couldn't see it. His eyes are just better than mine. We tried the grub off and on all day with near zero results until the last hour of daylight. He also put on a shakey head worm clinic while again I watched. I caught a few but I just don't have the touch when it comes to finesse techniques. Give me a blade, crankbait or buzzbait and I'm happy. But it was a great learning experience. I learned a few things about sight fishing and shakey head fishing so it was a successful day. We did go back to where I saw the 3 big brownies on beds, but they were nowhere to be found. Had he not showed up I would have went searching for a bite more towards my strengths and not taken the time to learn something new. Now I just need to get back out there and practice on my own. May try to go this weekend. Had a camping trip planned to go to buffalo river but with the increasing chance of rain I think we've ditched that plan. So, I might as well go fishing. Hope everyone gets to go this weekend and catches 'em good. Good luck!
  17. Sweet! Sounds like things are starting to happen. I'm gonna try to get out there tomorrow. I had my tooth fixed today which is what kept me from going yesterday. I had an absessed tooth and they did a root canal at 8 this morning. I dont reccommend starting off the day that way. I have to go back and get a crown in a couple weeks. But thats off the subject. Sorry! I'm pumped up about getting out there. I stink at bed fishing but I can usually catch a few pitching a senko where I think I bed might be. I'm looking forward to getting out there! Thanks for the report!
  18. Jeb, I've been there a few times myself....hawksbill craig. Thats a nice place. We were further east this past weekend. South of Western Grove around the Carver area at Gene Rush wma. Beautiful country! I love going over there in the fall and listen to the elk bugle. Never spent much time there in the spring, but it sure was nice this past weekend. Wish I was still there.
  19. Your right! I am truly blessed to be able to do all that I do. Thank the Good Lord for blessing me and my family.
  20. Short trip! Got the boat hooked up and gear loaded and never left the driveway. Had something come up, so I guess it'll be a few days before I can get on the water. Thats ok, its still gonna be a nice day!
  21. I haven't been out in a few days so I think I'll get out and go for the day. Its suppose to be absolutely beautiful again, so if the fish don't cooperate at least I'll get a tan. I spent the last few days camped out over near the buffalo river turkey hunting with my buddies. My nephew killed a bird Sunday morning, but thats all that we got. I worked 3 big toms Sunday up to 60 yards and heard a dozen more, but just couldn't do anything with 'em. It was a great time and I can't wait to go back. May even go back this weekend and take the wife. Camp and maybe fish a little in the river over there this time. Today I think I'll go up around Clifties and Lost Bridge South. I'll post a report later on what I did or didn't catch. Hope everyone has a great day and gets to enjoy this great weather.
  22. Looking for a camper shell that fits an 04 gmc sierra swb. Needs to be white fiberglass and within a couple hours of the Fayetteville area. 479-790-2576 John
  23. Sounds like you guys had a great day. Thats awesome!
  24. I was able to get out for awhile today. It was absolutely beautiful! All except the wind, which was brutal. Had a decent day with several fish and enough keepers for a limit. Caught fish on a jerkbait, wiggle wart and a couple on a spinnerbait. Probably threw the spinnerbait to much and the jerkbait not enough, but I love to throw a blade and with all the wind I couldn't stop. Best bite was definitely the jerkbait. Wiggle wart produced my best fish which would have went close to 4lbs. Fished from Ventris to Horseshoe Bend. Water temps around Ventris were 51-53 this morning and around Horseshoe it was 55-57 this afternoon. These warm days and especially these warmer nights are gonna turn things on in a hurry. I hope to get out tomorrow afternoon, Friday and this weekend. I'm really looking forward to each day progressing. I fished channel swings and bluff ends mostly. Fished a couple banks leading into spawning coves, but no backends. I'll be checking those out in the next few days and I think they'll start producing if they're not already. Now, I just have to decide where to go the next few days. I'm thinking I'll head down around Hickory Creek a day and I wanna go to Rocky Branch area a day. Looking forward to it. Hope everyone gets to go in the beautiful weather. Just make sure you have a full charge on those batteries cause your gonna need 'em. Good luck!
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